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Paint seal treatment


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Does anyone have any experience of having a used motorhome treated by paint seal direct?

The claims for the long term effects on ease of cleaning are impressive but I would love to hear from anyone who has had this done. Thanks John.

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I am of the opinion that paint sealers are great on cars but not so good for motorhomes and caravans. This is because of the materials that our vans are made from are designed to flex and paint sealers are not. I had a customer recently who had spent a considerable sum of money having this treatment done on his van, unfortunately he had a large amount of tar spots on the front of the van. Normally I would remove tar with my usual cleaner but could not use it on his van because it would also remove the sealer, so he was on the horns of a dilemma, put up with unsightly tar spots or risk having some of his sealer removed.


By Autoglym I assume that frankie means SRP. Please note this is a polish ( slightly abrasive)and offers no protection. So if your using it put a coat of wax over the top

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I have polished our MH with Auto Glym Super Resin Polish (SRP) in the past but found it very quickly went dull, much as fjmike is implying.


I then discovered Auto Glym Extra Gloss Protection which is, quote "an easy to use, durable paintwork sealant. Apply a thin even layer to clean, polished paintwork to seal the shine in and dirt out. Protected paintwork is easier to keep clean, as the new dirt is easily washed away saving you time and effort. The sealant is extremely durable and will protect your car for several months with a water repellent finish."


I must say I am amazed at how much easier the dirt and black streaks now wash off. It was well worth the effort in applying and I used less than a bottle at £12.99 to do the whole MH.



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I have started using Armor All Shield on a new motorhome, after considering the somewhat expensive Paintseal treatment.


It goes on easily and the manufacturers confirmed it was suitable for the different surfaces of the motorhome.


Don't know how well it will last but is shiny to start with. Good reviews in AutoExpress comparisons.

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My Carthago was Paintsealed when new and redone by the previous owner when it was 5 years old which then gave a guarantee of a further 3 years. I spoke to him about this after we bought the motorhome and he said that he wasn't impressed with it, but he hadn't complained to Paintseal.


When I bought the van the Paintseal was still under guarantee (another year to go) so, also not being very impressed with it, I spoke with the boss at Paintseal to ask them to have a look and see if it could be improved.


Apparently guarantees are not transferable to new owners as Paintseal can't be sure what a new owner will have polished it with........ *-)


They did send a couple of 'sample' products for me to try but I thought they were pretty poor actually so have used some Farecla products since and the finish has improved greatly.


From my experience I would not pay for Paintseal to be applied.

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We had Paint Seal applied free to our AutoTrail from new. Not impressed we resorted to using a marine polish on the fibreglass.


Had same product also free on our present AutoSleeper PVC. Most impressed with this.


My conclusion works well on painted body not so well on fibreglass.


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I contacted Painseal Direct and after 3 voicemails and an email, they finally contacted me. I was after information as to having a used van sealed and they basically said it was for new vans only but would have a look at mine and see if it could be done. Cost £600 approximately. They said they could assess it at Lowdhams when local technician was there if I took it in. Local technician rang about a week later and said he would be in Lowdhams for an hour if I took it in-I couldn't as was miles away so we agreed next time he was coming to Lowdhams he would contact me and arrange to meet there.

I assume he's very busy as 5 weeks later, I have not heard a thing from him!


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Thanks for your advice, I have bought the Autoglym super resin polish and the extra gloss protection. When I have done an area with the resin polish it looks very patchy and you can see all the circular patches, am I doing something wrong or do I need a proper applicator. Thanks for any further help.


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Thanks for your advice, I have bought the Autoglym super resin polish and the extra gloss protection. When I have done an area with the resin polish it looks very patchy and you can see all the circular patches, am I doing something wrong or do I need a proper applicator. Thanks for any further help.


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