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Unfortunately Malcolm the PC brigade stamped out laughter and any little joke that doesn't fit in with the 'not offending anybody club' isn't allowed anymore

Even the arguments used to be funny didn't they ? And of course we have a forum moderator who takes it on himself to put everybody right on everything

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There is no denying that since the return of Frank Wilkinson the forum has lost more than a few long term members who have all become casualties of his incessant attacks, rudeness arrogance and pompous ego trips.


I would imagine that newbies are put off by the fear of being needlessly attacked for saying something that he disagrees with as he is incapable of answering a post with a counter argument or without looking for hidden meanings that often don't exist so he is so often coming across as a bully rather than a contributor.


That is a shame because if he were able to communicate better much his extensive experience and knowledge would have much to offer those with questions and problems.


A soft handed and tolerant approach to moderation should make for a lively and interesting forum but the number of dormant members and members no longer contributing that this approach has brought about ought to be a worry for Warners ?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-06-29 4:22 PM


There is no denying that since the return of Frank Wilkinson the forum has lost more than a few long term members who have all become casualties of his incessant attacks, rudeness arrogance and pompous ego trips.


I would imagine that newbies are put off by the fear of being needlessly attacked for saying something that he disagrees with as he is incapable of answering a post with a counter argument or without looking for hidden meanings that often don't exist so he is so often coming across as a bully rather than a contributor.


That is a shame because if he were able to communicate better much his extensive experience and knowledge would have much to offer those with questions and problems.


A soft handed and tolerant approach to moderation should make for a lively and interesting forum but the number of dormant members and members no longer contributing that this approach has brought about ought to be a worry for Warners ?


Perhaps you can explain why Chatterbox in particular is dead, when I haven't been here for many months? Perhaps it could be the people who still dominate it?


The above is a petty attack just because you don't like me and we've clashed in the past. As for bullying, that is just insulting. Since when could you bully someone on a bloody forum? I argue logically and vigorously and that's my right.


But you also miss one main point which is that I take part in about one thread in twenty, which is the ones where I can help or have some knowledge. Most of them I ignore. Consequently I have no contact whatsoever with most 'newbies' so it's a mystery how I'm managing to scare them off!


But what's rich is this coming from you, a man who is loathed by many for his insidious and snide comments which are simply designed to stir things up and which you're a master of.


If you like I'll do a search and remind you of what Judgemental and Crinklystarfish said about you. The one where Crinkly almost pleaded with you to try to get you to stop your snide little jibes is good reading.


If there is a bully, it's you as this post clearly shows. It's a nasty personal attack from a nasty little man.


A typical Tracker post is the one where you claim that your wife has noticed that there aren't many motorhomes using campsites. That is an outright lie designed for nothing more than to counter a point that I made in that thread. Do you really expect us to believe that as you're driving along you pass a campsite your wife switches on her X-ray vision and makes a note of the site's contents?


Most campsites are hidden from view on main roads and those that aren't have many obstacles in the way of viewing the site, bushes, trees, reception buildings etc.


"Oh look dear, we're coming to a campsite, have a look and see how many motorhomes are on it?" Yea, I'm sure we all believe you!


Your sick-making new tag line doesn't impress me. You haven't changed, you're still the same nasty, stirring and snide little creep who is detested by many members of this forum.


I try not to come to Chatterbox anymore as it's become the pits of this forum and as I haven't contributed to it since last year you would think it would be thriving if it's me that's putting people off!


Explain that you silly twerp.


Finally, if you're interested in harmony why have you made such an insulting and attacking post? You might well have known I'd feel it necessary to respond.


You're a hypocrite whose inherent nasty character, so often displayed on this forum, hasn't changed one iota, despite your attempts to convince everyone how reasonable you are. I was beginning to think that you'd improved, clearly I was wrong and the same old Tracker is still dominant in your personality.










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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-06-29 5:10 PM




I am biased towards my point of view just as you are biased towards yours so perhaps the best judges would be all the other users who I guarantee will get no flack from me for voicing their own views.


Show me where I have ever denied anyone the right to their own viewpoint? But as they are allowed to state categorically for instance that aires are the first choice of UK motorhomers, I have the right to challenge that view and suggest that the evidence shows the opposite.


But the post above shows you in your true light. It was nonsense with no basis in any commonsense facts. How can I be responsible for the decline of Chatterbox when I haven't contributed since last year?


I would also add that I am repeatedly goaded in almost every Chatterbox thread but I have never risen to the bait. Pelmetman and Anthony1969 seem unable to talk about anything without having a snide little dig at me - but I do not respond!


