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Where's the battery please?

Vernon B

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HI folks can you help? I've a 2009 SD6400 Frankia on a Mercedes Sprinter - but not as you know it. It's a joint effort with Al-Ko and has all round independent suspension rather than either leaf springs or torsion bars. My problem is that the original batteries have finally been caught out by the recent cold weather and I need to replace them. The leisure battery is tucked away neatly in the double floor but for the life of me I can't find the engine battery. The standard Sprinter, according to the handbook, has it located under the driver's foot well (mine's a RH drive by the way) but on checking both sides I can't find any access to a hatch - and it ain't under the driver or passenger seats - nor in the engine bay. Hope this doesn't mean that the whole caboodle has got to be taken up. Any ideas?



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Hi Vernon,


I don't have any details for your Frankia but are you looking close enough to the front seat or further forwards as you suggest by 'footwell' ?


Here's a link to a video showing a LHD but should be the same for your RHD...




It is much nearer the seat than you seem to suggest you are looking.


PS Are your tools still in the passenger footwell?



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Many thanks Keith that looks promising. The tools are in the passenger foot-well and I was expecting to see a similar hatch with a removable cover for the battery, but the video shows that its under a tearaway flush fitting matting. Have only just got in and so haven't yet had an opportunity to check that out in daylight - but will do so in the morning.


Good video includes a lot of useful tips.


Thanks again


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Hello, last one we did was over towards the nearside under the passenger feet. Not in the centre like Renault and Fiat, but further over towards the door.

In the last vehicle, a 2015 model, there was some furniture built across the top of the lid and we removed the wooden unit to gain access to one bolt, before realising that we only needed to remove the wooden units 'floor' to gain access.


While you are in there check the fuses : 50a fuse main Alternator power feed to Electroblock, 20a fuse for Fridge and the 2a fuse is the D+ feed to EBL. They should all be clean and shiny, no corrosion.




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Found it! Thanks very much for both replies.


It was under a heavy duty tailored rubber mat in the foot-well on the (LH) passenger side not unlike the illustration in the video.


All I need now is to get a sensible quote from a dependable local source for fitting it and replacing the leisure battery. Don't fancy mauling 25kg of lead around in the confined area - not made easier because of the absence of a cab door on the passenger side.


Thanks again



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May I suggest that on the Habitation battery leads you put Red tape around the Black Positive lead and Black tape on the Brown Negative cable to reduce the risk of the battery terminals being put on the wrong way around and damaging the EBL?

Those companies not used to German MH's on a daily basis can put the Brown (-negative) lead on the positive battery post. It only needs to touch for a fraction of a second to burn out the EBL and stop it powering back up.

Much harder to mix up the Starter leads, which in anycase will be the usual Red/Black.


If you have Solar, also suggest you isolate the Solar panel from the regulator as the fitter may be expecting all the leads to be 'dead' once removed from the battery, but with Solar the battery clamps on both batteries will be 'live' all the time. Leaving the Solar Panel connected to the Solar Regulator can lead to regulator burning out when the batteries are changed.



Suggest you check everything in the vehicle after they have done their stuff, especially that the Hab battery charges from the Alternator.



If you fit a battery like the Varta LFD 90 (dual Purpose Deep cycle and Starter battery) in both locations, they can be swapped around after 2 years to spread the load as a Starter battery hardly ever does any work, but the habitation battery works very hard.





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Glad to see you still have your Frankia . See you found the battery, as it in the same place on the A Class Fiat as I have just been grovelling around checking the acid levels. The biggest hassle was checking the two leisure batteries under the double floor which can only be checked by disconnecting and pulling out into the boot locker . Hard work !

Safe travels !!

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