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status ariel


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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Bob.


I’m doubtful that it would be practicable to try to talk you through testing your Status aerial, particularly as I’m not sure whether, when you say “it does not seem to work”, you mean that the aerial-system used to work OK and it’s now gone completely ‘dead’, or the aerial-system appears to be functional (eg. 12V power is reaching the aerial’s amplifier and the coax cable is properly connected) but is hopeless at receiving signals.


This link relates to current Status aerials




There is a Technical FAQ section on that webpage and the information there may help you to trouble-shoot the problem.

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I agree with Derek, but I don't think the Status "flying saucer type are much good having had one years ago. If your up for buying a new unit you won't go far wrong with the Teleco Telplusx2. I have had 2 of these and they are as good as it gets. Infact I recall a review comparing the two makes in MMM and the Teleco came out on top if you'll excuse the pun.
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Thank you Derek,

I'm quite new to using these status ariels, I purchased my motorvan two weeks ago and have this Satus ariel was already fitted.....mine has the Status printed in Blue on it so it may have been fitted in 2001 when the van was built.


Inside there is the booster which has a red light which lights up....it has two settings one is low and the othe is normal, I have tried both settings but with no picture.


Is there a way this novice can check the output from this booster to which I put my coax tv cable into.






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First thing I would check are all the co-axial cables and plugs for continuity and integrity as any break or inter connection between inner core and outer braid will prevent the signal from getting through.


If you have a multimeter (essential bit of kit for many of us!) you can check cables for continuity and faults.


If you live in a strong signal area you can also by pass the booster box and see if that provides a signal.



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Draycotebob - 2016-02-06 12:28 PM


Is there a way this novice can check the output from this booster to which I put my coax tv cable into.








The only way I know to check the signal strength is with a 'Signal Finder'. I use this one with my directional freestanding aerial...



They are available mail order or from most caravan accessory stores.



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If that red light is lit then at least you have 12v to the booster. Leave the setting at 'normal'. As others have said, check co-ax cable.....but also check the plugs. No idea what kind of tv you have but most autotune frequencies so go through the tv setup menu to do that as 747 mentioned.


Don't expect too much from the flying saucer wok type aerial though. They are omni-directional and have limited range whereas the better type are directional only which work in the same manner as your domestic tv aerial (points only toward the transmitter which is the strongest source).

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Was there a manual for the aerial when you bought the van? If not, have you looked on




I suggest that you also locate the manual for your TV and look through that if you haven't already.


When we've had problems with ours it is either the cables are not plugged in properly or somebody fiddled with the knobs on the TV.




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