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Water being discharged from safety pipe (yellow switch )


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I have attached two photos relating to the Truma manual safety/drain valve commonly used when a Truma “Ultrastore” boiler has been installed.


The top photo shows a valve in its open position with its yellow lever vertical.


The drawing in the lower photo indicates (as Keith has advised) that, if the yellow lever is moved from vertical to horizontal, the valve should be closed.


Try moving the yellow lever from horizontal to vertical and back again several times, allowing water to flow through the valve between movements. If the valve is jammed in the open position this might free it up, but if it continues to let water through a replacement valve would be needed.


Are you 100% sure that the water is being lost through the drain valve with the yellow lever?


An Ultrastore boiler has a ‘breather-valve’ attached to its hot-water outlet and, if this doesn’t close properly when the boiler is being filled, water will pass through the narrow-bore hose fitted to the breather-valve and emerge beneath the vehicle.



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Trevorsmum - 2016-09-29 7:12 PM


Apparently switch had always been in horizontal position, water was lost any way . At a bit of a loss as to why ? :-(


Just be aware that the dump valve (yellow lever) needs to be in the open position during freezing conditions to prevent damage to the boiler.


Obviously, this doesn't apply if you are actually using the van in freezing conditions with the boiler being heated.

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If you do not have Truma’s operating instructions for your Ultrastore boiler, you can download them from here




You’ve said that a replacement boiler has been fitted recently to your Auto-Trail motorhome, so you’d need to choose the instructions for the appropriate model.

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Only to add that I have found that the valve some times leaks after it has been closed. Several open and closes seem to resolve the problem.


I think that the valve seat, O ring or whatever makes the seal, dries out or moves slightly. The repeated open and closure seems to joggle the seating back into place.



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