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I want to change my name


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This is my first message, I am Mandy and dreaming of getting our first motor home, which is how I got Mandreamer. But having seen it on screen I know what it reads like now and would like to change it, I am not on the look out for a man. Can anyone help?? Many thanks, love reading all your postings, looks a great site for what I want
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I,m not to sure you should change your name Mandy. I,m sure I speak for most of the men on this forum, that it conjures up an image of high heels, net stockings and even a whip maybe. Stop being so selfish, and think of all the joy and idle daydreaming you would bring to this forum each time you posted a message. Howard.
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ohhhh Howard, you sound lovely, I have damaged a muscle in my chest and you have put me through alot of pain today laughing at some of your postings. The other funny thing is I sell suspenders, thongs, bras and basques as a job, so there is no shortage of them here, just none that would go over my leg never ming my body. Keep up the good work, I am hoping to come back as Mandy&Andy but waiting for the change to happen.
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[QUOTE]Mel B - 2006-09-14 9:21 PM Mandy I'm not sure after reading the above whether changing to being "Mandy&Andy" will actually help you, especially after Howard's comments!!! Howard ... sounds like you've led a sheltered life![/QUOTE]How very true Mel. innocence personified. Pure as the driven snow all spring to mind. During my lifetime, many women have lusted after my magnificent body, but with my strong sense of morality and desire to lead by example, I remain a paragon of virtue. By the way. Is it true that you are planning a nuclear strike on the offices of Humberside County Council. None of my business of course, but don,t you think this a little extreme. Howard.
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Well they did it now,, sorry Howard, Only changed name not body,,,, mores the shame. I feel little more respectable, but do keep that imagination going Howard its a shame to waste it. does anyone have any negative things to say about the fixed beds with the garage under?? It is perfect for what we want, well we think it is unless someone can enlighten us as to a reason why not.
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[QUOTE]michele - 2006-09-14 9:53 PM Howard, APART FROM THE DOG IN THE SHED! WHO ELSE HAVE YOU GOT IN THERE ?TICKLING THEIR EAR'S ARE YOU SURE THAT'S ALL ;-)[/QUOTE]Michele. How could you say such a thing. The very thought of your suggestive tone makes me blush from the tip of my toes to the top of my head. Most of the time spent in the shed is spent reading quotations from the Bible or making dart flights for the blind. While I admit to taking the odd sneaky look at my next door neibour when she sunbathes topless, I can only refer you back to my previous message to Mel as a true character reference. Yours indignantly. Howard.
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[QUOTE]colin - 2006-09-14 9:16 PM [QUOTE]Mandreamer - 2006-09-14 6:00 PM I am hoping to come back as Mandy&Andy but waiting for the change to happen.[/QUOTE] Thats some change your waiting for 8-)[/QUOTE]Either there,s been a misunderstanding or we have a right one here Colin.
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Further more, and I quote, (only changed name not body,,,,mores the shame) If you feel there is anything you wish to get of your chest/chests, then please feel at ease to do so. Never underestimate other peoples compassion and understanding on such matters. Rest assured that any comments you make regarding this matter will be treated in the utmost confidence. Yours in great expectation. Howard.
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awwww Howard such a caring chappie,,, my chest is feeling much better now, thanks to the anti inflameatries given by the Dr. However he could see that there is quite a strain on the muscles around there and felt I should becareful the position I sleep in , as on my front does not appear to be the best option. It doesnt hurt when I laugh at you anymore so must be getting better, still not heard anything good or bad about the back bed with garage, we need a 5-6 berth as there are 4 and the children dont want to sleep together. :-D :-D
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mandy& Andy Have you looked at the Hobby sorry can't remember the one we had get confused with the number's .It was a 6 birth with a big Garage . the overhead bed was massive fixed bed at the back very comfortable. Although I can not say much good about the seat bed's more like a five birth. Although in saying that the garage had blown air heating and you could put in a double bed whilst on siteas an option. At present we have back the Bessacar E765 no garage.but plenty of storage underneath we have 4 kids and we cope very well.two are disabled so that involves alot of wheelchair buggy nappies and stuff. But we have never had a problem as yet even take the bike's Good luck & happy hunting
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I,m not that well informed on this type of van Mandy, and as choice is such a personal thing I will instead offer you our own experiences when looking to buy. Forget the technical side of things for the moment, and just go out and enjoy looking at whats on offer. You will know the van you want as soon as you walk through the door. Whether its the layout, colour or fabrics, that gut instinct or wow factor if you like, will decide it for you. Once you know the van for you, then is the time to get down to finer details. Never buy straight away as even if you miss out there will be plenty of others, and always give 24 hours to sleep on things as quite often things look entirely different the following day, and don,t forget most motorhomes are low mileage so why but one with lots on the clock. The next step is to brush up on the technical side of things. You will want to know the if the engine is up to pulling the weight or if the payload is sufficient for your needs etc. What you want now is good advise. At least you now have specific details of the van you want and i,m sure you will get all the info you need on this forum alone. There you are. Apart from the small matter of money, its all plain sailing from now on. Howard.
