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antony1969 - 2016-07-06 7:22 PM


John52 - 2016-07-06 7:16 PM


and as for saying avoiding the invasion of Iraq is hindsight - half a million people including Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated against going to war - Robin Cook resigned over it - Bliar must have had his eyes closed and his fingers in his ears if avoiding the war is hindsight!!!


Wow , crikey ... A first Corbyn got sumat right


Jeremy Corbyn would be entitled to say 'I told you so' but he didn't. Instead he apologised for the Blairites in his party who voted for this catastrophe - and who are trying to remove him by claiming he is unelectable despite him being elected only 9 months ago with a huge majority and doing well at every election since. Apparently Corbyn wants to stay on as party leader because he is very keen to question Tory Bliar over the Iraq war.

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John52 - 2016-07-07 11:53 AM

Jeremy Corbyn would be entitled to say 'I told you so' but he didn't. Instead he apologised for the Blairites in his party who voted for this catastrophe - and who are trying to remove him by claiming he is unelectable despite him being elected only 9 months ago with a huge majority and doing well at every election since.


Voting for a new leader was by Labour Party members plus 'registered and affiliated' supporters only, which basically means the trade unions, and is hardly representative of the bulk of the nation's elecorate or indeed the MPs that have to work with their leader.


That election pathway is the party's choice and it is not for me to criticise it but if Labour ever want to get back in government, or indeed present a worthwhile and much needed opposition, it seems to me that their leader will have to appeal to a few more people than party members, students, and trade unionists?

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John52 - 2016-07-07 11:53 AM


antony1969 - 2016-07-06 7:22 PM


John52 - 2016-07-06 7:16 PM


and as for saying avoiding the invasion of Iraq is hindsight - half a million people including Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated against going to war - Robin Cook resigned over it - Bliar must have had his eyes closed and his fingers in his ears if avoiding the war is hindsight!!!


Wow , crikey ... A first Corbyn got sumat right


Jeremy Corbyn would be entitled to say 'I told you so' but he didn't. Instead he apologised for the Blairites in his party who voted for this catastrophe - and who are trying to remove him by claiming he is unelectable despite him being elected only 9 months ago with a huge majority and doing well at every election since. Apparently Corbyn wants to stay on as party leader because he is very keen to question Tory Bliar over the Iraq war.



Don't forget Labour voters in mass numbers ignored his and the official Labour party view on Remain at the referendum will you though , hardly major backing for him was it ??

Corbyn question Blair ???? ... Im no Blair fan but I am right in thinking Corbyn described Hamas and Hezbollah as friends only a few years ago and he has just allowed Naz Shah to return to the party after her anti-semitic puke ... I don't think that fella has the right to question anyone really

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PJay - 2016-07-07 11:48 AM


Where you going Will??

I know you live near gatwick, but is R Branson running his intergalactic flights yet?

Send us a post card!!



Unfortunately the trap that most of you fall into is that you never look behind the façade.


Those in the world with power look 50 years ahead and plan accordingly. That's the way it is, like it or not.


My present way of life was planned 50 years previously and is updated all the time. That is how I am, but others don't do that, hence their rabbiting on about situations that they have no influence to change and are simply wasting their energy.


Bye Bye





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pkc - 2016-07-12 1:20 PM


Hope you are not leaving Will, can get a little rough on here, but not usually meant personally.

We need the older wiser heads on here to keep brats like Antony in check. ;-)


My youth and immaturity allow me to get away with brattish behaviour ... Won't be long before I hit 30 and start having to wear socks with sandals like you lot ;-)

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George Collings - 2016-07-15 11:19 AMAll sorts of ghosts must be stirring and there is one that would be saying 'WMD None there there told you so!'. David Kelly RIP In the very long term even whitewash wears out .

Well said George. 

He was "Dun In" by the spooks and deserves to be remembered as a good Englishman.
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Blair also says that following the decision made to go to war and what has happened since is the reason why he has spent so much time working in and for the middle east . Funny isn't it but if he felt like that he could have retired and worked for any number of charities,he just happens to take more millions whilst his conscience is in turmoil-I think it is sickening,while his decision was endorsed HE surely had a duty of care to our armed forces and if he was a company owner he would be having his collar felt now.

I also think he has been that well media trained that he can turn the tears on and off at will, I found it hard to believe any real sincerity.



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