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Forgive me for I have sinned .... again!

Mel B

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Joe90 - 2014-11-01 5:25 PM


Apologies,I must have picked up some bad habits..................... :-S



Apology accepted as we understand that is what happens when you live in a principality full of unhappy and disgruntled people who are obsessed with a foreign language


Fortunately for me and everyone else on here we are not close enough to be amongst your circle of acquaintances!

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Tracker - 2014-11-01 5:41 PM


Joe90 - 2014-11-01 5:25 PM


Apologies,I must have picked up some bad habits..................... :-S



Apology accepted as we understand that is what happens when you live in a principality full of unhappy and disgruntled people who are obsessed with a foreign language


Fortunately for me and everyone else on here we are not close enough to be amongst your circle of acquaintances!


Careful, you're getting delusional speaking for everyone else, old age I guess.


And I have more than enough good acquaintances thanks very much, but if ever I need a slime ball, you'll be the first on my list.

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Guest Had Enough

Well Richard, in this case you certainly speak for me and I suspect that you speak for the majority of the members who are getting sick of this man's unpleasant attitude and his even more unpleasant posts.


He's very well balanced though, he has an enormous chip on each shoulder. I'm off out now with some real friends and not some imaginary ones.

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Had Enough - 2014-11-01 5:59 PM


Well Richard, in this case you certainly speak for me and I suspect that you speak for the majority of the members who are getting sick of this man's unpleasant attitude and his even more unpleasant posts.


He's very well balanced though, he has an enormous chip on each shoulder. I'm off out now with some real friends and not some imaginary ones.


Ah. here comes the second one of the trilogy, only needs Judgemental to complete the set, three deluded individuals that think this forum exists only for them, and their views, it doesn't, so get over it.

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Had Enough - 2014-11-01 5:59 PM


Well Richard, in this case you certainly speak for me and I suspect that you speak for the majority of the members who are getting sick of this man's unpleasant attitude and his even more unpleasant posts.


He's very well balanced though, he has an enormous chip on each shoulder. I'm off out now with some real friends and not some imaginary ones.


Mmmmm I dunno when Frank says he's going out for the evening with friends I feel a little uneasy ( joke )

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Guest pelmetman
antony1969 - 2014-11-01 7:00 PM


Had Enough - 2014-11-01 5:59 PM


Well Richard, in this case you certainly speak for me and I suspect that you speak for the majority of the members who are getting sick of this man's unpleasant attitude and his even more unpleasant posts.


He's very well balanced though, he has an enormous chip on each shoulder. I'm off out now with some real friends and not some imaginary ones.


Mmmmm I dunno when Frank says he's going out for the evening with friends I feel a little uneasy ( joke )


I feel sorry for the horse 8-) ................


Never mind though Antony if you find the head in bed ;-) ...................I have a good recipe :D ..........



Red Rum & Chum (lol) ...........



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Perhaps HE really has got a wide circle of friends ;-)



just a mystery why he spends so much time on here :D



Mine are mostly dead, I wonder what his excuse is.

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Billggski - 2014-11-01 8:10 PM


How did this perfectly innocuous post end up looking like this?

She asked for forgiveness, I see little forthcoming.


I forgive you Mel, just like you forgave Clive for posting a pic of you on here without you plucking your eyebrows first :D


Remember that??



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If you start a thread on your narrow boat purchase Joe you could title it marinised coach built MH so that you do not offend any contributors. I have had two separate holidays on narrow boats, the last was in June this year on the Avon Kennett canal. If you think about it there are a number of similarities, in fact you could say a narrowboat is like an MH but with just ist gear & reverse. If I have as much fun with my new MH as I did narrow boating I will be delighted.
From the heavy feeds to this thread I am assuming the bad weather is getting to some of the correspondents. It is 30c here in Sydney today sun shinning birds singing & the roses smell sweet.
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rupert123 - 2014-11-01 1:51 PM


Well Frank I have had another look and cannot see much that is untrue with my post. The 'clapped out' bit came from Mels own description of the static, perhaps I misunderstood this, however she does come on every time she spends a few quid. If this is about motorhome related stuff then fine, but we have had Smart cars, conservatries and now static caravans what is this all about, personally if I had bought a Smart car or a static caravan would tend to keep it very quiet. You are right though in one thing it is not worth getting into a row about so will withdraw from this. Oh before I go have just bought a new chain saw and am off to local junk shop to look for bargains, if I find any will report back.


