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France in June


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We have booked ferry to Caen for last week in June, we only have 8 days and I would like some warm weather. We like the beach and walking, which would be the best part of France to head for to get some sun within the time constraint? If we were lucky enough to have a spell of settled weather it is so easy, numerous choices but if we get off in Caen and it is unsettled, how far do you think we could get to have 5 days in the sun.


thanks for any advice



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The weather can never be guaranteed in France, although of course on average it is pretty good, especially the further south you go - and in recent years we've been lucky in May, June and September going no further south than the Loire Valley.


But we had one three week holiday in France, aiming initially for the Loire, when we drove further and further south because it was dull and rainy - so bad that we only sat out during one afternoon.  We ended up within 100 km of Spain and it still rained, so eventually we gave up and came home early.


Driving south doesn't necessarily guarantee warmth or sunshine, but on average even the Loire Valley should be OK from May to late September.


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lynneroy - 2016-02-18 11:00 AM


We have booked ferry to Caen for last week in June, we only have 8 days and I would like some warm weather. We like the beach and walking, which would be the best part of France to head for to get some sun within the time constraint? If we were lucky enough to have a spell of settled weather it is so easy, numerous choices but if we get off in Caen and it is unsettled, how far do you think we could get to have 5 days in the sun.


thanks for any advice





We've often been to France in June - always using the Caen route.


With only eight days I think I would go down to the Vendee region - maybe onto the islands ( Oleron or Ile de Re - well maybe not RE since they hiked up the toll charge ).


We've generally had good weather there - it has it's own micro climate down there and USUALLY gets a fair amount of sunshine. . Plenty of good beaches.


Inland you have the Marais region which is good for walking / cycling - nice and flat.


We usually arrive Caen approx 3pm - one hours drive down to Pont Farcy municipal site - or on to Villedieu site - then arrive following afternoon on the coast.


( There was some talk of the Pont Farcy site closing - hope not - it's very handy on that route).


Have a good trip.



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With just a week my inclination would be to head to the St Malo area first and if that is not warm enough check the forecasts before heading to the Nantes area.

Once there you have the choice of the coast if it is fine or the Loire Valley where the wind is generally less and it is warmer than the coast.

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Have to agree with above. Vendee . Also the Villiedu les poles ACSI site , very convenient to a nice town, with plenty to see, if weather a little unsettled. Site can be a bit wet, so choose your pitch carefully. Only about 1 hour from Caen


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Thank you for all your ideas, I do appreciate them, we did Brittany in September 2 years ago, loved it but quite chilly, last year did Il de Re 1st week in September and absolutely fell in love with the island, stayed at St martin municipal site, very handy. So if the weather is good we will not drive too far, if the forecast is not good will look at the other suggestions.


Thanks again,



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As others have mentioned it can be pot luck with the weather. We have had very hot June periods in the middle of France with temps in the low 30's. But we have also had holidays where it never stopped raining and we ended up within 50 miles of the Med to see the sun. It was one of the reasons we started heading straight for Spain to get a more or less guarantee of hot sunny weather, but I do appreciate that is not possible in 8 days. All I can suggest is watch the weather for a week or so before hand. If you see lots of Lows rolling in from the Atlantic, they tend to stick around for a long time and may not be so good. If it is clear and sunny then there is a good chance it will remain that way.
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Dave225 - 2016-02-18 1:45 PM


As others have mentioned it can be pot luck with the weather. We have had very hot June periods in the middle of France with temps in the low 30's. But we have also had holidays where it never stopped raining and we ended up within 50 miles of the Med to see the sun. It was one of the reasons we started heading straight for Spain to get a more or less guarantee of hot sunny weather, but I do appreciate that is not possible in 8 days. All I can suggest is watch the weather for a week or so before hand. If you see lots of Lows rolling in from the Atlantic, they tend to stick around for a long time and may not be so good. If it is clear and sunny then there is a good chance it will remain that way.



Thanks Dave, I will remember that tip, I hope we will be lucky I love being warm and DRY after the wet winter we have had here in Wales.


Lynne :-)

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Hi, a full long day could get you Royan area max, but I would suggest vendee area, st Gilles croix de Vie, St John de Monts etc. Plenty of sites to chose, but could be getting busy by end june.


South coast via motorway routes will be 650 miles to Agde for example, but chances of finding a pitch could be a problem. We are travelling there and have a pitched booked .. last year site was fully booked from june 1st,, so dont recommend you aim that far. 16 hours driving, too stressful.


Weather ..cant gyarantee it wherever you go, so prepare for anything.





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Check out the average annual hours of sunshine map for France for the 20 years from 1981 to 2010:




You can see there is a noticeable micro climate around the mouth of the Gironde on the west coast.


If you want to do better than that you really need to head close to the Med - which is just about feasible for a few days if you use the autoroute and don't mind long driving days and the cost.


But, as others have said, the weather is varied, so best have a few outline plans in hand and head in the best direction for the sunshine at the time.


