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Rear View Mintor Interference


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I have purchased a cheap wireless rear view camera and monitor from ebay (Chinese special at les tha £44)


I have wired it up to use both the wireless camera and my existing wired camera.


It works perfecrtly when the engine is switched off but i get interference on both the wired and wireless cameras when the engine is on.


I know it's not the video feed so it must be affecting the power to the monitor.


My question is: Would fitting a supressor to the power to the monitor help.


As it's a diesel engine I was surprised to have any interference at all.


Thanks in advance.

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With the can buss electrical system you get high frequency modulated signals running the length of the vehicle, just turning on a side light sends a high frequency signal down to the chip that turns on the light.


The interference is probably being picked up the wifi aerials then travelling down the video cables.


You could try powering the system from a separate 12v batter completely isolated from the vehicle, if it's still there it's probably not the supply.


Also you can fit passive ground loop isolators to each end of the video cables, they are available with either phono or BNC connectors cheap on ebay.

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I can't help with the wireless rear view camera, but I had shocking interference with my hard wired system. The problem turned out to be the excess cable that I had coiled up and hidden behind the dashboard.

I cut out the excess cable and carefully soldered all the wires back together and now I have a totally clear rear view picture.

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Picked up the power feed from the lighter socket, there's not much spare wire but I may have a go at moving it about and taking the feed off the stereo. There was no interference when I used stereo as the monitor.


Can bus is a pain! That's if my 2006 has can bus

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bob b - 2014-05-13 10:59 PM


I can't help with the wireless rear view camera, but I had shocking interference with my hard wired system. The problem turned out to be the excess cable that I had coiled up and hidden behind the dashboard.

I cut out the excess cable and carefully soldered all the wires back together and now I have a totally clear rear view picture.


Was that video cable or power?

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I don't think the X244 had a Can Buss Nick will know, but doesn't alter the fact that you have interference.


Thinking about what I said earlier Ground loop isolators may not work as there main function is to get rid of earth loop effects i.e. low frequency hum, but worth trying as it would isolate the video from the power supply.

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Where have you picked up the power feed for the wireless camera?

Try running the camera from a small battery pack. This will help to eliminate the source of the interference. ie. is the interference source at the camera or monitor end.


I've never come across an interference problem with coiled cable. Good quality screened cable will not cause a problem if the surplus is coiled.

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The wireless camera was powered by my car - temporarily attached by a cigar lighter plug. As I say, it worked fine with the engine off (as did the wired camera)


There are lots of eectronic gubbins behind the dashboard, media system, camera contol box etc. I think I need a clean feed.


I looked for a way to fit the camera to the rear but had no luck - not even where the existing wired camera is. Not without drilling through the body - which I a not pepared to do. And wuld there be an existing switched live at the rear of a coachbuilt?


I am starting to lose the will to live so I may just take it to a professional to get fitted properly.

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I fit my camera to the timber curtain pelmet by means of a clamp. This means that the camera is kept clean and avoids weather damage. The clamp came off a cheap Homebase table top lamp. I just bought the lamp for the clamp......(I'm a poet and I don't know it!). 

On arrival at my destination I just unclamp & unplug the camera and stow it in a locker.

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OK to fit the camera inside the vehicle if it does not have IR night vision as this will not work through the window. Also I bet you have massive blind spots where you cannot see the lower corners of the vehicle.
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