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Non-existent aftersales service-what to do?


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I very recently(and foolishly) bought a new Motorhome from 'the Northeast's leading supplier' at a Motorhome show (Don't-this particular one being a 3 hours drive away!) There have been a number of faults which I am unable to get rectified, the most serious being a useless leisure battery which wouldn't charge and massively overheated to danger levels whilst I was abroad, resulting in having to purchase a new one. Despite repeated phone calls and emails I have received no help or refund whatsoever. Short of going there with the offending vehicle and blocking their entrance- which is looking increasingly likely- does anyone know what legal action I can take? Can I contact the manufacturer direct to get the problems fixed? any advice appreciated!!
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Consumer protection in UK is very good, so if you need to you can "reject" the vehicle and get your money back, by going to court to force matters if necessary. First you need to give the supplier a reasonable opportunity to rectify faults.


So make a list of the faults and write to the dealer asking for them to be fixed within a reasonable timescale, failing which you reserve your right to reject the vehicle. By all means copy this and express your disatisfaction to the manufacturer but remember tht yoyr arrangement (i.e. your contract) is with the dealer, not the manufacturer. Keep a record of all your dealings with the dealer. You might also benefit from help from a solicitor.

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I would find out who the dealer principle or MD is and compose a polite letter with no threats but expressing your disappointment and frustration to him/her setting out all your grievances in crystal clear unambiguous and uncomplicated form with reference to dates of all previous failed contacts and names of those who have failed to respond - if known.


I would send it either recorded delivery (signed for as it is now known) or even more attention grabbing (and expensive) Special Delivery posted to arrive on a weekday not a Saturday when he/she might well not be there.


If that does not get any response talk to Trading Standards in the area of the dealership and ask their advice.


You could also cc the letter to the converter with a covering letter if the issues are conversion based or the base vehicle UK head office if they are base vehicle related, again preferably finding out who best to address the letter to and that letter too would go signed for delivery.

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Unfortunately it is all too common to find a number of faults on new motorhomes.


To be quite honest, if the worst fault was a duff leisure battery then you have got off lightly compared to many. I am not making light of your problems or frustration. many people have been in your shoes.


As stated, make reasonable steps to get something done within a short time frame, without anger if possible (difficult to do with some Dealers *-) ). The busy season for them is coming to an end and they surely should be able to answer the phone and/or book you in for remedial work.


DON'T name them on public forums unless you know for certain that they will not comply. It is a useful tool when used sparingly.


Good luck.

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louieg - 2014-10-03 4:54 PM


I very recently(and foolishly) bought a new Motorhome from 'the Northeast's leading supplier' at a Motorhome show (Don't-this particular one being a 3 hours drive away!) There have been a number of faults which I am unable to get rectified, the most serious being a useless leisure battery which wouldn't charge and massively overheated to danger levels whilst I was abroad, resulting in having to purchase a new one. Despite repeated phone calls and emails I have received no help or refund whatsoever. Short of going there with the offending vehicle and blocking their entrance- which is looking increasingly likely- does anyone know what legal action I can take? Can I contact the manufacturer direct to get the problems fixed? any advice appreciated!!


Is it new to you or brand new?

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The fifth wheeler we live in had many issues from new,phone calls achieved nothing and emails resulted in a reply explaining how warranties worked,after a month with no water pump,it failed in the first month,i informed them via email of my intention to purchase one and charge them for it,they said under the warranty i couldnt do that but i did anyway,also replaced the battery and the mattress which had dip in it.Wont name but took pump and battery to their stand at the peterboro show and asked them in front of customers to pay for them,guess what they did,but with very bad grace.This companys after sales care is nonexistent,when you phone the guy you need to speak to is always out.
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If your van was not brand new when bought by you my guess would be that leisure batteries are excluded from the warranty you got with your  purchase, I too had leisure battery problems when I took my new second hand van to Portugal and on return home after six months in Portugal I too tried to claim for new batteries from my very helpful dealer Davan and was told that batteries were not warranted,closer reading of warranty documents revealed this fact as fact.
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paulmold - 2014-10-05 4:12 PM


Why do some people bother to ask advise and then never follow it up. The poster has not logged on since posting the question so cannot even be aware that good advise has been given.


I suppose it could be any number of reasons...


They may've posted the question on several forums...and then just forgot to check up on this one?...


..also, unlike some of the more..erm..shall we say, "prolific" posters on here, they may well have a real home life, outside of the OAL forum.. (lol)


As has been said, without knowing the specifics of the sale and the T&Cs of the warranty, it's a bit premature to start hurling insults at the dealer....

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.....whilst you have to log on/sign in to post on here, you can read freely without.


It is impossible, therefore to know whether the OP is simply checking responses without responding him/herself, or has indeed, totally ignored the forum in the interim.


I must admit I find it odd behaviour for anyone to ask for input and then not (eventually and possibly only once) acknowledge the same when it is given (or at least that which remains both reasonable and on-topic :-S )



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paulmold - 2014-10-05 4:12 PM


Why do some people bother to ask advise and then never follow it up. The poster has not logged on since posting the question so cannot even be aware that good advise has been given.


The number of times I post advise and then "please tell us how you get on so we can all learn" and its ignored is to frequent. Its just good manners and as for myself I have just stopped helping, negative I no.

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