Here's the French met office website: http://www.meteofrance.com/accueil

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Archiesgrandad - 2016-02-18 3:52 PM


For my money it would be Archachon. Lovely area, normally good weather, and lots to do. Try the campsite at Truc Vert, brilliant.




Good to hear that Truc Vert is still going strong.


Last stopped there in 1986 !



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From Ouistrehem to Beziers (one end of the Canal du Midi) by autoroute is just on 600 miles, and about 10.5 hours driving time at motorhome speeds. So, a day and a half driving each way, two for comfort, would leave you 4 days on the canal. But, you may not need to go that far: Beziers is probably the worst case.


You are unfortunately starting off on the west, near the Atlantic (where the depressions come from :-)) whereas the east is generally drier. Your best bet will be to see what the weather forecasts say before you start off, and to check them regularly as you go. Meteo France is quite easy to follow and is mainly graphic. It is not infallible by any means, but as good as many.


One year the only place in France with good weather was Provence, so St Remy de Provence was where we ended up. It is about the same distance/driving time from Ouistreham as Beziers. The Rhone valley, from about Montelimar south, is usually where you first begin to hid the Mediterranean climate. Late spring near the Pyrenees can be prone to the Tramontane, which is a strong, cold, wind. The Auvergne is high, so prone to being cool and damp. The Loire can be surprisingly hot in June, and the Dordogne rather hotter.


But, it all varies from year to year and day to day. Just watch the forecasts, stay at low altitude, and be prepared to travel east and south to catch the best of what is going. But, it may just as probably be balmy and warm in Normandy and Brittany when you get there! Weather's weather, after all.

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As Brian says you cannot guarantee the weather anywhere. We lived in the South Charente for 14 years and we were doing the roof on our barn it was about 7th June and absolutely scorching, the 16th arrived (my birthday) and we had decided to spend the weekend at Cognac and it lashed it down all weekend and then on Monday the builder arrived again and it was scorching, so you never can tell, just go and enjoy yourselves.
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We have found a number of times that the weather improves once you get south of Nantes. Saying that we were in eastern France a couple of years ago and a lot of people had given up on the west coast weather, because it was raining constantly, and trekked over to the French Alps were it was wall to wall sunshine. You need to keep an eye on the forecast and follow the sun but with only 8 days it does not leave you much time for getting it wrong.


We are sailing in to Caen from Portsmouth in mid May and heading straight down the coast to Bordeaux in the hope of having some fine weather, we will then work our way north as the weather is improving (we hope). We are taking 7 weeks over it though. If the weather does not look like it is going to play ball we will go further south or west. ( Oh the joys of being retired :-D )


Have a good trip anyway. Our paths may cross.

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I know this does not answer your question but just in case it's of any help in route planning, I thought I would just post to mention that the aire at Ouistreham is very good and handy for early and late ferries. It's only a few hundred metres from the ferry port and there is a great walk on Sword beach a few metres from the aire. We have only stayed on the aire out of season when it's free but I believe there's a small charge during the peak season.

Enjoy your trip to France :-)

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I’m pretty sure that the charges for the aire de camping-car at Ouistreham apply year-round (though it may well be that - out of season - nobody bothers to check if people have paid!)


Apparently for 2016 the charge is 10€ per night



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lynneroy - 2016-02-18 4:00 PM


Thank you all so much, you have given so many great ideas and I cant wait for June.


Will let you know where we ended up.


Lynne :-)


By the way, we will be joining you, in country not personally, as we head that way for a few weeks at that time. I am having to modify my usual plans to head for Spain due to imminent arrival of new grandchild. However, we do have the luxury of sufficient time to head 'south' if it looks miserable in the Dordoogne. Just remember it is supposed to be a holiday, not a marathon driving expedition.

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Hi Dave,


I hope we all get good weather then.


I have just changed ferry booking to give us an extra 24 hours. We have never sailed to Caen, we used Dieppe last year which was a lot cheaper but further to drive if restricted on time, Cherbourg the year before.


Lynne x



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I would just short list half dozen places then just before you head off start looking at Meteo France. If its going to be hot in Brittany or even Normandy, just stay there. If its chucking it down all week then head south.


As said, the weather can be lousy anywhere in France but usually better south of the Loire. After all its France not Morocco. My best bet would be the Dordogne. Not the coast but plenty to do and see. The best of the coast IMO is Brittany, the stretch between Biarrtiz and St Jean du Luz and some of the Cote D'Azur. The rest of the French coast is a bit dull IMO.

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lynneroy - 2016-02-20 10:06 AM


Hi Dave,


I hope we all get good weather then.


I have just changed ferry booking to give us an extra 24 hours. We have never sailed to Caen, we used Dieppe last year which was a lot cheaper but further to drive if restricted on time, Cherbourg the year before.


Lynne x



I know you have made your plans but a suggestion would be to just book a week somewhere wheer you know it will be hot and sunny, and just fly out. Then you get the maximum time on the beach. Use the motorhome for other trips either close to home, or when you have more time. It could even be cheaper.

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