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Motorhome websites and forums


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I see Practical Motorhome has updated its website layout and also its forum. Both use strong colours and a lot of bold text. Not my style.


There is also a new forum for motorhomers 'Motorhome Forum' which seems to have been launched at the start of this month. So far there are only two posts but it looks smart.


Add in Facebook sites, and I do wonder when we will reach saturation point for motorhome related sites. Quite a few seem to be quieter than the Marie Celeste.


I like the OAL site because it's easy on the eye, contains good content, and the forums are active in providing a mix of technical advice and entertainment. It's very good at problems solving although some of the new people seem to prefer simple yes/no answers before they scuttle away.


Perhaps the OAL forums could be speeded up, have a better search engine, and be used more in the magazine. But it still takes some beating.


So how many forums can successfully exist to sate our need for knowledge, friendship and argument?




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Hi new member here although I have browsed the forum many times as a guest. Have to admit that OAL is an excellent source of technical and travel advice, with some very knowledgable posters. We have just ordered a new van at the NEC (Westfalia Amundsen 600D) having sold our VW California. Even though we wont get the van until the spring have already been searching the forum for various hints and tips re: alarms, winterising the van etc. etc. etc.
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Whether a motorhome forum succeeds ultimately depends upon the volume and quality of postings, so it depends on attracting good questions and contributors - but also on moderating out the rubbish and the less obviously impressive contributors, which inevitably come along too. Maybe you need a few of those too, in order to keep a forum lively and interesting.


This Forum offers enough interesting stuff to attract me to both visiting and contributing and the advertising and plugs aren't too intrusive. (At least now that those irritating pop-up adverts have disappeared!)


It will be interesting to see if www.motorhomeforum.co.uk brings anything wortwhile to the scene. There is no indication so far who is behind it or what the aim is. So far no charges.




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Choice is good!


Motorhome forums may all have the same main subject matter but they vary enormously in atmosphere *-)


There are a lot to choose from now and with the addition of various Facebook groups can only increase the amount of information available.

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I've been a member of this forum for a long time and have learned a lot from various contributors and am grateful for that, however, what puts my off this forum is the constant sniping/spats and nastiness of some of the posters, which blights it and without any real moderation any 'discussions' soon turn into a slanging match, or worse, and that is NOT what I want from a forum (this happens on the Motorhome Matters and Chatterbox sections) so I 'went over' to the fun one and again have learned a lot from that. The difference is that that forum IS moderated, not heavy handedly, but sufficient to prevent 'discussions' turning into all out 'attacks' as can happen on here.


Fun has recently got new software which was unavoidable due to the previous one being outdated and no longer supported I believe, and whilst it has taken a while to get used to the new layout and where stuff is, it is definitely better than the original software so if you go on there stick with it. As for Facts, there have been an awful lot of problems since it was sold to some Canadian company so if it has been sorted out that's all to the good for those who are members, but I was never a fan of that one so didn't bother joining.


The software that this site runs on is abysmal ... it is soooooooo slow that often, with my often bad broadband connection, I can't even get it to load!

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Tracker - 2014-11-10 4:11 PM


The very mention of another forum by name is usually enough to get the thread pulled so if this one becomes one of the 'disappeared' thread that will be the reason why!


This Forum is owned by Warners and hopefully they will have enough sense to realise that moderating out any mention of competitor publications or forums or events would rob the forum of a lot of its value to the MH Community and would reflect extremely badly on them. It hasn't happened during my time but if it does then I will stop contributing straight away.

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Solomongrundy - 2014-11-10 7:12 PM


It was unintentional – but those who enter the portals of its lobby are rarely to be seen as rational as their former selves.


Think of the story of Alice in Wonderland – but much darker, foreboding and bizarre.



Just like buying and owning a motorhome then?

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agree with MEL B ,,,did you notice how Meany motorhome fun vans where at Lincoln this year ..been a member on fun from the start ..and a member on here since you had to buy the magazine and get a code to log on ..I do get fed up of the bickering on here and don't post like others just read now and again ... 
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Guest pelmetman
dshague - 2014-11-10 8:21 PM


agree with MEL B ,,,did you notice how Meany motorhome fun vans where at Lincoln this year ..been a member on fun from the start ..and a member on here since you had to buy the magazine and get a code to log on ..I do get fed up of the bickering on here and don't post like others just read now and again ... 


I've been reading MMM since before the tinternet was invented 8-) ................and I'm not as old as Tracker (lol) ..........

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I don't see why this post will be pulled if we stick within the rules.


Motorhome Matters, Facts, and Fun all have something in common from what I've seen. That is they are very clear on what they are about and are sufficiently different. Other forums focus on a niche area of motorhoming and others seem to try and reinvent the wheel in the owners image of the perfect wheel.


Dissatisfaction with forums - particularly bickering or expressing a different perspective - seems to be common cause for creating new forums. So should we encourage niche forums so that like minded individuals can get together and act out the plot to Abigail's Party?


So, one or two top notch forums like MM or a broad range of forums like a Woolworth's pic'n mix. Which is better?

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pelmetman - 2014-11-10 9:44 PM


I've been reading MMM since before the tinternet was invented 8-) ................and I'm not as old as Tracker (lol) ..........


Bet I started reading MMM before you did - it had a different name back then but I can't remember what that was it was so long ago!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2014-11-10 10:12 PM


pelmetman - 2014-11-10 9:44 PM


I've been reading MMM since before the tinternet was invented 8-) ................and I'm not as old as Tracker (lol) ..........


Bet I started reading MMM before you did - it had a different name back then but I can't remember what that was it was so long ago!


It was Adam ;-) .................but I recall in your first post you'd had a nasty incident with apple and a snake :D ...........

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Looking from afar I have watched the other sites mentioned and while I have noted some common contributors ( not their contributions) I prefer OAL. Easy to read, no problems with slow load time and while the snipes are sometimes tiresome if is easy not to read them.
I am very impressed with the level of experience, technical knowledge coupled with some very dry and in my humble opinion the best humour I have read in a long time. (See Tracker Rich bagpipes)
Or maybe it is an Aussie appreciating English humour. Keep up the good work you contributors as I logon every morning for my daily dose.
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I don’t recall any thread or posting ever been edited or removed from the Out&AboutLive forums (or the preceding MMM forum) merely because an alternative forum had been mentioned.


I’ve provided links to relevant information on other motorhome forums ever since I began to participate on the Warners-provided forums and, when I considered it appropriate, have criticised the Warners forums and praised alternative forums.


There’s nothing in the Warners forums' Terms of Website Use and Acceptable Use Policy to suggest that mentioning an alternative ‘leisure’ forum is prohibited (Why should there be?) so I don’t understand Tracker’s earlier assertion.


That referring to other forums can cause a forum thread to be edited/removed undoubtedly has happened elsewhere (eg. on the Fiat Forum) but it doesn’t happen, and hasn't happened, here.



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Well after seeing the link for the "new" Motorhomeforum site, think it will be the last time I visit - cant be doing with the very intrusive adverts. I know some forums need adverts to exist but right across the threads etc - I dont think so. OAL has ads but at the sides which dont stop your reading flow.


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roger s - 2014-11-11 8:59 AM


Well after seeing the link for the "new" Motorhomeforum site, think it will be the last time I visit - cant be doing with the very intrusive adverts. I know some forums need adverts to exist but right across the threads etc - I dont think so. OAL has ads but at the sides which dont stop your reading flow.


You found some threads? I didn't even get that far. (lol)

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