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Non No claims POlicy


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Judst had this e mail from Adrian Flux my previous company after I asked for proof of no claims bonus, anybody heard of this before because I havent.


We acknowledge receipt of your recent correspondence with thanks and would be obliged if you could note our comments below.


With can advise that your policy for vehicle registration WA11 KHE was a non-no claims bonus rated policy meaning nil no claims bonus was earned on this policy.


Dont see the point of that.

Wont be using Adrian flux again thats for sure, bloody angry about it, now lost 2 years no claims, crock of crap!!!!!!!!

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Comfort use net-rated premiums, meaning that they don't take into account any no-claims history, and technically, shouldn't declare any no-claims earned if you leave them.


This practice caused some furore, and they now keep a record of your initial no-claims position, and will augment it with your history with them if you leave.


(I have retrospectively taken advantage of this, having kept my previous documentation, and have written confirmation of the situation).


It would appear that Adrian Flux don't take the same approach.


If you are lucky, given the two year period, you may be able to get your new insurer to honour any bonus from your previous (to AF) insurer, as many will honour an earned NCB for up to two years - though there may be some questions about the interim period.

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Most insurers will mirror your car discount. That is what Caravan guard do. Also if you do not have a car policy then you need to prove that you were with Flux for 2 years and that you did not have a claim during that period. dosn't matter it they Flux did not give you a no claims bonus.

As has been said above there was a previous thread on this very subject, sorry that I do not know how to put a link to it, but I am sure that someone will do it for you.

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Only time I've ever come across this was with a "classic" policy when I had the old Mini - but the brokers were up-front about it, and when I sold "Baby" and got a non-classic car, they told my new insurers that I had in fact been claim-free with them.

Since "NCD" is still the norm in the market, I'd expect any insurer who doesn't use that system to flag it up very clearly when quoting, not bury it in the small print.

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milpol1 - 2014-04-07 9:41 PM


Thanks all. I have sent a srtongly worded letter, not that it will make any difference but it will keep Flux busy for 5 minutes lol


Don't just send such a letter and then do nothing - that is pointless! - if you do not hear from them within a week - ring and confirm in writing you are making a formal complaint as you were not told it was such a policy. State that if it is not resolved to your satisfaction that you reserve the right to refer your case to the FOS and ask them how they think their actions tallies with the FCA's "Treating Customers Fairly" guidelines?


Submit a formal "Subject Access Request" under the Data Protection Act (google this - there are some excellent example letters from the likes of the CAB available)


A subject access request will cost you £10 but not all companies encash your cheque - you should ask for copies of ALL correspondence, both on paper file and computer stored files, as well as any recordings of your telephone conversations.


They have a legal requirement to respond and these requests can tie a company up in knots time wise as they only have 40 days to fully respond. Otherwise they have to answer to the Information Commissioner.


If all this info proves that you were never told about the policy type and so were mis-sold it, then you will almost certainly get compensation AND Adrian Flux will most likely be required to document your no claims period.




We recently took on a case for a client - differing circumstances - where they had had to cancel a holiday due to the lady having to have an operation caused by her medication she was on for breast cancer. The company stated that in their view the two things were unrelated and so the second referral should have been itemised on the application form.


It was, but under her ongoing treatment for breast cancer. The cancer specialist referred her on for a scan - the scan was unfortunately positive - and so she was booked in for an op - and the holiday postponed.


To us the op was clearly linked to to her existing condition that she fully documented. The insurer tried to make out that it was a differing and separate condition.


We looked at the timing of the various examinations etc and the position of the insurer was untenable.


So on behalf of our clients we sent the letter re referral to the FOS and submitted a Subject Access Request.


Within the 40 days our clients had received a full refund (just over £1000) and an apology.


DO NOT let these insurers get away with this sort of behaviour - their SOP is to refuse legitimate claims because some do little more than moan or send a "Mr Angry" letter.


So send a letter by all means - but make it one that legally requires them to take you seriously!!!!





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I was with adrianflux and there is no need to use your noclaims, this is a positive, not a negative.

