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Omistep Relay Replacement


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Hi, I am after some help please regarding the relay for my step.


It is a Toptron EL297,(branded LMC) the relay that extends the step is no longer working so I need to find out if just the relay can be changed by you guys or do I need a whole new board? The relay and wall switch for retrieving the step works fine but the one to extend it doesn't unless you push the relay with your finger to make the contact then the step extends so the circuit board that the relay is on is fine it is just not extending when pressing the extend switch on the wall. The other 2 relays on the board make a clicking sound and the contacts touch but the one for extending the step does not. Hope all that makes sense.


The wall switch has two switches, step out and step in.

The bottom relay retrieves the step (relay1) and the top relay sends the step out (relay2) but only when I press the relay to make the contact. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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The relay may not be getting the signal to tell it to operate. Could it be that the switch is not making a good contact


Have you checked the retract limit switch on the step its self. They are suceptable to sticking due to being covered in road dirt. My set up is completely different to yours so I may be completely on the wrong tack but it is worth a try.

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Hi, thanks for your reply, I am unsure if the switch is faulty as it is the only thing I dont know how to test.

The switch on the step itself is fine, I have had the step to pieces and everything cleaned, greased and put back together. The step does work both ways, in when I press the wall switch, in when I turn the ignition but it will only go out if I manually press the relay to make a contact.

Kind Regards.

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I have checked the fuse on the elektroblok (Trittstufe) and it was fine but I changed it just in case.

My motorhome is a 2010 transit, I can't find any information about if the step has any other fuses? And where they would be?

If it was a fuse why does the step extend when I press the relay? Does pressing it bypass it in some way?

Kind regards

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Is there a part number on the relay ? i would say its duff coil wise.


I did google Toptron EL297 and came up with a dutch site forum site which linked to a relay supplier

you would have to have a look see if it was the same









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Hi, that's a great bit of.detective work, thank you.

It certainly looks the same, I will take a closer look and see if they match.

I am sure a good auto electrician will be able to unsolder the defective one and solder in the new one.

So do you think think the coil is not creating the energy to make the contact move across (is magnet energy if That makes sense)

Kind Regards.


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On an Autotrail there's an EM50 that in part controls the Electric Step and is located behind the drivers seat, it's where some of the step fuses are housed. Does your motorhome have a similar system? It might be an idea to seek it out and also check for a fuse close to the Leisure battery as well. It's also a possibility that the manual control switch by the habitation door could be faulty.
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I am glad it was helpful looking at it it does look very similar

It could easily be replaced and yes the coil windings have broken down its not making the electro magnet thingy magig pull down to make the contact,


I am sure they would supply to uk they dont look dear and most of the dutch speak English.


Cannot hurt to email them



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Thanks everyone your help and suggestions are really helpful.

I have checked the relays and they are handouk RD3 (open European ) they look identical to ones in link (fra2) posted previously. I have found a site in Germany for FRA2 relays from the link and they deliver to UK and they are only £1 each and £9 postage. I have checked every fuse under the drivers seat and passenger seat, all fuses in the passenger side glove box including the hidden fuse box behind the passenger glove box fuse box :-S under the bonnet, in the elektroblok ebl 99 and the fuse near the leisure battery and all seem to be fine with non showing any breaks or corrosion. I have checked the switch by pressing both when the step is out and both retrieve it but neither will extend it.

I am driving the wife mad with this she said just go and buy a caravan step and we won't use the electric step! Lol

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I am no expert and my relays are inline so well away from any electronic components.


The relay works by a low current going to the coil side of the relay which pulls the contacts together therby puting power to the step motor so you should be looking for voltage going to the coil terminals when you press the switch.


Does the relay unplug from the board or is it hard soldered. If you can easily get it off the board it would be safer to do that than accidently shorting some components on the board with the probe on the multimeter.


With it off the board you can put 12volt on the coil terminals and if it pulls the contact in the relay is OK and you would need to look for a fault on the feed from the step switch.


Good Luck


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Hi, my relays are hard soldered to the board so they would need to be removed so I could test safely.

The explanation helps me understand a bit though so it's appreciated. I have 3 relays on the board, one for step out one for step in and one shared for awning light and lounge area light.

I think I will need the good luck ??

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It is far more likely to be a failed power feed to coil side of the relay than a failed relay in my experience.


You need to find someone who can use a multi meter to diagnose your fault before pulling it apart any further or spending money on replacement boards or relays.



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Hi, I don't have or able to.find a wiring diagram for the motorhome.

I have tested the switch as far as i can in that both buttons work to retract the step but neither extend it.

Would that rule out a faulty switch do you think?

I will try and find out if my neighbour can test with his multimeter.

I will post a picture of the wiring at the back of the light and step switch as they are linked together.

Thanks everybody


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Here is a picture of the switch wiring

The switch on the right is the awning light and light in the lounge. (double switch)

The double switch on the left is step switch.

Is the green wire carrying the power and that is why the big red wire links the two switches?

Can I use the light switch as the step switch for testing purpose, they are identical with the same part number on the back?



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Have you checked that the terminals on those switches are tight, and that the various wires are fully inserted? If not, I suggest you do so, just in case.


At this point, as suggested above, you really need a multimeter and someone to show you how to use it - or someone with a multimeter who already knows how to use it. In fact, a simple low volatge voltmeter will do, as you really only need to be able to test for volts, but I'd say get a multimeter (so-called because it can be switched to measure, Volts, Amps or Ohms (resistance)), as they are very useful tools, and are simple to use. It will have two probe type connectors on the ends of a couple of (usually removable) short cables. It will come with instructions, which you will need to read for the make/model you get. Try Halfords or similar, they usually have them. Not expensive.


I'd suggest you start at the step switch, setting the meter to the correct Voltage range for DC, and using the probes between the feed (+) and the common return, or "earth" (-). You should get a reading somewhere above 12V: 12.5 or over would be good. Then, test the terminals on the opposite (output) side of the switch while operating the switch (or easier, get someone else to do this while you fiddle with the probes!), to see if you get the same result. If you do, the switch is OK. Then follow the wires down to the relay, checking any intermediate connectors for looseness/corrosion as you go. If all is OK, try the meter in the same way on the connections that feed the relay coil. If that shows healthy Voltage but the coil doesn't cause the contacts to close, I think you can conclude that the coil is duff, or that the fault is on the PC board.


I'm not claiming the above will be an exact description of what you will find, but it should give a reasonable idea of how to proceed. You are checking for the availablity of Volts at each point of the system, looking for the point at which they disappear. Your fault will then either be at that point, or between there and the last good point. Hope this helps a bit. Others will soon say if I've cocked-up the instructions! :-)

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Thank you guys, as usual lots of great info.

Should I be touching the blue and pink wire to the red screw with the green in it.

I am going to ask my neighbour to bring his multimeter over tomorrow when he comes to watch the rugby.

In the meantime I will try the wires approach.


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