But I'm responding to you because your attack was unnecessary and insulting. It was for no other reason than for you to pursue a personal vendetta and because you disagreed with my points in the aires' thread, in fact so keen are you to prove me wrong that you invent some silly story about how your wife notices how many motorhomes there are on sites that you pass.


That once bit of stupid nonsense alone shows you for what you are.


Now, if you're really interested in boosting Chatterbox the way to do it is to start some sensible threads and see if you can woo people back, but whilst the local branch of the BNP is dominating it you have little chance.


What you have done is to hammer another nail in its coffin by stirring things up yet again.

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knight of the road - 2014-06-27 9:02 AM


At one time you could come on Chatterbox and have a good laugh, not now its just as miserable as Eastenders or Coronation St.


Plenty there now to laugh at Malcolm - is that better!!


Hope you are well and making good progress.

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Guest pelmetman

What surprises me is that some people are surprised that the forum goes quiet in the summer :D..................is it possible that some people are away in their campers or caravans? 8-).................


Currently the camper is my only method of using the laptop as my display has snuffed it, and only the camper tv is modern enough to have a VGA socket *-)........


Looks like I'll have to buy a new laptop.......this ones only 7 years old :-| ....................at least its a business expense :->..................

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-06-29 5:26 PM


Now, if you're really interested in boosting Chatterbox the way to do it is to start some sensible threads and see if you can woo people back, but whilst the local branch of the BNP is dominating it you have little chance.



Your out of date Frank no BNP here ;-)....................We're all old fashioned Tories.........or as they're now known ;-).......



UKIP supporters B-).......................

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Had Enough - 2014-06-29 5:26 PM


Tracker - 2014-06-29 5:10 PM




I am biased towards my point of view just as you are biased towards yours so perhaps the best judges would be all the other users who I guarantee will get no flack from me for voicing their own views.


Show me where I have ever denied anyone the right to their own viewpoint? But as they are allowed to state categorically for instance that aires are the first choice of UK motorhomers, I have the right to challenge that view and suggest that the evidence shows the opposite.


But the post above shows you in your true light. It was nonsense with no basis in any commonsense facts. How can I be responsible for the decline of Chatterbox when I haven't contributed since last year?


I would also add that I am repeatedly goaded in almost every Chatterbox thread but I have never risen to the bait. Pelmetman and Anthony1969 seem unable to talk about anything without having a snide little dig at me - but I do not respond!


But I'm responding to you because your attack was unnecessary and insulting. It was for no other reason than for you to pursue a personal vendetta and because you disagreed with my points in the aires' thread, in fact so keen are you to prove me wrong that you invent some silly story about how your wife notices how many motorhomes there are on sites that you pass.


That once bit of stupid nonsense alone shows you for what you are.


Now, if you're really interested in boosting Chatterbox the way to do it is to start some sensible threads and see if you can woo people back, but whilst the local branch of the BNP is dominating it you have little chance.


What you have done is to hammer another nail in its coffin by stirring things up yet again.











It's a shame that had enough will not keep to his word that he will never return to chatterbox. This is directed to him and is my honest opinion of him he comes over as a bombastic overbearing know all even on motorhome matters he keeps on in one thread quoting bucket and watering can until it becomes so boring that it's better than counting sheep for insomnia. I've also noticed that since he has taken his aggressive attitude to motorhome matters some of the long standing posters have decided to refrain from posts as they are not willing to post and be made a target of offending posts although I don't blame him specifically but his style of posting encourages other like minded people to be needlessly offensive. Nuff said spleen vented. John

>:-) >:-)

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Guest Had Enough
teflon2 - 2014-06-29 8:11 PM



It's a shame that had enough will not keep to his word that he will never return to chatterbox. This is directed to him and is my honest opinion of him he comes over as a bombastic overbearing know all even on motorhome matters he keeps on in one thread quoting bucket and watering can until it becomes so boring that it's better than counting sheep for insomnia. I've also noticed that since he has taken his aggressive attitude to motorhome matters some of the long standing posters have decided to refrain from posts as they are not willing to post and be made a target of offending posts although I don't blame him specifically but his style of posting encourages other like minded people to be needlessly offensive. Nuff said spleen vented. John

>:-) >:-)


If someone makes a nasty attack on me, as you have just done, then of course I can come back. But I can assure you, I've no intention of frequenting this place and if people didn't do as you have just done you'd never see me in here.


But now you've done it as well. Your post isn't just thoroughly unpleasant but a gross exaggeration as well. I tried to give helpful advice about a system that works well for me and in a longish debate I mentioned it three times. If you consider that so boring that it will cure insomnia then you have a health problem. On a couple of occasions people have watched me fill up my tank using a watering can and remarked that it's a good idea and saves them moving their 'van to fill up.


