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antony1969 - 2016-08-18 6:35 AM

Depends what your definition of fair play is ... Your posts certainly seem to champion those on benefits and the rich you resent ... Not really much to understand , even for me

The ones receiving the most in State Benefits are the Royal Hangers On.

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StuartO - 2016-08-18 8:17 AM


What gives anyone who pays less taxes the right to demand more money from others instead of contributing more themselves?


I am talking about someone who avoids (£4bn) tax on inherited wealth that others have to pay (on their earned wealth)

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StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AM


[  Well done to your Grandad and your sister and her son - why don't you (collect other people's money and give it to the British Legion) too?


There are charities to support the military, the old, the young, women, etc.


But what of those who fall outside those exclusive groups?



So the charities I support have to support people on the basis of need, not their past occupation, age or sex etc.



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StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AM

Ex-servicemen were treated badly in the old days and once conflicts were over they were cast aside and neglected. 


Not just ex servicemen. The same would apply to a working man disabled in the course of his work. But although charities were formed for ex servicemen, others equaly destitute were ignored. This made it even worse for those who were excluded from the support provided by these exclusive charities. If everyone had been left destitute, instead of only some, there would have been more pressure on the Government to do something about it.

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John52 - 2016-08-18 10:04 AM
StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AM[  Well done to your Grandad and your sister and her son - why don't you (collect other people's money and give it to the British Legion) too?
There are charities to support the military, the old, the young, women, etc.But what of those who fall outside those exclusive groups?So the charities I support have to support people on the basis of need, not their past occupation, age or sex etc.


It wouldn't cost you anything but a bit of your time to volunteer for the British Legion - or do you prefer to put your efforts into encouraging others to give their money in other ways, like badgering the rich?


The City Council in Preston, near where I used to live, have asked people not to give money to "homeless" people on the streets claiming to be homless because their street surveys have shown they are not homeless and they are all on benefits.  May I take it you won't be supporting them?


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StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AM  It's charities like the one run by that woman who dresses in colourful curtains that worry me; they seem much more likely to turn out to be wasteful and crooked.

She was supposed to be collecting for children I understand? Children must be the easiest to collect money for. But what of those in need who are not so photogenic, so get no support from these exclusive charities :-(
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StuartO - 2016-08-18 10:31 AM


The City Council in Preston, near where I used to live, have asked people not to give money to "homeless" people on the streets claiming to be homless because their street surveys have shown they are not homeless and they are all on benefits. 


What - all of them?

Are they getting more than the British Legion Manager on £160k+++ *-)

I've heard of a guy had his benefits sanctioned, Having no money, and not being the type to ask for charity, stole a car and ram raided the Post Office. Thats saved the taxpayer some money, hasn't it *-)

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John52 - 2016-08-18 10:28 AM
StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AMEx-servicemen were treated badly in the old days and once conflicts were over they were cast aside and neglected. 
Not just ex servicemen. The same would apply to a working man disabled in the course of his work. But although charities were formed for ex servicemen, others equaly destitute were ignored. This made it even worse for those who were excluded from the support provided by these exclusive charities. If everyone had been left destitute, instead of only some, there would have been more pressure on the Government to do something about it.


So you disapprove of any charity which is established to benefit a particular need or needy group, because it discourages the government from facing its responsibilities to support everyone, as necessary?  And in order to do this the Government should charge the rich more tax?


Almost all charities aim to raise support for some specific named purpose, so you therefore disapprove of all charities?  Doesn't this mean your sole underlying objective is to encourage the Government to take more money from people who are rich, simply because they are rich?


In this context presumably rich means richer than you because they cannot possibly have earned their money, like your "working man" has, especially the employer who created the job for him?  As an employer of others he's just an exploiter of another man's labour, making a profit from it, so presumably you'd like to stop him doing that?


That way there won't be any rich left to rob of course.  And nor will there be any jobs for working men who need one to be provided for them because they can't do it on their own.


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John52 - 2016-08-18 10:42 AM
StuartO - 2016-08-18 10:31 AMThe City Council in Preston, near where I used to live, have asked people not to give money to "homeless" people on the streets claiming to be homless because their street surveys have shown they are not homeless and they are all on benefits. 
What - all of them?Are they getting more than the British Legion Manager on £160k+++ *-) I've heard of a guy had his benefits sanctioned, Having no money, and not being the type to ask for charity, stole a car and ram raided the Post Office. Thats saved the taxpayer some money, hasn't it *-)


There are enough of them who are conning people for the Council to feel that people should be discouraged from giving to the "homeless" directly.  They suggest that if anyone wants to give then do so to their homelessness charitable fund and they will make sure the money goes to the right place.  A bit like voluntary extra Council Tax I suppose.


They probably won't be getting as much as the boss of the British legion, although I understand that begging can be quite a lucrative business - just dress appropriately and preferably take a scruffy-looking skinny dog along.  Taking a sickly child along is presumably not very effective - you could knock 'em about a bit to make them look sick but they probably won't sit still for long enough without someone calling an ambulance.


Our prisons are said to be full of people feel they were wrongly convicted; perhaps this chap who rammed a post office in someone else's car feels that he was disadvantaged in childhood too.


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John52 - 2016-08-18 10:37 AM
StuartO - 2016-08-18 9:38 AM  It's charities like the one run by that woman who dresses in colourful curtains that worry me; they seem much more likely to turn out to be wasteful and crooked.

