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Uprating Motor-homes?


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Anyone uprated a M-H recently?. Who can do it? and / or What is the best procedure? .


Our "new" M-H (when it arrives) is rated 3.5t, But with SWMBO`s propensity to require "the kitchen sink". And more appropriately having to carry a Mobility Scooter. I can see it having to be uprated to the 3.8(ish) that can be achieved, I have been informed.


2 Other things come to mind.


1) being over 70 (but still in Relatively good health) I will need to get my Medical and retain the C1+E.


2) IF I am correct that will be offset by the fact that the "Road Tax" SHOULD come down from £290+ to about £165!!. (which for me is a plus as the greedy git`s get enough tax!!).


Anyone done it?



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SV Tech are the people to talk to. Link.


Start by reading the info on their website then get your new MH weighed as they recommend then fill in the forms. It should all be fairly simple.


As you say, all you've got to do then is get your C1+E back! In fact it may be better to get your C1+E before you uprate as you won't be able to drive it after uprating until you do!



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