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Swift Escape 622 - desperate help needed!!!!


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Hi all


Firstly new to the site so hello everyone and please be gentle!!!!


Not to the desperate help!!!!!


We have just purchased the above from a dealer. It's a 2009 model. The issue (or not if someone knows otherwise) is regarding the control panel. I've searched all over the net for hours for this particular issue but can not find anything!!!!


The question I ask is can you turn the panel off!!!?!


Now that may seem a silly question however, when getting the MH home from the dealer and having another look around it I cam to switch the panel off however all it did was keep powering up. If you then leave it a while and press the water heater all lights then go off until you hit the on switch again? However whilst it looks off you can touch any of the switches (lights,pumps,heater) and it springs into life without having switched it back on!?!


The dealer has been out to the MH today and is really helpful but this one is stumping them too. he has tried all the usual things like disconnecting and rebooting but still the same.

The dealer has now taken the panel away to try and rectify.


Does anyone have any ideas please? Anything ideas I would really appreciate!!!


One last thing to add whilst I have been sat reading through all the manuals again tonight - does the battery charger switch have to be switched to off to then be able to switch the panel off???


Thanks everyone

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Assuming it is a Sargent unit their technical support is, or used to be, first class and I would be inclined to ask them first either by phone or email although their website does not seem to recognise 'NE219'?.




Glitches on the control panel can sometimes be cleared by unplugging the multi connector from the back of it and rebooting it after a wait of a few seconds, but Sargents will probably know the best solution if you can give them the model numbers.

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I don't know how helpful Swift would be but you could try their help line just in case you have a non Sargent unit fitted?


If the van has an individual build number or reference either in the handbook, service record or attached to the van somewhere that would help identify it for them?


Never owned a Swift so can't really help - sorry!



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The NE219 is a Nordelecttronica panel, not a Sargent one.


They weren't renowned for their reliability, and Swift stopped using them.


If there is a problem, then it should be down to the dealer to sort out.


Can't provide any specific information, but the following might be a good contact for you (or better, the dealer) to get things sorted:







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Hi yes done that. When you hold your finger on the off button both the battery and the water tank lights, light up.


Can I ask though, once yours as switched off, can you press any of the buttons to power back up? E.g what happens when you press the light button when the unit is powered down?


Thanks for the reply though


Does anyone know the answer to the battery charger switch I asked? Could/would this make a difference?

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When the panel has turned off, you can only turn it back on with the power on button. If you press any other no lights indicate.

It does sound like the panel is faulty. I have recently replaced mine. Try ringing Don Amotts as their workshop guys are very helpful and they supplied me with a new one at a very reasonable cost.

There are odd ones on e.bay for sale but I would only advise buying new of this make unless it is a really cheap price.



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Smooth - 2015-02-19 8:48 PM


And my panel is the only one not listed!!!!!


Thank you so much for the effort of putting that up. God knows where to turn now


And I doubt he will tell you unless you have been very good - but Swift might be able to point you in the wrong direction?

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I am suprised that A and N (see Robin's post) has not been able to help.

The Swift-Talk forum is your next best option. Technical people from the Swift factory read the posts. I have found them very useful in the past.

Sorry I cannot answer any of your question, my Swift has a different Nordelectronica panel.

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Smooth - 2015-02-19 8:48 PM


And my panel is the only one not listed!!!!!


Thank you so much for the effort of putting that up. God knows where to turn now


The instructions that I provided a link to cover NE219L, NE219P and NE219M control panels.


You’ve said that the panel in your 2009 Swift is an NE219 model. As you’ve been able to identify that it’s not an NE219L, NE219P or NE219M, I would have thought there must be some indication on your panel indicating which NE219 model it actually is. If that’s so, which model of NE219 does your Swift have, please?


Manufacturers of leisure-vehicle control panels often build according to a customer’s particular requirements (so there might be a Nordelettronica NE219S panel made just for Swift), but it seems liklely that (whatever model of NE219 panel you have and even though its appearance/display might differ somewhat from the L, P and M versions shown in the instructions on the link) its operating principles will be the same as other NE219s when it comes to how its main On/Off switch should function.

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just as a total wildcard, cant these misbehaving panels be 'rebooted' by disconnecting the supply cable which enters the panel at the rear?

I'm sure I've read of this being a short term fix.....

you remove the bezel, unscrew the panel and unplug the small connecter.....leave for a few mins and then re plug the unit and test.

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Normally ‘rebooting’ would be worth attempting and shouldn’t cause any harm as long as care were taken when removing/replacing the control-panel. However, Smooth’s original posting explains that this ploy has already been tried unsuccessfully by the dealer who sold the motorhome.


As the dealer has seen how the panel was behaving when it was in the Carthago motorhome, and has now removed the panel and taken it away to try to resolve the problem, I’m doubtful that it’s going to be possible to identify what’s causing the fault (or, more to the point, to suggest how to cure it) via inspired guesswork.


(I’ve attached a photo of an NE-219F panel that was fitted to 2012 Fleurette motorhomes (which presumably is why there’s an “F” suffix to the NE-219 designator) but I’m pretty sure its basic operating principles are little different to the other NE-219 panels.)


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Hi all


Thanks again for all the help. I have emailed all the contacts people have posted up but am still waiting for replies.


As for the model number. Both on the panel and in the manual it simply says NE219. The picture above is very similar to my panel but (all buttons exactly the same) however there is no LED in the panel. Just lights for battery, water tank etc.


The closest I have got an answer to at the moment is one of the links above told me that:


These panels were only fitted in the swifts for about a year and there were rumours that the supplier had left them outside in the wet. Hence problems. This may be so, but I would expect someone on here, or the net in general to have come across the same issue.


Thanks again

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