She was supposed to be collecting for children I understand? Children must be the easiest to collect money for. But what of those in need who are not so photogenic, so get no support from these exclusive charities :-(


Is that your underlying thing?  That you are disadvantaged because you aren't photogenic enough?  Goodness gracious, something we share at last!


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John52 - 2016-08-18 10:42 AM


StuartO - 2016-08-18 10:31 AM


The City Council in Preston, near where I used to live, have asked people not to give money to "homeless" people on the streets claiming to be homless because their street surveys have shown they are not homeless and they are all on benefits. 


What - all of them?

Are they getting more than the British Legion Manager on £160k+++ *-)

I've heard of a guy had his benefits sanctioned, Having no money, and not being the type to ask for charity, stole a car and ram raided the Post Office. Thats saved the taxpayer some money, hasn't it *-)


Why did he have benefits sanctioned ?

A fella who doesn't want to ask for charity thinks it's OK to nick someone's hard earned motor , wreck it and wreck a post office too ... C'mon fella give up

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John52 - 2016-08-18 9:56 AM


antony1969 - 2016-08-18 6:35 AM

Depends what your definition of fair play is ... Your posts certainly seem to champion those on benefits and the rich you resent ... Not really much to understand , even for me

The ones receiving the most in State Benefits are the Royal Hangers On.


What is a Royal hanger on , how many do we have and what is the exact cost to the taxpayer ? .. Be interesting to know , I'm sure you'll have the figures at hand

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StuartO - 2016-08-18 11:10 AM


Council to feel that people should be discouraged from giving to the "homeless" directly.  They suggest that if anyone wants to give then do so to their homelessness charitable fund and they will make sure the money goes to the right place. 


Like into the pockets of a charity manager insteasd of direct to the homeless *-)

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antony1969 - 2016-08-18 11:44 AM


What is a Royal hanger on , how many do we have and what is the exact cost to the taxpayer ? .. Be interesting to know , I'm sure you'll have the figures at hand


The only one who may have the exact figures to hand is her Unelected Majesty the Queen herself. Who keeps them as a closely guarded secret, won't answer unscripted questions let alone give interviews, and is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

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StuartO - 2016-08-18 11:10 AMOur prisons are said to be full of people feel they were wrongly convicted; perhaps this chap who rammed a post office in someone else's car feels that he was disadvantaged in childhood too.

Compared to the Duke of Wesminster inheriting £10bn free of tax who isn't disadvantaged?He knows he isn't wrongly convicted.I think he feels shame in asking for charity, but no shame in stealing it.
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John52 - 2016-08-18 12:30 PM


antony1969 - 2016-08-18 11:44 AM


What is a Royal hanger on , how many do we have and what is the exact cost to the taxpayer ? .. Be interesting to know , I'm sure you'll have the figures at hand


The only one who may have the exact figures to hand is her Unelected Majesty the Queen herself. Who keeps them as a closely guarded secret, won't answer unscripted questions let alone give interviews, and is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.


I'll explain ... You make a headline claim with nothing to back it up with

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2016-08-18 10:42 AM


I've heard of a guy had his benefits sanctioned, Having no money, and not being the type to ask for charity, stole a car and ram raided the Post Office. Thats saved the taxpayer some money, hasn't it *-)


Its precisely because of this attitude from the "concerned chattering classes" that the toe rags think they're a victim *-).........


Bet you wouldn't be so keen to forgive and forget if it was your motor >:-) ........



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John52 - 2016-08-18 12:30 PM


antony1969 - 2016-08-18 11:44 AM


What is a Royal hanger on , how many do we have and what is the exact cost to the taxpayer ? .. Be interesting to know , I'm sure you'll have the figures at hand


The only one who may have the exact figures to hand is her Unelected Majesty the Queen herself. Who keeps them as a closely guarded secret, won't answer unscripted questions let alone give interviews, and is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.


hi, Is there not a Civil List which states which Royals receive money from the state. I would have thought in this time of transparency this list would be available.



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derek pringle - 2016-08-23 9:25 AM

hi, Is there not a Civil List which states which Royals receive money from the state.

The Civil List is the tip of the iceberg they use to tell us how little the Royals cost by the simple expedient of charging most of their expenses to other departments. For example 70% of the sand we use is dredged from offshore for which the Queen charges us. Prince Charles charges us rent for the land Dartmoor Prison stands on. The Royal Yacht was paid for by the MOD. Airmiles Andy paid for by the RAF. We pay for their security staff etc (as opposed to a commercial entity like Tesco that pays for its own security staff.)

All this suits the Prime Minister because of the powers she gives him to appoint judges, honours and peerages to people who voted for him, swelling the absurdly over populated House of Lords to a size bigger than the whole of the European Parliament. *-)

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In the case of the Royals there is a Civil List, which goes to the Queen and she dishes out down the pecking order to cover Royal duties.  But whether this covers the actual expenses is a bit hit and miss year by year, so it tends to be short, then catch up and leap ahead every few years.  The Queen also has income from the estates of the Duchy of Lancaster and Prince Charles from the Duchy of Cornwall on which I believe tax is paid voluntarily, although she is supposed to be exempt from income tax.  She is well know for being frugal in the way her household is run.
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Since she refuses to answer questions and is exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, her staff sworn to the Official Secrets Act and exempt from the Employment Protection Act, We only know what gets past her 30 full time spin doctors.

They are pretty good at presenting this middle class frugal image despite all the Palaces, but what she is really like at home the only people who know are not free to say.

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