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What a Result!

starvin marvin

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John52 - 2016-09-24 1:21 PM


The 'Unelectable' Jeremy Corbyn has just won another election (lol)



Yes indeed, he's 'won' yet another pointless predictable 'election' that unfortunately for the rest of us makes him no more attractive as a potential leader of an effective opposition than he was before.


But then again always looking on the bright side of life as at least the current labour leader has no more chance of ever becoming prime minister than he did before - and that has to be a plus for us all.


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My cup runneth over!

61.8% what a result! So pleased I nearly bought a round!

But I think that any rejoicing in the other parties could be a little premature in the long run, JC is I think content to play a very long game.

Tony Benn, along with Bevan and Enoch Powell one the few real conviction politicians that I really admired once said that politicians came in one of two types, one was like a signpost always pointing in the one direction, the other like a wind vane that that changed direction with every sift in the political wind, Jeremy Corbyn is I believe firmly is the first type, Mr Smith a perfect example of the second.

Corbyn has never wavered in his main aim, the reconstruction of the Labour Party as a genuine socialist party, not the spineless Conservative Lite shambles that has been the shadow government for years, the word shadow sums them up perfectly when compared with their earlier peers.

I think Jeremy Corbyn realises much better then anyone that the the chance of a Labour victory at the next election is pure fantasy whoever is the leader. The figures do not add up, the ask is just too great, nor do I think that given the amount of Brexit brown stuff flying off the fan in the next five or so years anyone in the Labour Party wishes to be there to clean up the resulting Cameron droppings, anyone who does needs their head examined.

So given this I think he knows exactly where he has to go.

One of his famous political predecessors said " You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs", I don't think that he will back away from that task, I just hope that the first egghead he cracks is Hilary Benn's.

Given the horrific events in the past weeks in Syria I wonder if he would still make his 'stirring' speech to Parliament about the need for the RAF to join in the Syrian bombing campaign?

I use the word stirring in the context of ' with a wooden spoon '

The speech that was I believe the first shot in the drive to oust Corbyn, one of the lifelong political allies of his father.

I would dearly like to know what his father who like Corbyn was resolutely against the disastrous interventions in the Middle East, would say about that speech if he were still alive today.


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pkc - 2016-09-24 1:48 PM

I think Jeremy Corbyn realises much better then anyone that the the chance of a Labour victory at the next election is pure fantasy whoever is the leader.

Oh I dunno. A lot of people are fed up with the Status Quo. When they were all saying vote remain, they voted for Brexit. Now the Status Quo is telling them not to vote for Corbyn they might just do the opposite again.

But if they don't, at least Corbyn can walk out with his head held high having stuck to his principles.


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Guest pelmetman
pkc - 2016-09-24 1:48 PM


But I think that any rejoicing in the other parties could be a little premature in the long run, JC is I think content to play a very long game.



At 58 I doubt it'll happen in my lifetime ;-) .........



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Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers
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antony1969 - 2016-09-24 4:15 PM


Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers


You have a short and very selective memory. The Tories are always perdictable, just when they think they're invincible they go and shoot themselves in both feet. Just wait and see, it'll happen.

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I've copied this in from a post I made earlier on the Corbyn/Owen thread. I apologise to all those on this thread that have said more or less the same as the incredibly funny and astute Mr Pie for saying I doubted it was a view likely to be expressed on the forum. I hope it doesn't offend forum rules as it is so rude but all the better for it IMHO.


"Second attempt at uploading this rant from Jonathan Pie. Warning contains very bad language.




Guess that puts me back in my box


Just an alternative view not likely to be expressed on here obviously and not saying I agree with him."




Edited by Violet1956 2016-09-25 4:39 PM


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Guest pelmetman
starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2016-09-24 4:15 PM


Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers


You have a short and very selective memory. The Tories are always perdictable, just when they think they're invincible they go and shoot themselves in both feet. Just wait and see, it'll happen.


Its hard to see how......short of pictures of Mrs May in a Nazi nightie emerging :D .........



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The problem is that as history tells us again and again, one Party States are a disaster. Any Government needs an effective opposition if democracy is to work and now we have both parts of the UK mainland with effectively one Party States.


Regardlessof whether you are to the right or the left of the spectrum, there needs to be a balance. Even the Consuls of Rome had someone sitting beside them telling them 'you are not a god'. Mind you it might have been a short lived career choice.


