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Slight Techy question?


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I suppose, this is not really the place to ask but having had a quick Google, the "techy" advice 'sites got a bit deep, a bit too quickly!...


My query is


How do we go about copying files/photos etc that we have already saved onto our separate, standalone hard drive, onto another/backup hard drive?


Can we just plug both (it and the "backup" hard drive) into our laptop and simply "copy" one to the other?..



*would it all need to be reloaded back on the laptop and then dragged/copied from there?


(*Our aging laptop struggles a bit, hence why we move all of our photos, documents etc onto a separate hard drive..so I'm not sure how it'd take having everything being dumped back on to it? :-S )







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Yes, just plug both external hard drives into the USB sockets on your laptop, click on my computer and pick the drive you want to copy from, select all, or as I do is just copy a few directories at a time, and then right click on the selected items and select copy then keeping you finger on the mouse drop them into your new drive, it will probably ask you if you want to copy or move, your empty drive should show up on the left hand side of the screen. The problem with selecting all is that it takes quite a time if you have a lot of files but if you are uncertain just copy them all at once.


Have a look at this: support.wdc.com/KnowledgeBase/answer.aspx?ID=1198

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Thanks for that..


Yes, our existing Seagate Backup Plus(I think?) hard drive shows up tagged on the bottom of the "Computer" list on the left hand side..and I had assumed(hoped?) that any additional hard drive would just do likewise..and would be simply "copy-able" from :-D


(At least we don't have to "reload" everything, and probably overwhelming our aging laptop when doing so)..


Thanks again :-)

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Hi Pepe63,
The codriver is keen on photography so when we are out on the road the images soon mount up. Yesterday I finally saved all her images from our Italian holiday, some 2000 odd shots and most are excellent. She uses a iPad, an iPhone and a digital camera. I first save from each device to my PC then transfer each separate group to an external hard drive. I found on a couple of previous attempts trying to move all at once the transfer crashed. I assume due to the file size. I use the copy/paste option rather than click & drag so if there is a problem I still have the original file. Cheers,
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If the images/files are important to you, do 2 back ups iin separate locations. Hard drives can occasionally go wrong and sometimes the data is irrecoverable. If your laptop has USB3.0 connections then the transfer will be much faster than USB2.0. Also remember if you ever reload the operating system due to a problem, then all data on the hard drive (c drive) will be lost. Do not believe the Microsoft blurb that data is kept, it won't be. Back up everything first. especially any Outlook files foe e mails.
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Dave225 - 2016-09-14 12:25 PM


If the images/files are important to you, do 2 back ups iin separate locations. Hard drives can occasionally go wrong and sometimes the data is irrecoverable.


Yes, that's what we're going to do from now on...


When we first got the Seagate hard drive, we thought "great, everything's covered.." but as time went on, and our aging laptop slowed and struggled even more, we found ourselves deleting stuff from it to help speed it , making the "back-up" the only copy! 8-)

(..and as you say, there's nowt to stop that going haywire at anytime,anyway...).

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