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Blind up or Down?


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I keep my van in a secure storage yard and had a wander round the yard today because I needed to kill some time before the adjacent dealer opened. I noticed that about 80% of the M/H and caravans had their window blinds down (and some had windscreen blinds as well). Closing the blinds may give a measure of protection against fading upholstery etc (solar degradation) but I remember reading that it was better to leave blinds up as the constant tension on the springs would eventually lead to problems. Opinions may also vary about whether closed blinds are good or bad for security.

Opinions please

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We have pleated Remis blinds which do not rely on springs so keep them almost closed. They pull up so, much as Ken does, we leave a small (2") gap at the top to allow air to circulate and keep prying eyes out.


I would not leave a spring loaded blind closed as this will almost certainly weaken the spring over time.



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HymerVan - 2015-08-30 2:56 PM


I keep my van in a secure storage yard and had a wander round the yard today because I needed to kill some time before the adjacent dealer opened. I noticed that about 80% of the M/H and caravans had their window blinds down (and some had windscreen blinds as well). Closing the blinds may give a measure of protection against fading upholstery etc (solar degradation) but I remember reading that it was better to leave blinds up as the constant tension on the springs would eventually lead to problems. Opinions may also vary about whether closed blinds are good or bad for security.

Opinions please


Looking at my original post it is ambiguous !!

What a meant to say was that the majority of vans had their blinds closed !

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We think that between May and August, when the fabric fading capability of the Sun is at it's greatest, it is best to leave the blinds down/Closed.

But outside these months letting the Sun into the Motorhome has a major impact on reducing condensation. We therefore suggest that in storage you open the blinds, turn the cushions upside down to protect them from fading and to let the underside 'Air' (pull them away from the walls so there is a gap to allow circulation).

In Winter just a few hours of Sun will warm the interior of the van, the warmer air is then able to hold more moisture so it holds the maximum water content,.

In the evening the outside temperature will drop first. As the outside air cools so it lets go of the moisture it was holding and this condenses on Cold Surfaces like you see on a Car windscreen.

There then builds up a difference in warmth between the MH interior and the outside so the warm 'wet' air in the MH rises and flows out the roof vents.

This warm moisture laden air is then replaced by cold 'dry' air coming in the floor vents. Thus always keeping the moisture in the van to the minimum. We suggest you never seal the roof vents or reduce air flow by pulling across the blinds.


No one breaks into a Motorhome(MH) to steal the cushions. Some thieves are clearly stupid, but most will realise that a MH where they can clearly see inside and has nothing visible of value, is unlikely to be worth the trouble. A MH with the Blinds down is must likely hiding something?

So if you have nothing on display of value a thief may just go to the next Motorhome that does appear to be worth a look?


Most Dealers will always remove any items of value and (except outside the very hot months) and will have the Blinds open to show there are no valuables inside.








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If your MH is in a genuinely secure storage than it shouldn't matter very much, from the security viewpoint, whether you leave blinds open or closed. If it's less than completely secure, then Allan's comment about leaving nothing on view makes some sense. Certainly the dealers always seem to leave blinds open - but of course they aren't really bothered about the risk of fading upholstery during the relatively short duration of their ownership.


I think I'm included to think leaving blinds open would be best.

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Thanks for helpful contributions. I think on balance we will just leave blinds open (which is what we have done so far in our 13 years of M/H ownership. The yard is as secure as any can be and there is nothing on view inside the van. When posting my query I was thinking more of solar damage than anything else.

In the winter we take all the soft furnishings and kit out. It doesn't take long to put it back in for the odd winter trip.

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