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Auto sleeper Stratford drivers seat


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Jakey12 - 2014-06-01 4:35 PM


Hi just bought Stratford, I can drive it comfortably, husband can't push drivers seat back far enough to

Get comfy. The toilet wall is to close.

Any solutions!


Guess you get get to do all of the driving then ! aren't you lucky. Sounds like a 'Cunning plan' to me. He'll be wanting you to empty the cassette next !

No serious solutions I can think of. Bad choice of layout unfortunately. Ray

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Jakey12 - 2014-06-01 4:35 PM


Any solutions!



Probably not?


Didn't he drive it before buying it?


Talk politely to the dealer - and maybe to Autosleeper - and explore any options they might offer?


If all else fails, consider rejecting it as unfit for purpose, although with that sort of design flaw that a good test drive would have highlighted I doubt that would work?



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We liked the lay out coz we like our back doors open,

Had van conversion before. Diy. Did us well.

Thought we,d up grade, perhaps mistake, sob sob for our old girl.

Didn't know if we could get slimed down seat.


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So as long as you don't expect to enjoy driving it you have exactly what you wanted - no worries then?


No reason why you can't change the seat(s) for slimmer versions if you can find any that will fit and have suitable seat belt fixings and be type approved and crash tested for safety, legal and insurance purposes.


Be sure to keep the originals to put back when you sell it or be prepared to lose even more value.

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Would raising the seat maybe an inch possibly help? Try sitting on a cushion as a 'look see' option.


Other than that it looks like you're going to have to live with it :-(


Is this a brand new MH or 'new to you'?


Sorry I can't be much more help.


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Guest Peter James

I can't see you getting a slimmer seat that will do the job properly.

You are probably aware you can adjust the steering wheel position, but I mention it just in case.

Other than that I think you will just have to put up with it, sorry.

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Guest pelmetman
Does the seat not adjust up and down as well? :-S..................they do on my Trannies..........but they were built in the olden days :D................
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