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Also Mandy, Big mistake when we went from the Bessacar to the Hobby for us . I was so taken aback with the garage thinking wow massive great fit this and that ..I neglected to really look into the cupboards. We got the van and to our dismay we being used to the Bessacar 's large cupboards . We could not even fit in a normal size bottle of tomatoe sauce & the like's Over the bed has quite a few cupboards but couldn,t cope with what we take or were used to taking . Now this would not of been a problem if we didn't need the garage for the wheelchairs. We could of just put everything in there. So what I am trying to say is imagine yourself in it living...Buy cautiously
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Fixed beds (either with storage area or garage underneath), some pros and cons: Pros - - ready made bed with no cushion shuffling and as mattress usually once piece not uncomfortable either - great storage area to keep everything out of site - great dumping ground when you've been out shopping - great for having a quick lie down/nap in the afternoon whilst the other half has a read up front, especially good if you're not too well - great for having a relaxing lie down whilst watching TV on an evening after a hard days pottering about - in winter one of the best things is that you can have an electric blanket on it so you can plug in and warm it up before you get in! - good place for letting the insulated screens dry out (on a plastic sheet of course) Cons - - sometimes not as wide as they could be - some can be a bit difficult to get in and out of if they are squished in a corner or high up between cupboard - steps up to the higher beds can be lethal - some of the higher beds have cupboard above the head end so you can't sit up in bed for the morning cuppa or you'll crown yourself if you forget and try to get up in the night! - they can sometimes be a bit fiddly to make (use fitted bottom sheet - much easier) - often don't have anywhere to put the morning cuppa mug etc - can be difficult to retrieve items if they're right in the middle of the storage area (I know, I've fallen in to our underbed storage before today and it isn't easy to get out with your legs in the air!!) - the bed base can be heavy to lift on some models - some models don't even have access to the storage area from inside the van - sometimes the space is restricted by the installation of utilities like water heater etc
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Wow thanks all,, lots to think about now. The bed being high isnt too much of a problem , overhanging cupboards have been varying, some of them are a nightmare , I have a bit of claustropobia and they can be over bearing. Neither of us really have drinks in bed, so not really thought of that one, but then I like to go lie down and eat .drink and read , as being a women I can of course multi-task. The space in the garage is tempting as we tend to be spreaders, and collectors of all things "we might need" no doubt as we go along and take things 3 or 4 times and never actually look at them we can eliminate them as being needed. Having had a touring caravan followed by a static I just know how much I will love not having to make beds up each night. Alot of people have had the negative view on motor homes of the need to pack everything away each time you want to move, do you all find this a problem or something you just end up doing by habit. I actually like the idea of having to tidy up as we a not the neatest of families and if I can use the threat to the children " if you dont put things away then we dont move for a week" it may just inspire them to help, (well ok I can dream) The width of bed could be a problem , as we are two biggies to say the least, but we have tested this and the one we are looking at seems fine, we actually love our own sleeping bags , (the one time we dont fight over the quilt). So I think I would just get a pretty fitted sheet or cover that is fixed to protect the matteress and leave it there. The steps up to it are ok, but it has a large pole to get up and down with, although looks a bit intrusive I think will be a big plus for us. (no gentlemen, I dont pole dance) You have actually made me question the getting in and out from the inside of the van to the garage area, I know alot we looked at you could but not convinced about this, something we will have to check in York. Not wanting to repeat myself but I need to know the facts about water and waste in and out and which are the better options. I dont have any idea about this, but as it is my "job" it would be good to know what to look for and what to leave. The 2 vans we are looking at are the Adria Coral, and the TEC (hymer) Rotec 700G. So far these are the two that have come up with most of what we think we want. The Rotec was as Howard said the one where we walked in and that was it, love the colour furnishings, the lay out was what we where looking for, and at Brownhills for some reason their model had the oven which most seem not to , and I would love one. Think I said enough now,,, thanks again everyone.