Henri, think you are spot on with your comments Mel should really have posted this in the caravan section. Have a lot of respect for Mel, she has in the past been a real assets to this forum so no criticism of her just that this particular topic is ,as you say, in the wrong place. Can not under stand why your comments seem to have evoked such a strong response.

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Guest Had Enough
robertandjean - 2014-11-02 1:27 PM


Henri, think you are spot on with your comments Mel should really have posted this in the caravan section. Have a lot of respect for Mel, she has in the past been a real assets to this forum so no criticism of her just that this particular topic is ,as you say, in the wrong place. Can not under stand why your comments seem to have evoked such a strong response.


So, let's get this straight. If you wanted to tell all your motorhoming chums on here that you've bought a new static caravan, you'd break the news in the caravan section?


Mmmmm. I think that some of us can spot the flaw in your reasoning here. (lol)


Anyway, here's a clue. I've never once visited the caravan section and I suspect that most other MM regulars haven't either. Remind me not to put you in charge of my advertising budget. ;-)

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Had Enough - 2014-11-02 4:25 PM


robertandjean - 2014-11-02 1:27 PM


Henri, think you are spot on with your comments Mel should really have posted this in the caravan section. Have a lot of respect for Mel, she has in the past been a real assets to this forum so no criticism of her just that this particular topic is ,as you say, in the wrong place. Can not under stand why your comments seem to have evoked such a strong response.


So, let's get this straight. If you wanted to tell all your motorhoming chums on here that you've bought a new static caravan, you'd break the news in the caravan section?


Mmmmm. I think that some of us can spot the flaw in your reasoning here. (lol)


Anyway, here's a clue. I've never once visited the caravan section and I suspect that most other MM regulars haven't either. Remind me not to put you in charge of my advertising budget. ;-)


Frank, yes you are correct did make a mistake here, meant to say should have been put in park home section. In that way Mel might have made contact with fellow park home owners and exchanged ideas tips etc relavent to her new purchase, which by the way we which her well with. Regarding position of taking charge of your advertising budget, not interested as retired some years ago, whilst still in our fifties and not looking for further employment.

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Guest Had Enough
robertandjean - 2014-11-02 4:57 PM


Frank, yes you are correct did make a mistake here, meant to say should have been put in park home section.............................


So, Park Home section, where even fewer people go! Good one! Remember, Mel wasn't asking for advice on statics, she was informing her chums on here that she'd bought one. If you remember, one of the first things she said was this:


'Now I know this is a motorhome forum but I will be putting a lot of my MH knowledge to good use as, after all, many of the bit and pieces are similar and being able to fettle it to how we want it will also bring my MH DIY skills into play too. '


I'm sure that when she does need some advice she'll then go to the correct section but, as I said, she was just informing us what she'd done, and it would have been pointless putting the information where no one goes.


How can any reasonable person take her to task for putting it in this section?



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Brian Kirby - 2014-11-02 6:09 PM

But then, why would any reasonable person argue over it either way? Much Ado About Nothing?




I guess, as in real life, there will always be those on here who seem to resent anyone else's happiness and seek confrontation or dissent at every opportunity whilst rarely adding anything constructive themselves?

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What the HELL is wrong with people on this forum! 8-) Is it any wonder that people, including me, don't come on here as often as we used to!


I frequent this site the least for several reasons, some of them are below:


1. I've had horrendous internet problems for a couple of months probably more so my postings have been limited to say the least and with this site being so bl**dy slow to load it has meant I couldn't even get on it a lot of the time! Due to looking to buy a static, obviously I have been researching that when the internet would allow me to which was more important than coming on here as I'm sure you can appreciate!


2. Postings on this site are often met with severe and unnecessary criticism and arguing much of the time just for the hell of it and I have better things to do than read what the extreme 'egotists' have to say again and again when there are better things to do!


3. As has already been mentioned I have given help/advice to others as I always do, so haven't JUST come on to tell people that I've been buying stuff again or flogging stuff either ... so you can respectfully "stuff that up your chuffs" rupert123 and antony69! I won't hold my breath for apologies!


4. I put the thread on the MM section partly because this is the most active forum and is where my 'friends' are, but also because there are a few people with motorhomes who also own statics (some live in them permanently) and others are interested in doing the same too - on the site we've bought on there are at least 4 other MH/camper owners that we've found. Due to this I felt the MM was the most 'sensible' place to start the thread and hopefully get some useful comments from those MH owners who have a static too ...


