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I will be visiting Wuppertal mainly to ride the suspended railway and visit some museums. Can anyone give me details of suitable m/h parking places near one of the station, a street map, and Umwelt info. I contacted the tourist information asking for this info but only received a few advertising brochure (half of them in German)


I understand that there is a combined rail, bus, tram rover ticket and wondered where to get this from ?


Having visited most of southern Germany I am going to tour northern Germany and would welcome any suggestions of scenic areas, castles, picturesque towns etc.

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Hi Geoff,


Wuppertal is in an umweltzone. Up until 1 July a yellow or green sticker is required, then from 1 July onwards only a green sticker will allow access (in general motorhomes registered from Jan 2006 onwards qualify for a green sticker) to the city.....




Overnight parking (no facilities) for motorhomes is available in the car park on Kornstraße, Wuppertal which afaik is close to one of the train stops....






Although one of the links says it is free the other suggests an overnight fee is required so have some change ready for the ticket machine.


You will need to do a google translate on the above links unless you speak German/French.






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Hi Pete,

Thanks for the info for geoffs request...Realy useful.


Re the zone I wil be there before 1/07 so no probs with yellow umweltzone sticker. However the Stelplatz mentioned is not in the zone anyway. Sehr Gut


East Zone



West Zone



Even more West Zone.



Now al I have to do is get my high pressure Fuel pump and new water pump delivered and I can put them in the engine and rebuild the front end with all the belts etc, get MOT and new tyres on and we can be on our way Wuppertal is our 1st main heading and destination. Been one expensive year preparing the van...Oh forgot..get new foam for double mattress and dining area seats as well ... more money and will have none left to buy a ticket for the suspended bahn.

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Gosh. It is worth changing all our plans just so we can meet you there Geoff.

Not sure of your plans, but the Heinz Nixdorf Computer Forum ( Museum) in Paderborn is well worth a visit. You can park overnight at the outdoor swimbad travelling in towards town on your..thinks here.....left, or even at the Museum.

From there it is a 15 min walk into the nice interesting town with quite a lot of historical buildings. The town centre is the source of the River Pader fed by numerous springs in the town. Shortest river in Germany.


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Always willing to help out the disadvantaged or impoverished Brambles ! Many's the time I've considered putting a coin or two in a charity box !


Came across the site below and its very similiar to my intended route and given me a few ideas. Wont be dipping into Holland or Denmark but I'll be going into Luneburg, Prague, and Thuringia ( Harz mountains, Fulda etc) and heading home on the Heidelburg, Luxembourg, Namur, Tournai route.


I'm hoping to spend time in Heidelburg this year now that I've figured out the Umwelt zone and found the way into the main parking area on the south side. Ended up so frustrated last year as I came in from the north after a long drive, got totally p****** off trying to get to the Schloss from the east and went on to Erbach to cool off at the riverside stellplatz. Lovely Yorkshire prices day and night - ZILCH !



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Think we are going to try Heidelburg again as last year coiudl not find anywher to stop within reasonable distance and ebverywhere was very busy. We eventually got stopped on hil up to the castle for a break while the other two walked up to find out what was what with parking. I stayed with van as restricted zone, and eventually they came back with instructions on where to go but we never found the parking. Google Earth will be my friend again if you can give me some idea where this south side is. We did find the sort of stelplatz place next to a station but was busy and to many odd looking characters wondering about so felt it was not safe on this occassion to leave the van there. We drove on south and found a place well out of Heidelburg and enjoyed a stop for lunch and then moved on.

It also did not help I was in a filthy mood that day for some reason..probably too much driving since leaving Scotland.

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Almost like my story ! We wnet up the narrow winding street and suddenly came upon Umwelt sign. Had to past the sign to do a 3 point turn !


Anyway, the parking area is is off the L598 on Harbigwed road. Tram stop close by to town. You can buy a ticket in town for tram,castle and funicular use. It looks difficult to access from the north although it is easy to exit towards the north. It would appear the best approach is from a few miles south of the site.


I intend to park up, bike into town, get 2 rover ticket, fold the bike and get the tram back. Not laziness, neither of us can walk distances and we dont understand the fare paying systems over there.


Let me have your email and I'll send you pics and direction notes.



I've just found out that what I thought was a dead end actually goes under a bridge so you can access from the north and take the L598 from the town !!!


If you're touring Scotland you may be interested in this site




Andy is a campaigner for us M/H owners and responsible for having all NO OVERNIGHT PARKING

signs and restrictions on Scottish roads and other places removed. Currently working with him on a number of battles with various councils who dont like us going wild.

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This happened because I can see SUBMIT and PREVIEW and EDIT but not CANCEL.


How do I get out if I decide not to reply ?


Answers please on the back of a ten pound note to the usual address.

£5 reward for the 1st correct answer

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geoff - 2014-05-13 11:25 AM




This happened because I can see SUBMIT and PREVIEW and EDIT but not CANCEL.


How do I get out if I decide not to reply ?


Answers please on the back of a ten pound note to the usual address.

£5 reward for the 1st correct answer


Use your browsers 'Back' button. Simples!!!


Please pay the money to my usual off shore bank account :D

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Thank you for your reply which was the correct answer but unfortunately we are unable to enter your entry as it was not submitted in the manner specified. Please re submit as per instructions and supply your bank account details and passwords in order for us to transfer funds.


A Ken Yan & A Tric

Transfer Specialists



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This is the missing contents of my brain. This is my brain thoughts put into reality. This is so I could check the theoretical vibration frequency for my timing belt using old one. The music tone I require is G2 ...98Hz and this mock up confirmed I was indeed correct for a tension of 29Kg. The tube spanners are my 'guitar' bridges spaced same as span of belt where I am testing it.



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