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Apparently British build is not as good as European! European motorhomes often don't have ovens as they cook alot outdoors or go to pubs etc.. We still want a fixed-bed. Remember that even though there is *all that space* we are limited to a fixed weight when fully loaded. If you have 4 kids and yourselves it's worth thinking about what you need to take and what you would like to take - might not end up being the same ;-) We liked the Adria Coral but are concerned about the windows - they looked as though a jemmi could get in without too many problems ........ but at first glance we liked it a lot - [saw it on the A5 near Towcester] We will be buying used. I did see exactly what I wanted last weekend but hubby told me it's too long :-(
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Mandy Keeping things tidy - we don't find this a problem, you soon get used to not having everything out all over the place, apart from anything else you soon get fed up of moving it about out of your way so it's easier just to put it back where it belongs. If the kids don't keep things tidy, instead of threatening not to move off site (if they like it there they won't care!), why not threaten to put it all in a big black bin bag and dump it with the waste, I'm sure the rustling of a large bin bag (you can make a lot of noise with them!) would soon have them running to rescue their bits and pieces! Not sure what you mean by waste and water? Do you mean size of tanks, how easy it is to fill-up, dispose of etc? One thing I'd suggest you definitely get is a funnel - we have a black petrol filler type funnel, the type with a flexible piece about 6" long on the end of it, it came in extremely useful when we were at a stopping point in Germany and couldn't fill the water tank using the hose as it had one of the daft foreign taps on that you couldn't attach anything to properly so as soon as it was under pressure it shot off giving us a soaking, using the funnel and a collapsable bucket (a clean washing up bowl would do), we were fortunately able to fill up. Some will argue that as the funnel is not 'food quality' you shouldn't use it but as it's so infrequently used I don't think it'll do us any harm. Oh, just remembered regarding filling up, we have one of the 'spring' hoses, the green coiled type, it's okay in this country as we can attach it to the taps easily and keep the pressure fairly moderate in order to fill up, but abroad you have to pay for water a lot of the time and we found that as the hose is a narrower gauge than a normal hose pipe, it restricted the flow so got much less water for our money. In future, we'll take a normal hose abroad with us. Waste - check how easy it is to open up the waste tap - will it get covered in road dirt and go stiff and difficult to use? Where is the waste outlet itselt and will it be easy to manouvre the 'van over the waste drain point?
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Thanks again for all your help, the issue of the emptying seems agreed by everyone , so which way would you say was the best type to look for. Someone on the favourite things thread mentions a BOG type toilet we have looked into this, is it something fitted as standard in some vans or is it something you invest in later, or maybe something worth using in negotiations at the beginning , it sounds a great idea are there any down sides to it. Now to the issue of left or right hand drive, Andy doesnt think he would like left hand drive, but I feel as most of the driving is going to be in Europe he may find it easier to adjust and for overtaking. Driving over there isnt a problem we went for 2 weeks this summer as a tester, only with the car and staying in rented van, but he loved the driving and being on the other side not a problem. Are reversing cameras as useful as they sound our are they just gimicky? Andy seems to think they will be very useful to us as the van is going to seem very long to begin with compared to the car. Sat Navs sound like they are a definate plus, and I cant believe all the things you say are on there, Aires etc so excited , sorry for the amount of questions, but you really are the best people to ask. We would love to join the motorhoming club but they wont let us till we have the motorhome, so I presume they have classifieds for those who already own their MH's.
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