Itleaves you free to use it elsewhere, but you need to use it within 2 years or you lose it.

It is on your policy shedule and relevant docs that no claims is not used.

It means you either move away every 2 years or have a second car.

I had a second car.

No use complaining as it is your mistake and Flux were correct.


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gmacz - 2014-04-08 8:41 AM


No use complaining as it is your mistake and Flux were correct.


... but ONLY if this was made clear BEFORE the policy was bought.

And as I suggested before, since this system is NOT the industry norm, IMHO "made clear" has to mean more than "it was in the schedule!"

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gmacz - you obviously love Flux and why I do not understand take their side and not try to help a fellow motorhomer. Or are you just a car driver. We are all individuals and need help when up against companies. So if you can help please do so, otherwise ????.



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Have you actually asked them for letter stating your 2 claim free years with them as that together with your previous renewal should be enough to get your full no claims entitlement with another company.


Comfort as said also operate a net policy when you phone them one of the options is "press X if you would like confirmation of your no claims entitlement", if Comfort can do it I don't see why Flux can't.

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I said i was with flux, i am with saga now as i run the motorhome as only transport, so can use noclaims and it was cheaper.

I was helping fellow motorhome owner by telling him he was in the wrong and stop wasting his own time complaining.

Surely that is being helpful.

He was wrong and flux were correct, i hate all insurance companies equally.



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milpol1 - 2014-04-07 9:06 PM


Judst had this e mail from Adrian Flux my previous company after I asked for proof of no claims bonus, anybody heard of this before because I havent.


We acknowledge receipt of your recent correspondence with thanks and would be obliged if you could note our comments below.


With can advise that your policy for vehicle registration WA11 KHE was a non-no claims bonus rated policy meaning nil no claims bonus was earned on this policy.


Dont see the point of that.

Wont be using Adrian flux again thats for sure, bloody angry about it, now lost 2 years no claims, crock of crap!!!!!!!!


The point is to tie you in at renewal time I suppose.


It will be worth you asking for written confirmation that during your policy with them you have made no claims. You could then use that evidence to presnt to a prospective insurer in the same way as an NCB letter and they might well accept it - especially at a time when thy are grabbing your business for the first time. That's what happened to CC's Devitt people for me this year. They had a "we will beat your renewal by £25" offer on and they honoured it.


If your previous insurer refuses to confirm that you have had no accidnets of claims, threaten to complain to the Insurance Ombudsman and that might change their minds. Everytime someone complains about them it costs them an Ombudsman's fee.


It will be far easier/chepaer for them to cooperate.

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gmacz - 2014-04-08 3:58 PM


I said i was with flux, i am with saga now as i run the motorhome as only transport, so can use noclaims and it was cheaper.

I was helping fellow motorhome owner by telling him he was in the wrong and stop wasting his own time complaining.

Surely that is being helpful.

He was wrong and flux were correct, i hate all insurance companies equally.



Sorry gmacz but you really are talking out of your ar$e!!!


I had a policy with AF for 6 years (until very recently) and for the first couple of years the policy was with Highway Insurance and as I only found out later was 'Net' rated.

I was not told at any time when the policy was taken out that this was the case!

It was only when AF offered me a better deal with another insurer that I found out that I had not accrued any NCB over the early years and the long term effect of that.




So who is wrong and who is right? In my books AF are most certainly NOT!


And I'll also add that at NO TIME, with any of the insurers that AF placed my business with was I given the chance of 'Using' or even 'mirroring' my full protected car NCB.


It is only now that I have moved to another insurer that I realise how bad AF where, and you try contacting them, that's another matter altogether.


Rant over!!!


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Tony Jones - 2014-04-08 2:28 PM


gmacz - 2014-04-08 8:41 AM


No use complaining as it is your mistake and Flux were correct.


... but ONLY if this was made clear BEFORE the policy was bought.

And as I suggested before, since this system is NOT the industry norm, IMHO "made clear" has to mean more than "it was in the schedule!"






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