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Alfa R36 router. iPad update. Is Apple at it?


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I have used the R36 with my iPad mini with no problems for sometime now with a number of combinations of USB aerials. At moment in Peniscola and thought I would boost the free site WiFi, it did not work??

Have spent some time trying to set up router but although my iPad mini was seeing router when I tried a site survey I got nothing. I was giving up until my OH casually mentioned, " that's since you updated your iPad".

Had a go at setting up using my Lumina 550 phone and guess what, no problems. Went back Ito iPad and although it was seeing the WiFi source would not do a site survey . Do I need to change anything?

I had allowed a software update to the IPad and am I being cynical in thinking Apple are at the route of this.

On a secondary matter since the update the iPad states it is not charging as it is a copy cable but this is not the case. Another ploy from Apple?

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