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Autocruise Starspirit step fault on 12volts

Donald Duck

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I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction re my slide out step.

It works fine on hook up but won't work when habitation mode is switched on.It automatically comes back in when you start the engine. I've checked the gel habitation batteries and they both read full on my charger. I'm pulling my hair out as no one in my area has any experience with my machine. Help.


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If it works on hook up and when the engine starts then there's no reason it shouldn't work at any other time as its a 12 volt supply, is the control panel on or off when you try to use it? also if you press the switch to go out when its out, you have to press it twice to make it go back in (and vice versa)


It sounds like its not getting power from your hab batteries, do you have a truma combi? and does that work without hookup? it might give you a clue

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I Suggest there is not much wrong with your actual step, as it is performing as it should, It drives out, and retracts when the engine is started, You have a wiring problem prior to your step.

I had an Autocruise Starlet, and the step wiring and switch were at the back of the Table storage cupboard, and very prone to getting 'Bashed' or wires pulled off, just a thought.


There have been some good step wiring diagrams posted on this forum, Try doing a search




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Thanks for your feed back. The step only goes out and in properly on hook up. The only other time the step moves is when its in the out position when the engine is started. It moves back in automatically, which its supposed to do. I have noticed that the management display does nor recognise the starter battery readout on habitation, it shows zero, but when on hook up it goes straight to 13.7. The more I think about the fault the more I look towards a control unit which I believe sends the message or power to the out and in switch when the management or habitation has been selected.
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Maybe the step motor has become lazy and needs the extra voltage as supplied by the mains charger or the alternator to work?


Water ingress is the biggest enemy of motor driven steps and it might be worth taking it apart to see if corrosion or damp is impeding curent flow at any of the switches or connections or atthe motor itself?

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Hi Donald Duck I put a ??????? a few months back with my Thule step playing up. I have an Autocruise Pace 59 plate and when we bought it the step was playing up. After much discussion on this Forum I had a new step provided by the company that we bought it from. I think you have said that your step retracts when you start the engine and a buzzer should sound and then go off when the step is in. My switch is on the back of the sink unit by the sliding door and is a tumble type.
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Cheers Ray. I will take your advice and see if I can source a wiring diagram to see what controls what on habitation. I am convinced its a management control unit thats not sending the Power to the right switch, ie the out in button. I did have a guy to look at it but he was more interested what he was going to do later, after a two week wait. Needlessto say I won't be using him again, you would think he would have Some idea how it works but alas not.
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Cheers for your input, but the only thing that irks me is it goes out and in on hook up no problem. Ive had the gel batteries out and checked on my home charger and both read out the way they should IE full. I have never heard a buzzer sound when the step is retracted on ignition. Surely not another fault ha ha.
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Has your Control Panel got a button showing ALL levels? Mine has, leisure and motor battery etc.My step does not retract like it did originally as the auto electrician could not get it to consistently go in or out. It is wired so that the buzzer sounds when the engine is started and continually buzzes until you operate the switch by the sliding door. He reckons that the Sargent unit was switching off the current before the step had completed its full movement in or out. The Thule step was slightly different in design to the original.
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Donald Duck - 2015-09-18 11:01 PM


Cheers Ray. I will take your advice and see if I can source a wiring diagram to see what controls what on habitation. I am convinced its a management control unit thats not sending the Power to the right switch, ie the out in button. I did have a guy to look at it but he was more interested what he was going to do later, after a two week wait. Needlessto say I won't be using him again, you would think he would have Some idea how it works but alas not.

You may be able to see a wiring diagram on my original thread.
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Thank you for your input, I was under the impression that the power came from the leisure batteries, but your info helps to point me in another direction. I will try different things to get to the bottom of the problem. All the people who've responded helps to stop me from despair. Cheers
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  • 2 years later...

Hi I have just seen your message regarding the step not working on your auto cruise . The problem is this on the positive on the battery is a form of circuit board. On this are coloured fuses. They are called strip fuses. The red one is a 50 amp fuse. Disconnect the earth first. Then undo the two nuts connecting the red fuse. Replace the fuse and the two bolts. Then reset the energy management system as it says in the hand book. And the step will work.And the engine battery will get a reading. Instead of reading zero. Hope this helps. Sorry it is a bit late but I have just joined.


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Len Salisbury - 2015-09-20 9:11 AM


Sorry I did not reply until and I am sure that you have got all the info. To cut a long story short, YES the step does work with the Control Panel OFF which tells me that it must be working off the veh battery.


I would not have commented except for the fact that the thread has been resurrected.


The logic used by Len is incorrect. The step fuse on my CBE520 12V Distribution Board, is supplied direct from the 12v habitation battery (B2), hence while the step is supplied from B2, it functions even with the associated PC200 control panel switched OFF.



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CEE BEE - 2018-04-26 5:51 PM


Hi I have just seen your message regarding the step not working on your auto cruise . The problem is this on the positive on the battery is a form of circuit board. On this are coloured fuses. They are called strip fuses. The red one is a 50 amp fuse. Disconnect the earth first. Then undo the two nuts connecting the red fuse. Replace the fuse and the two bolts. Then reset the energy management system as it says in the hand book. And the step will work.And the engine battery will get a reading. Instead of reading zero. Hope this helps. Sorry it is a bit late but I have just joined.


The diagnosis of a faullty vehicle battery fuse may be correct, but the name applied to the fuse is not.

What CEE BEE is describing is a "MIDI FUSE", which come in various ratings and are connected via two M5 studs. There is also a similar "MAXI FUSE" which is longer and mounts on two M6 studs.


A "STRIP FUSE" is a bare strip of metal, as the name implies. Anyone ordering a Strip fuse as a replacement for a blown Midi Fuse would be disappointed.



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