I fully understand that my system isn't for everyone but neither is yours. And what was your contribution? To suggest something that the OP already had! The only post of mine that could be considered harsh was when I responded in error to RubyExsis and mixed him up with Ensuite who'd earlier made a really insulting contribution suggesting that the OP buy a caravan.


As soon as I realised my mistake I apologised publicly and sent a PM to RubyExsis apologising directly to him.


I know that I enjoy a good argument and am very happy when having the cut and thrust of debate but your interpretation of that thread and my contribution to it is unfair and insulting. My only intention in that thread was to pass on advice about something I do that I thought the OP may find useful.


He's decided to go for something that neither you or I suggested but he expressed gratitude for the various ideas, which was more polite of him than you have just been.


And I say once again, check the number of threads that I enter. It's about one in twenty so I can't be frightening off many people, not that I am anyway.


And as for me encouraging others to be offensive, in this thread the main reason for the row that developed was because of the offensiveness of others. First of all Ensuite with his insulting response and then R&J who actually supported this rude man and told me that I couldn't see beyond the confines of sites.


You need to go back, read the thread properly then apologise.


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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:05 PM


When someone manages to pick arguments on a couple of threads with robertandjean on MM then you really know that special someone has a big big problem ......which mainly is his inflated ego


If you'd follow the threads properly you'd learn that RobertandJean can be as offensive and dogmatic as anyone! Several people have mentioned his constant aires fetish and his non-stop preaching about them.


In the thread that we've just discussed he attacked me when I'd never mentioned him and accused me of being unable to see beyond the confines of a site. I can assure you, that if you ever upset RobertandJean you'll see a very different and very unpleasant side of him.


He has now taken over from CliveH as my stalker and takes every opportunity to have a dig!


But I'll tell you one thing that I never do, which is to enter threads simply to attack someone, make no contribution whatsoever and try to stir up trouble. You specialise in that!

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Had Enough - 2014-06-29 9:11 PM


antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:05 PM


When someone manages to pick arguments on a couple of threads with robertandjean on MM then you really know that special someone has a big big problem ......which mainly is his inflated ego


If you'd follow the threads properly you'd learn that RobertandJean can be as offensive and dogmatic as anyone! Several people have mentioned his constant aires fetish and his non-stop preaching about them.


In the thread that we've just discussed he attacked me when I'd never mentioned him and accused me of being unable to see beyond the confines of a site. I can assure you, that if you ever upset RobertandJean you'll see a very different and very unpleasant side of him.


He has now taken over from CliveH as my stalker and takes every opportunity to have a dig!


But I'll tell you one thing that I never do, which is to enter threads simply to attack someone, make no contribution whatsoever and try to stir up trouble. You specialise in that!


So your saying I'm not so useless after all then frank ?

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Guest Had Enough

The way for me to stop posting in Chatterbox is for some of you to stop personal attacks. If you have a problem with anything I say in a particular thread in MM the correct way to deal with it is to challenge me in that thread and tell me what you disagree with.


Posting these nasty little attacks from what you obviously considered the safety of Chatterbox won't work. I have no intention of regularly posting here but I have no choice but to respond to very unpleasant and grossly exaggerated nastiness.


So please, leave me alone here and you'll never see me again, and that includes the two of you who seem obsessed with me and mention me in almost every one of your childish and silly threads.


All I want from this forum is to give and seek advice. I have no interest in your political posturing, your anti-Muslim bile or anything else that has ruined this section.

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:14 PM


Had Enough - 2014-06-29 9:11 PM


antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:05 PM


When someone manages to pick arguments on a couple of threads with robertandjean on MM then you really know that special someone has a big big problem ......which mainly is his inflated ego


If you'd follow the threads properly you'd learn that RobertandJean can be as offensive and dogmatic as anyone! Several people have mentioned his constant aires fetish and his non-stop preaching about them.


In the thread that we've just discussed he attacked me when I'd never mentioned him and accused me of being unable to see beyond the confines of a site. I can assure you, that if you ever upset RobertandJean you'll see a very different and very unpleasant side of him.


He has now taken over from CliveH as my stalker and takes every opportunity to have a dig!


But I'll tell you one thing that I never do, which is to enter threads simply to attack someone, make no contribution whatsoever and try to stir up trouble. You specialise in that!


So your saying I'm not so useless after all then frank ?


And that just about sums up the usefulness of your presence on this forum and why CB is as dead as a Dodo.


