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C&CC Research Survey


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Hi All,


The Camping and Caravanning Club has commissioned a survey by a leading marketing company to help understand camping habits and get feedback to help shape the clubs direction in the future.


If you want to help by completing the survey you can access it by following this Link.


PS I am not directly related with the survey but have been asked to try and get as many people as possible to complete it.



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It is clear they are only interested in their own sites with no reference to weekend meets or THSs or Aires or travel abroad.

I accept thay theyse clubs cater mainly for those who prefer to stay on a site for the duration of their holiday but I ploughed through it anyway - I expect that it was a waste of time as based on the questions asked and our type of holiday I still see no reason to rejoin this or any other club.

But I wish them well and at least they asked!

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Seems to be based on the Labour Party's approach. Anyone can have a say.


The Caravan Club did a survey recently which I think was restricted to members. Given the number of members of each club and the likelihood of submissions, I don't expect them to pander to my personal wish list.

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Brock - 2015-08-10 4:46 PM


Seems to be based on the Labour Party's approach. Anyone can have a say.




That's if anybody knows about it.


As far as I know members haven't been told - and there's no mention of it on the club website as far as I can see.


Won't get much response if they are just relying on this link.




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Keithl - 2015-08-10 6:00 PM


sshortcircuit - 2015-08-10 5:47 PM


Survey appears designed for England only?


How do you arrive at that fact Hamish? If you let me know I'll try and find out why.




One question asks which national organisations you are a member of and suggests only English organisations, National Trust, English Heritage, etc.


Grateful if you can find out.


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sshortcircuit - 2015-08-10 6:10 PM


Keithl - 2015-08-10 6:00 PM


sshortcircuit - 2015-08-10 5:47 PM


Survey appears designed for England only?


How do you arrive at that fact Hamish? If you let me know I'll try and find out why.




One question asks which national organisations you are a member of and suggests only English organisations, National Trust, English Heritage, etc.


Grateful if you can find out.


I'll try and find out but in the meantime there is always the 'Other' box where you can add all the Scottish organisations.



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Keithl - 2015-08-10 6:18 PM


sshortcircuit - 2015-08-10 6:10 PM


Keithl - 2015-08-10 6:00 PM


sshortcircuit - 2015-08-10 5:47 PM


Survey appears designed for England only?


How do you arrive at that fact Hamish? If you let me know I'll try and find out why.




One question asks which national organisations you are a member of and suggests only English organisations, National Trust, English Heritage, etc.


Grateful if you can find out.


I'll try and find out but in the meantime there is always the 'Other' box where you can add all the Scottish organisations.




Then they should all have been other and just add your own preference. Typical CCC, poorly prepared.

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Reply was that it was done to keep list reasonably short. I added other organisations which I would have expected to be included but same reasoning applies.




I'm not sure who compiled the questions but the research is being conducted by a marketing company and they have to present back to C&CC. And it is not an attempt to get you to join, just trying to find out what 'Campers' want from the club.




PS And I'm only the messenger, please don't shoot me :D

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Is there an option to voice disgust that a paid up member, was refused point blank to use their facilities at a club site en-route home, even though offering to pay a reasonable amount for the privilege, when I pointed out the CC club offered such a service the wardens reply was " well you should have joined that club" >:-(
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Keithl - 2015-08-10 6:33 PM




Reply was that it was done to keep list reasonably short. I added other organisations which I would have expected to be included but same reasoning applies.




I'm not sure who compiled the questions but the research is being conducted by a marketing company and they have to present back to C&CC. And it is not an attempt to get you to join, just trying to find out what 'Campers' want from the club.




PS And I'm only the messenger, please don't shoot me :D

I wasn't getting at you Keith . But the fact that all survey's have biased questions, and I did not see any that would make any difference , any way. Just a way of making money,by the survey firm, and spending money by the club (Which is paid for by the members!


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Thank you for your efforts Keith but as usual the CCC muddle.


I read a CCC boasting about the huge amount of money they had spent upgrading a site at Keswick?? The site is always fully booked and I think 3 day minimum so very, very popular and no commercial problems. The logical progress in any we'll run business is look to improve your weakness not throw it away on something that is not going to increase your profits. Typical poor CCC management.

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Sydney1 - 2015-08-10 8:33 PM


What a poorly constructed survey. Goodness knows what they are going to learn from that. Seems like they avoided the obvious questions.




.......and, it seems, the only one they've told about it is Keithl - who has apparently being asked to tell everyone else.


( e.g. which website did the marketing company put the survey on ? )




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They wont like my answers. I dont like their website for ferry bookings, dont like lack of obvious pricing etc. Point is dont really need anything except 5 van sites. One question, how will getting older affect your holiday. I pointed out only in mid 70s so way to go yet.
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Sydney1 - 2015-08-10 8:33 PM


What a poorly constructed survey. Goodness knows what they are going to learn from that. Seems like they avoided the obvious questions.


We have only been in ccc for four months, we have used two THS and 6 CLs. They were fine. However we are still virgins and although I have done the survey. What questions should it have asked me?

What do you think ccc are trying to get from the survey, and what is their objective for commissioning it?

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