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The lure of the show


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Hi all,


I'm currently seeking to buy a recent, or possibly brand new, motorhome. I've done some research and I believe I've found the right model for our needs.


I've looked extensively at classified ads, dealer websites, Autotrader etc. and have a good feel for used prices, and I've also had some offers from dealers for brand new vans.


Specifically, looking at a Swift Escape 686, I've been offered a buy price (with comfort pack thrown in gratis) representing around 7-8% discount from the manufacturer's list price.


My question is - would I get a much better price by going to a show (NEC February), or am I better off negotiating the finer details with my local guy and just going for it. I guess I'm trying to get a feel for how much the show fever counts towards further savings - would it be thousands, hundreds (possibly not worth the travelling etc.) or nowt - I'm better off where I am now.


Cheers Jem


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Personally I feel that it is better to deal with your Local outlet, rather than someone at the show who might be from the other end of the country, This is particularly relevant in the event of a warranty claim becoming necessary and you have to go a long distance to get it seen to.


Of course go to the show to recheck that the current offer and vehicle is really what you want, and test the kind of deals they might be prepared to do,, and then weigh up the risk . You might be able to press your local guy to beat any offer the show might make.. play one off against the other. and end up with an even better deal.


Alternatively you might find an ever better van that your current choice.. worth a day out to confirm your present thoughts, ???




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Before you part with your hard earned cash do a Google search something like "Swift Motorhome Damp".


Or the same for any brand of motorhome. Some leak more than others.


As regards price, you will get a deal at a show, wait for the closing hours on the last day, and be prepared to walk away ( you can always come back later). Check every little detail on the order, you want exactly what you ordered. Pay as little deposit as possible and before hand over go over the m/h with a toothcomb.


Do a search on here, some good posts about all sorts.



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If you are buying your first motorhome, you are extremely unlikely to "get it right first time", so expect to be wanting to change it within a couple of years at most, as you mount your learning curve.  Each time you change, it costs you the dealer's margin, so try to gain experience without incurring too much in the way of depreciation and buying costs.  Buying a new one first time is a pretty sure way to lose a chunk of money when you change.



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Shows can be a good place to buy especially on day 1 when they are all keen to reach sales targets. If sales are good expect no good deals on the last day but if sales are slow the last day can be a very very good time to buy.


Be aware that stands are staffed by people from all dealers over the UK and the last thing you want is a van from a dealer that is several hundred miles from where you live because when it goes wrong, and it more than likely will go wrong, it is a long old haul and very inconvenient and expensive in time and fuel to get it sorted.

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And also bear in mind that a lot of manufacturers will build on a 'fist ordered' basis so if they have a very busy show and you order on the last day you may have a very long wait for your chosen MH.


Whereas if you ordered before the show you would be 'first in line'!


This may not be the case with all manufacturers but is certainly worth watching out for.


If you ordered a new MH now when would you hope to take delivery?



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If it was me buying again I would stick to my local dealer, assuming they are OK and not of the Arfur Daley school of dealers.  As has been said if something goes wrong, and it is quite possible it will (major or minor problems) travelling some distance to get it sorted is going to be a pain whereas using your local guy you are less inconvenienced, forking out less in  fuel/time etc and have a basis to negotiate a deal on accessories/habitation services etc....so go local and save 'unless' you're looking at a couple of £grand difference elsewhere. 
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I have always found shows to be an excellent place to buy pricewise. However, the problem with show buying is that often orders only are taken as the motorhomes being bought are not yet manufactured. If you are in a rush it's best to buy from a dealer direct as long as they have the required motorhome either in stock or on order for early delivery.
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I would definitely suggest that you buy fairly locally. My now 9 month old MH has gone back to the dealer 5 times for various issues. They are 50 miles away and a bridge toll of £6.50. I was told by them that the first 12 months were for things to be "sorted out" !!!! So, don't expect a perfect no issues purchase.
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One point to bear in mind. How quickly do you want the Motorhome. If ordered at the show, it will be a new factory order unless the dealer at the show has a 2015 model in stock & MMM reported many manufacturers' order books for 2016 are already full after the October NEC show.
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Given the ability of dealers, converters and base vehicle manufacturers to delay construction, change specifications without notice, and generally cock up many orders and options I would NEVER buy any van that I could not see, check out and drive before parting with any cash other than say a guaranteed fully refundable deposit to hold the vehicle or have it transferred from another location.


When I want to change my van or car I want to change it NOW or when it suits me not at the whim of so many others all hell bent on grabbing my cash and then blaming everyone else for any cock ups and delays.


But that's just me, and it's a good job that so many are happy to put up with diabolical service standards with the supply and warranty work of new vans or there would never be enough nice low mileage well cared for well sorted used vans to go round!


We much prefer the outdoor shows where the atmosphere is less frenetic, the noise dissipates into the atmosphere instead of bouncing back at you off the roof, people tend to be more friendly and relaxed and you can choose which dealers you want to talk to and see look at the vans that interest you and are available for immediate delivery with any specific add ons that you fancy.


Good luck - you'll need it!

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