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Frank I for one don't want you to leave here or MM .... I actually think your a guy that can offer some sound advice at times .....I would just like you to chill from time to time and accept that others sometimes unbelievably have a different view to yourself

The Muslim/bigot thing by the way is wearing very thin and as for your name getting a mention on some threads on here I think it's something your ego enjoys if truth were known

Your good friend Antony

Errrrrrr I think I need to take back the above after reading your Dodo dig Frankie .....but I'm not I forgive you

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Guest Had Enough
antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:29 PM


Frank I for one don't want you to leave here or MM .... I actually think your a guy that can offer some sound advice at times .....I would just like you to chill from time to time and accept that others sometimes unbelievably have a different view to yourself

The Muslim/bigot thing by the way is wearing very thin and as for your name getting a mention on some threads on here I think it's something your ego enjoys if truth were known

Your good friend Antony


But you make just the same mistake as one or two others. Just because I argue vigorously for what I think is right, does not mean that I don't accept that other are fully entitled to their own opinions.


I constantly bang on about how I think that the right way to motorhome is the way that you want to do it. The real problem on here is those who tell us that we shouldn't use sites, or we shouldn't wild camp, or we shouldn't use toll road etc. etc.


Just because I will argue my point of view does not mean that I do not accept that you are entitled to a different one.


Now I'll be grateful if we can leave this alone. I do not want to be in Chatterbox any more. As I said, my only interest in this forum is giving and receiving advice.



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Had Enough - 2014-06-29 9:36 PM


antony1969 - 2014-06-29 9:29 PM


Frank I for one don't want you to leave here or MM .... I actually think your a guy that can offer some sound advice at times .....I would just like you to chill from time to time and accept that others sometimes unbelievably have a different view to yourself

The Muslim/bigot thing by the way is wearing very thin and as for your name getting a mention on some threads on here I think it's something your ego enjoys if truth were known

Your good friend Antony


But you make just the same mistake as one or two others. Just because I argue vigorously for what I think is right, does not mean that I don't accept that other are fully entitled to their own opinions.


I constantly bang on about how I think that the right way to motorhome is the way that you want to do it. The real problem on here is those who tell us that we shouldn't use sites, or we shouldn't wild camp, or we shouldn't use toll road etc. etc.


Just because I will argue my point of view does not mean that I do not accept that you are entitled to a different one.


Now I'll be grateful if we can leave this alone. I do not want to be in Chatterbox any more. As I said, my only interest in this forum is giving and receiving advice.



Yes goodnight Frank I tried to hold you in here for as long as I could to save MM from one of your sermons but you have been called to give and receive advice on the other side , goodnight

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I have never found Robert & Jeans postings to be offensive - informative yes, but only antagonistic in response to provokation.

That is of course a purely personal view but does anyone else - other than Frank - find R&J offensive?

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Guest Had Enough
Tracker - 2014-06-29 10:18 PM


I have never found Robert & Jeans postings to be offensive - informative yes, but only antagonistic in response to provokation.

That is of course a purely personal view but does anyone else - other than Frank - find R&J offensive?


Perhaps you can give us an example where he's been provoked?


Of course he, like most people, can be very helpful but he can also be very rude. In the Waste Water thread a bloke named Enpiste made a very insulting post in which he implied that the OP didn't know what he was doing and suggested that he'd be better off with a caravan.


I had a go at him and told him I thought his post was arrogant as it was up to the OP how he wished to do his motorhoming. Not one other person criticised my post.


R&J then said, without any provocation: "Enpiste do not be put off posting your view of how you, and many others, see motorhoming by patronising comments by those who do not appear to have the vision to see beyond the confines of a campsite!"


I don't believe for one minute that R&J actually supported Enpiste's very rude viewpoint, but it was his way of having another dig at me because we've been arguing about who does and who doesn't use aires and he's not been coming out of it too well.


It was a bit of petty revenge! It was particularly annoying as I've made it very clear to him that I fully support aires, use them myself and also wild camp.


I can assure you that, like many people, R&J has a most unpleasant side to him when he's crossed.


He even started a thread called 'Aires are filling up' solely to try to make his point that he is right in his view that more Brits use aires than sites, and he even named me in the opening post. No one provoked him to do that!


So once more, I do wish that you'd stop this needling and let this die.

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Tracker - 2014-06-29 10:18 PM


I have never found Robert & Jeans postings to be offensive - informative yes, but only antagonistic in response to provokation.

That is of course a purely personal view but does anyone else - other than Frank - find R&J offensive?


How dare R and J post a thread ' Aires are filling up ' ??? This obviously by the title was a vicious sh..stirring attempt to wind up all those who don't use Aires ......poor Frankie can't sleep

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Guest pelmetman
Had Enough - 2014-06-29 9:11 PM



He has now taken over from CliveH as my stalker and takes every opportunity to have a dig!



I thought I was Had Enoughs stalker? 8-)........................


Seems like stalkers on here are like buses :D................

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