5. As for posting this in the Park Homes section ... you're kidding aren't you ... that is like watching paint dry ... the last posting on there was on 23 August! I don't go into Chatterbox much which is the only other place I considered starting this thread, simply because many of my 'friends' don't go in there now due to the bickering etc that goes on in that section ... which unfortunately has now become the 'norm' on this section too it would appear!


6. I haven't insisted that ANYONE reads my thread, and actually made it plan from the start what this was about, so if you decided to read after that you have done so because you wanted to, so you only have yourself to blame! If you don't like it then simply don't bother to read it and obviously waste your time doing so! I cannot abide people who just 'complain' for the sake of it!


7. I NEVER said the static was 'clapped out' rupert123, it just needs some tlc etc, if it had been clapped out we wouldn't have bought it (the first one we saw was!).




I don't propose to go on any more and 'defend' myself for starting this thread on here, as I don't feel I have done anything untoward bearing in mind my reasons in 4. and 5. above. I am however very grateful for those who have 'defended my honour' as it were and it is good to know that I do have some buddies on here, even those who I've had 'discussions' with in the past, who are mature enough that they can rise above being nasty for nasty's sake!


I am very, very disappointed to say the least at the reaction of some forum members, I suppose in hindsight I should have expected it from them from past experience of their venomous 'attacks' on me and others ... I have done/bought other things too which I haven't put on the forum and don't intend to regardless of whether they are of interest or not ... it just is NOT worth it!


Oh, just one more thing which will test the 'nasties' on here ... I've done a website about my new static which I intend to keep updated as we do stuff to it, I did it purely because people on other forums have asked about it (yes, even motorhome forums!), so that way it means I don't have to keep repeating myself. ... but as it doesn't interest you of course, you won't need to waste your time reading it will you ... in which case keep your noses out of it and that way you won't feel the need to make any nasty comments about it! Can't say fairer than that really!


Mel's static caravan website


I shall now answer the questions from others about my static in a following post, so 'nasties' you have been warned! :D

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Several people have mentioned the noise of the aircraft - yes they do fly overhead at times but not a lot and it is fascinating watching them - I've seen the 'Dakota' several times now, the very snazzy looking jets too, plus some others. The site we're on isn't the one at the end of the runway (can't remember the name of that one but it must be bl**dy noisy!) - we just get the noise as they circle round to go back.


The site is a residential one, open for 10 months (closing for February and March) and some of the residents hire statics on another site for the period as it only closes for only 2 weeks in January, others go on extended holidays. One couple we met have a boat and stay on that overnight but use their static during the day (7am to 7pm is allowed), and some motorhome owners go abroad for a few months.


Pelmetman - the site is a marina and caravan park and there is an A class Rapido just across the way from us - can't remember their names, possibly Anne and John? They usually go abroad but have had problems with their MH so haven't been able to yet so it is probably them.


Maggy - no we won't be selling up and moving there permanently as we don’t need to but if we did it would be something we would consider doing. From having a large garden at home and a bit of decorating to do, plus sorting out a patio for the conservatory we had put on last year, we've now got two lots of decorating etc to do and another large garden to look after ... must be mad! *-)


Pampam - as this is a residential caravan site they are allowed to have post delivered and those that are permanent residents 'should' also pay rates but I'm not convinced that they all do (we don't have to as we have it as a holiday home and pay rates at our permanent home).


Lord T - yes I've delved into the ins and outs of static ownership and the various types of sites and the costs - this is the ONLY site we've come across that does not charge you a 15% selling fee + VAT, just the normal annual site fee of £1150 inc VAT - which is cheap (includes water/sewerage), plus the gas bottles at £57 a go and metered electric.


Will85 - I won't say too much about what we've done/bought as I'll save that for my own website for those who are interested in reading it from time to time as I update it, but suffice to say we've got a fair bit of kit which I've had squirrelled away from having MHs which has come in handy, but have bought a memory foam topper, TV, pans, toaster (all of £2 ... last of the big spenders eh!), a second hand modern toilet and basin, and my latest 'treat' a second hand kayak off Ebay!


Joe90 - Some of your posting of 31 October 2014 10:11 PM is spot on, you DO need to do your research BEFORE committing to anything, which is what we did. We haven't had to pay a massive amount despite the site being a 10 month residential one, so it's not always the case and they are not all the same. Unfortunately some of your other postings don't merit a 'polite' response so I shall refrain!


Well, that's it for now, I'm off to get a cuppa and go to bed ... I shall be back on the forum at some time, when the internet permits (that's why I'm typing at this time of night when I get the best connection!) and/or when I am in the mood for some aggro! :D

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