So, the rebels inthe Labour Party have a choice. They either stick to their principles and form another party, or crawl back in and be reconsiled to not ever being in power again. I admit to not really liking either Labour or the Liberals but between them there may be enough people with views that repesent many in the population to form an effective Party of opposition that may some day even be elected.. I know they tried it before and failed, but that is no reason to not try again. The alternative is an opposition that merely repesents the great un washed of society who all expect manna from heaven without work, and will be disappointed. Plus when it comes to the electorate they may find that 300000 suporters is not really enough to sway opinion in general. when you are up against 30 million or so.


In the meantime all that will happen is the Topries will in fight as there is nothing else to do, and that is no way to run a country at all.

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pelmetman - 2016-09-25 8:05 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2016-09-24 4:15 PM


Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers


You have a short and very selective memory. The Tories are always perdictable, just when they think they're invincible they go and shoot themselves in both feet. Just wait and see, it'll happen.


Its hard to see how......short of pictures of Mrs May in a Nazi nightie emerging :D .........



Hope she can get some cream for the jackboot rash.


May is currently sitting on top of a time bomb of seething sacked plotters and their cohorts and Cameron's mates, and she manages to come up with the brainwave of grammar schools! what a genius.


Also she clearly has no idea how to deal with Brexit, neither does Boris, nor Liam or DD, so what does she do? she calls a brainstorming session, if thats not a contradiction in terms I don't know what is.


As I said, just wait and see, it will happen.

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starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 9:57 PM


pelmetman - 2016-09-25 8:05 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2016-09-24 4:15 PM


Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers


You have a short and very selective memory. The Tories are always perdictable, just when they think they're invincible they go and shoot themselves in both feet. Just wait and see, it'll happen.


Its hard to see how......short of pictures of Mrs May in a Nazi nightie emerging :D .........



Hope she can get some cream for the jackboot rash.


May is currently sitting on top of a time bomb of seething sacked plotters and their cohorts and Cameron's mates, and she manages to come up with the brainwave of grammar schools! what a genius.


Also she clearly has no idea how to deal with Brexit, neither does Boris, nor Liam or DD, so what does she do? she calls a brainstorming session, if thats not a contradiction in terms I don't know what is.


As I said, just wait and see, it will happen.


Thats a really good idea ... Instead of making comments then saying lets wait and see why don't you just wait and see minus the comments cos really you aint got a clue like the rest of us

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antony1969 - 2016-09-26 6:12 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 9:57 PM


pelmetman - 2016-09-25 8:05 PM


starvin marvin - 2016-09-25 7:19 PM


antony1969 - 2016-09-24 4:15 PM


Its the best election result I can think of in modern history ... Surpassing even the Brexit vote ... As a tory its fantastic news and I reckon at Conservative HQ the champers will be flowing ... For everyone other than a Tory or UKIP voter I think your in for a rough ride ... Enjoy it , the rest of us certainly will ... Cheers


You have a short and very selective memory. The Tories are always perdictable, just when they think they're invincible they go and shoot themselves in both feet. Just wait and see, it'll happen.


Its hard to see how......short of pictures of Mrs May in a Nazi nightie emerging :D .........



Hope she can get some cream for the jackboot rash.


May is currently sitting on top of a time bomb of seething sacked plotters and their cohorts and Cameron's mates, and she manages to come up with the brainwave of grammar schools! what a genius.


Also she clearly has no idea how to deal with Brexit, neither does Boris, nor Liam or DD, so what does she do? she calls a brainstorming session, if thats not a contradiction in terms I don't know what is.


As I said, just wait and see, it will happen.


Thats a really good idea ... Instead of making comments then saying lets wait and see why don't you just wait and see minus the comments cos really you aint got a clue like the rest of us


You're certainly easily rattled, this game is far too easy.

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When faced with Putin's version of 'socialism' which entails bombing and invading anyone you fancy, as long as they are weak enough not to put up too much of a fight or Corbyn's apparent view of 'socialism' which is never to defend yourself even though you, however reluctantly, have the means, I think I prefer Mrs. May's policy of a strong defence and no matter how unpleasant, the political will to use it if ever we need to.


I also support the Government's policy of 'wait and see' and not divulging your negotiating position to the UK media who, instead of being supportive, are just about as antagonistic towards UK national interests as the EU council? I have little doubt that quietly behind the scenes and headlines a great deal of international talking and quiet discusssion is taking place - at least I hope it is.


But never mind as long as all the negativity sells a few more papers and magazines to the few it's all OK?


We are indeed fortunate not to have a 'socialist' government.




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