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Shameless plug for charity skydive!


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I know that this has nothing at all to do with the subjects at hand but upon the suggestion of a couple of customers and contributors I am casting my net as wide as i can! I apologise if this annoys anyone.


I am trying to raise sponsorship for a Tandem Skydive in aid of a charity that I have been involved with for 13 years. This is proving difficult. I will be plummeting to earth from about 10,000 feet near Cambridge on Saturday 26th September and am woefully short of my target of £500. £500 for my life! Shocking.


The Aplastic Anaemia Trust has funded research and support for patients and families with the illness for 30 years. One of the patients is the fundraising coordinator, and has been a close friend for about 10 years. She was diagnosed with Aplastic Anaemia 21 years ago and decided to celebrate her continuing health and happiniess by getting her friends to jump out of a plane. I know. With friends like that......


I need to raise a load of money to make it worthwhile and to help fund more research, support and specialist nursing for patients now and in the future. Every little really does help.


I won't bore you with any more details but if you want to know more please go to www.theaat.org.uk


Suffice to say that i am prepared to risk my life for them and i hope that is enough to convince you to help me!


Please go to www.justgiving.com and look for the Aplastic Anaemia Trust and 'Nick Fisher's Big Jump'.

Whatever you can manage would be gratefully received.




Nick Fisher


PS. Once again; I apologise for this blatant abuse of the forum but I almost certainly won't be doing it again!


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That's the first one in!.

Thank you very much.


I should also say that 30 years ago, this disease of the blood which is similar to Leukaemia and just as common was barely known of but killed 90% of sufferers within 2 years. Nowadays, due to the research and development of treatments funded by the AAT this is more like 90% SURVIVE more than 2 years, which i think is awesome. All without any government funding at all!


Please help if you can. Asking for help is not normally my thing but.........

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Thanks Rich, much obliged.

Another one just in via Justgiving too. Thank you very much.


Those of you that want to help but don't want to do the online thing.....


Please send me a PM to let me know how i am doing(!) and then feel free to send your sponsorship to me at Eurotruck. Make your cheques payable to 'The Aplastic Anaemia Trust' and i will forward them to the charity.


Our address is;

Nick Fisher

Eurotruck Hire Ltd

Unit 2

Saffron Way,




Remember! Don't make the cheques out to Eurotruck or to me!!


Thanks for your support gang. It means a lot.



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Nick, you are brilliant not only do you tirelessly solve all the problems of us Ducato drivers but you raise money for charity. My friend in Frome Somerset has a daughter who has just jumped out of a plane to raise money and now her mother is planning a 6 day walk on the Great Wall of China for charity. She needs to raise £1500 before she can go. You English are so generous with your efforts  I am so impressed with your consideration of others - we need more of that in this troubled world. Thanks from afar we do applaud you.
Cheers Gary.
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Thank you for the kind words and your contribution Gary. You are right about us Brits. We all try to do our bit to help if we can.

Another on-line contribution received from '747' ; thanks also for the tip on Easy Start. It will take a lot to get me out of bed at 0500 on Saturday but i think a bacon sandwich and strong coffee should do the job!


I am edging slowly towards my target of £500 but could still use some more help if you are able; and don't worry; barring something really unfortunate happening, i will be back on Monday to answer your questions!



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Thanks Terry. Fantastic.

Jump completed at 1500 today and I have to say it was the most amazing experience and this has quite possibly been the best day of my life.


Huge gratitude to everyone that has sponsored me. In total the members of this forum donated £145 and got me to within £35 of my target of £500! It would be great if I could get there or beat it but I want you to know how much I appreciate your support.


Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


The photos are on many phones and cameras but will be collected soon and I will post a couple when I can.

Now I need a drink.



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No Dave, afraid not.


I was so excited and thrilled to be doing it that the adrenaline was contained and i remained calm throughout. I surprised myself and everyone else! Apart from the difficulties of breathing properly while free-falling at about 140mph, it was a breeze. It was a perfect day! The following pictures show me preparing to go up and a couple of the descent and a successful landing.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Nick

I've been away and just seen this thread. ( I don't do the web when away).

I know how much work you have put in to this charity over a long period of time, and of course, it is a very good cause so I'll send you a cheque for the £35 you need to get to your target.

Thanks for all your help with my van and on this forum

Best Wishes



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