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falfil - 2014-03-01 8:25 PM


mine's a left hand drive , so your saying if I speak with a french accent I'll be alright ?


No, don't do that. You'll sound like one of those clowns on 'Allo. Allo' and the French don't like people who make a mug out of them. Just try passing off a 10 French Frank coin as a 1 Euro one and you'll see what I mean.

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rolandrat - 2014-03-01 8:40 PM


Auto-Trail v Hymer no contest. Hymer every time


Does that explain why Hymer owners don't like to acknowledge other MH owners - they think they're superior or something?


Well, I'll have you know that just because I can only afford an old Commer self-build, I'm as good as anyone else. Even the Caravan Club acknowledged that when they allowed me to join - mind you, they did want a lot of info and pictures, but eventually after weeks of correspondence I got my membership card.


Just a pity their camp-site wardens often turned up their noses at my old rig and forced me to pitch in the most inhospitable and out of sight parts of their sites. I say 'their sites' but really they were 'our sites' as we're the ones who pay their wages. Funnily enough, every time I had to remind one of these opinionated Hitlers of that fact, they always staretd bleating on about how little they actually did get paid - as if I, a poor OAP on basic State Pension was as rich as Croesus.

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falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


But just wait until you find out the cost of servicing it!


EDIT: Oh, surprise, surprise, you're not going to bother. After all, it's done only 25,000 miles so why bother having the cambelt changed.

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Guest pelmetman
falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


How about some pictures then, for us people who appreciate classic camper porn? :D........................

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pelmetman - 2014-03-01 8:56 PM


falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


How about some pictures then, for us people who appreciate classic camper porn? :D........................


'Cos he really bought an old Commer and is just coming it.


Maybe he'll wave to me in mine as we pass - remember to change down into third and give it lots of welly when passing, and just ignore the blue smoke.

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Guest pelmetman
falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


How about some pictures then, for us folk who appreciate classic camper porn? :D........................


Now that's a first a repeat post............. split by an answer :D ..................

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falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


No, no, no, no. Never The Old Bus FFS. Always, always The Hymer. Pay attention, you will never fit in calling it The Old Bus.


And if I were you I would never admit that you paid £5,000 for it. Say it's a very valuable classic and Hoomer want it for their collection at Bad Whatsit.

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tugga - 2014-03-01 8:57 PM


I have always noticed that Hymer owners are a breed of their own. We always refer to ours as "The Campa" or "Helga" and quite frankly its just a motorhome!


Why give it a name at all? Why not just refer to it as 'the van'?

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Hey Seannaccie , dont be so down mate , there must be a really old Hymer out there waiting for you , or on the other hand a mate of mine has nicked a few badges and I'm sure he'll do a good rate for an OAP , bit of bostick and your Commers a HYMER , jeez I hate to see old people depressed , still I suppose its a good advert for euthanaisa
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erneboy - 2014-03-01 9:01 PM


falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


No, no, no, no. Never The Old Bus FFS. Always, always The Hymer. Pay attention, you will never fit in calling it The Old Bus.


And if I were you I would never admit that you paid £5,000 for it. Say it's a very valuable classic and Hoomer want it for their collection at Bad Whatsit.


My old Commer is a classic, but no-one would pay me 5 grand for it.


They must have seen him coming.

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falfil - 2014-03-01 9:03 PM


Hey Seannaccie , dont be so down mate , there must be a really old Hymer out there waiting for you , or on the other hand a mate of mine has nicked a few badges and I'm sure he'll do a good rate for an OAP , bit of bostick and your Commers a HYMER , jeez I hate to see old people depressed , still I suppose its a good advert for euthanaisa


I'll give you euthanasia. Just you wait 'till you get to my age. On the other hand, were I your age, you wouldn't dare speak to me like that . All you youngsters are the same these days, all piss and vinegar, but just you wait, if you're lucky you'll get to my age then let's see how you like being cheeked by young 'uns and if it wasn't for folk like me, you'd all be speaking German and driving on the wrong side of the road.

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Guest pelmetman
erneboy - 2014-03-01 9:01 PM


falfil - 2014-03-01 8:51 PM


I'm beginning to feel much easier now , in fact for the first time in my life I feel superior and the old bus only cost me £5000 B-)


No, no, no, no. Never The Old Bus FFS. Always, always The Hymer. Pay attention, you will never fit in calling it The Old Bus.


And if I were you I would never admit that you paid £5,000 for it. Say it's a very valuable classic and Hoomer want it for their collection at Bad Whatsit.


Bad Whatsit? 8-)....................I'm getting my threads confused :-S...................are we talking about ring pieces? (lol)

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Seannachie - 2014-03-01 9:09 PM



I'll give you euthanasia. Just you wait 'till you get to my age. On the other hand, were I your age, you wouldn't dare speak to me like that . All you youngsters are the same these days, all piss and vinegar, but just you wait, if you're lucky you'll get to my age then let's see how you like being cheeked by young 'uns and if it wasn't for folk like me, you'd all be speaking German and driving on the wrong side of the road.


Ja. Und drivink Hoomers.

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Guest pelmetman
falfil - 2014-03-01 9:12 PM


how do I do pics ?


Well you'll need a camera ;-)...................ask Frank.............HE'll do you a deal :D...........


Although judging by the pictures he's posted so far..................he's yet to attend one of his self vaunted photography courses :-| ..................

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Guest pelmetman
erneboy - 2014-03-01 9:18 PM


peletman, ring pieces are here http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/Motorhomes/Motorhome-Matters/changing-the-ringpiece-on-a-toilet/34121/31/#M413123


Funny that you should confuse ring pieces and Hoomers though. Quite Freudian, quite possibly?


Possibly :-S................as when I was young I thought a Hoomer was a Gay Hoover :$...........but then I discovered the blow button 8-)..........


I always was a self obsessed child ;-).....................when I grow up I want to be like Frank :->

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pelmetman - 2014-03-01 9:18 PM


falfil - 2014-03-01 9:12 PM


how do I do pics ?


Well you'll need a camera ;-)...................ask Frank.............HE'll do you a deal :D...........


Although judging by the pictures he's posted so far..................he's yet to attend one of his self vaunted photography courses :-| ..................



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