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Horrific Motorhome Crash on M6 - Driver Jailed


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I witnessed a similar accident on the M62. An elderley couple in a wallowy old Citroen car - 2CV Ithink. They were going down the central lane about 60mph, I was following. They started to swerve a little side to side, gradually getting wider and wider swerves till they were going across all 3 lanes then they overturned. Weather conditins were good and bnobody cut them up or caused them to swerve. It must have just been a case of the driver over correcting, like the motorhome driver in the video. Except that I have no reason to think the driver of the Citroen was drunk because they both got out of the car and seemed OK.

I just gave a statement to Police and heard no more about it.

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The bits dropping off it all over the shop show just how little chance back seat occupants would stand in the event of a crash/accident in a Coachbuilt/A-Class...


Saw this over the weekend, was in the lakes and it was doing the rounds on folks smartphones in the pub! Guy is a nut case, lucky he did not kill anyone. The concept of a lifetime ban from driving is more appropriate in this instance.



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Forget the technical explanations. It was the driver that was overloaded. He refused a breath test. That says it all for me, alcohol/drugs + excess speed. Disqualified until three + years clean as proved by regular blood tests should be a sentencing option as should seizure and disposal of vehicle.


Recent changes where uninsured vehicles are seized and crushed or sold is the way to go.

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veletron - 2016-11-14 11:14 AM


Saw this over the weekend, was in the lakes and it was doing the rounds on folks smartphones in the pub! Guy is a nut case, lucky he did not kill anyone. The concept of a lifetime ban from driving is more appropriate in this instance.

Just a pity he survived.......to eventually wreak more havoc on the roads.


George Collings - 2016-11-20 11:38 AM


Forget the technical explanations. It was the driver that was overloaded. He refused a breath test. That says it all for me, alcohol/drugs + excess speed.

It's about time a strong push to zero tolerance on drink was made in this country. Alcohol has no place behind the wheel of a vehicle and needs stopping altogether. Zero is the only way to go.

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My experience of almost a decade as a motor patrol constable when I arrested scores of drivers due to their behavior and saw the test results lead me to doubt that zero tolerance would have a significant impact on casualty figures.


The present limits were set after serious research and we got quite good after witnessing the driving at estimating the test result.


Up to the existing limit the effect of alcohol is mainly in increased reaction time, beyond that behavior changes, inhibitions and judgement become progressively impaired. Its not sensible drinkers that are the great risk its the arrogant few that believe drink or drugs does not affect them.


It would be interesting to compare casualty figures of countries with similar traffic densities and zero alcohol limits with those of the UK

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George Collings - 2016-11-20 10:07 PM


My experience of almost a decade as a motor patrol constable when I arrested scores of drivers due to their behavior and saw the test results lead me to doubt that zero tolerance would have a significant impact on casualty figures.


The present limits were set after serious research and we got quite good after witnessing the driving at estimating the test result.


Up to the existing limit the effect of alcohol is mainly in increased reaction time, beyond that behavior changes, inhibitions and judgement become progressively impaired. Its not sensible drinkers that are the great risk its the arrogant few that believe drink or drugs does not affect them.


It would be interesting to compare casualty figures of countries with similar traffic densities and zero alcohol limits with those of the UK.


Hi George,


My reasoning is drawn from basic logic. I should add i'm not teetotal myself but do have strong views on drink/drive. The two don't mix in my opinion. Even within the limit a driver won't function as well if they had no alcohol in them at all.


After driving in many different European countries you can easily lose track of what the drink/drive levels are in which countries. Czech, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia are all zero tolerance....so that's simple, you don't drink and drive in any of those countries.


Croatia is a strange one. They do have a tolerance limit though it is lower than UK and if stopped at a roadside check and you are within the limit, you are ok......BUT in the event of an accident irrespective of fault it automatically becomes zero tolerance. Safer not to bother having that drink the night before you are going to drive off the following day!!


The rest do have a tolerance but it's interesting to note from the link that just two countries have the highest tolerance limits....Malta and UK. The rest are all lower or zero rated.



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The only way to deter this kind of thing is the threat of a lifetime ban.


I used to watch the Police docu-soaps with great interest but having seen so many driver/terrorists getting away with it completely or getting a paltry fine and a short ban for serial motoring offences or serious reckless driving; i have come to the conclusion that unless there is a genuine chance that they might be excluded from driving for good, and their vehicles destroyed... this kind of thing will continue to happen.


People that repeatedly steal cars, cause injury through reckless driving or repeatedly drive without insurance, licences or while under the influence need to be told that they will never drive again.


People who don't think that bus lanes apply to them or that drive through red lights should be crushed while inside their own vehicles; but that's another story.


I would be the first to agree that a lot of the markings on roads are stupid, cause frustration and delays but if the rules are there they must be obeyed by everyone. I would be happy to see a red light camera on every single junction in the UK. I would like to see evidence from every dash-cam in the UK admissible as evidence in court for careless or reckless driving, whether witnessed by the Police or not. Perhaps the Insurance firms would fund the prosecution of offenders to make the roads safer and insurance cheaper?


Just thought i would have a rant. Feels better.

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Good that you feel better. :-D


Ignoring first sentence


Paragraph 1:

Do you honestly think that anything that the courts hands out will deter the serial offender.


Paragraph 2:

Possibly it may deter the few (commendable) but how many times have you seen on your documentaries that it is the same person committing the offence over and over again. even though they are banned from driving.


Paragraph 3:

No answer


Paragraph 4:

Whilst agreeing with traffic cameras.

Good idea but how would you prove who was actually driving.


There was a police program last night and one of the comments from a police officer was that he could drive down a road and tell you all the offenders passing by and what they were known for, another mentioned that certain post code areas were known to have the most criminals living in them.


There was a recent report that two out three children with a parent that had a criminal record would become offenders themselves.


There has and will always be a 'criminal class'.


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euroserv - 2016-11-21 4:51 PM

I used to watch the Police docu-soaps with great interest


Must be a great earner for the TV company. (lol) All they need is a cameraman. Certainly a lot cheaper than making a TV programme ;-)

But ask yourself if they would gert this nice little earner going along in the police car if they weren't going to show them in a good light ... felons getting caught etc


I suspect the reality is that most criminals get away with it, and won't be stopped by sending the tiny minority who get caught to prioson for longer (not that there is any room for them in our overcrowded prisons)

Wheras even lighter penalties would be a big enough deterrent if the detection rate was 100%

I believe the way tro reduce crime is to improve the detection rate. Unfortunately thats difficult. Wheras increasing the sentences for the tiny unfortunate minority who get caught is easy. Problem is it doesn't work very well :-S

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