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Reversing/rear view lens?


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We're looking at aids to increase rear visibility in our motorhome. Up until now we've only been looking at cameras. What about the much cheaper alterantive of a fresnel lens stuck to the rear window? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Great-Ideas-Adhesive-Parking-Reversing/dp/B005UCQL4C/ref=pd_sim_sbs_263_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=1T2V2PVF1H4G1QGCN1FG


How effective/easy to use are they?






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Hi Michael,


My first reaction is that it is not big enough! It may be fine for a car or MPV but definitely not a MH.


We have a 'Rearguard' branded fresnel lens fitted to our MH and it is at least twice the size of the one you linked to and is very good but I would not want one any smaller. For info our MH is ''only' 6.5 m long.


It was intended as a stop gap before a camera but so far has been on for 7 years!




Edit. Misread the size, it may be better than I thought. I can't find the size of the rearguard to compare it to right now.

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You could get a cheap camera and monitor kit (the type that fastens over the existing rear-view mirror so it is the usual position) off Ebay very cheaply, this is what we have and had used it for years without a problem. Rather than wiring it in permanently we've left it on a 12v cig-plug which we just stick in one of the 12v sockets on the dash. This has the benefit that when we change camper we can easily remove it and reuse it - it's now in our 3rd camper!
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This 2012 discussion may be helpful (Note: the links may well be invalid nowadays).




My view (based on the fresnel lens I had on my Herald motorhome) is that it’s better than nothing. But it’s definitely not a substitute for a rear-view camera system.

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michaelmorris - 2015-06-10 1:55 PM


...alternative of a fresnel lens stuck to the rear window?


How effective/easy to use are they?





For a time we had one on our Toyota Hiace...and on something of that length it was okay and gave a decent *field of view..not sure how beneficial it'd really be on something the length of a MH and sitting that far away from it though...?

(*however it didn't really show close enough to the vehicle, which was what I was after).


We would probably still have it, if the tailgate glass hadn't inexplicably shattered one afternoon, whilst the van was parked up on our driveway (directly in the sun!),tailgate to the house ....

(I always wondered if the lens was partially to blame?)

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