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another gas question

kev m

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It is recommended that cylinders are in an upright position during transport so unless you can strap it securely in that position then I personally would not recommend it. I'm not sure on the legal position of strapping to a cycle rack but wouldn't want to find out!


Was your question in relation to travelling abroad by Ferry or Tunnel? If so check for limits on number and size of cylinders that the different companies will allow. They all vary!


And as for getting a Spanish bottle filled in the UK almost certainly NO!


My opinions and not gospel you understand!



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We have often seen vans with gas cylinders strapped on the back either on a bike rack or a ladder and I don't see anything wrong with it.

Probably a better 'keep your distance' signal than any sign could ever be!

As to the legality I have no idea but we often see lorries carrying loadsa gas bottles clanking around in the open so what's the difference?

Normally only the company that 'owns' the bottle will refill it's own bottles unless they have an agreement to fill others and if you were thinking of refilling your own - DONT - it's dangerous.

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I don't know of any specific offence carrying a gas bottle as described but I would have thought unless it well secured in a purpose-made holder, a traffic police officer might well find some reason to object.


Having it attached to the back of a MH where it would be at risk of collision damage might be of itself enough to trigger a wagging finger. The traveller community are great ones for having lots of big gas bottles but I can't remeber ever seeing them having bottles strapped on the back, I wonder why not?

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