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Guest pelmetman

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Barryd999 - 2016-12-22 11:18 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-21 11:13 PM


As I said earlier, what would you rather we did (by we I mean Europe)? Just turn everyone away, close all our borders and wash our hands with it all? Do you think this would stop terrorism? What about all the home grown terrorism?



YES ;-) .........But apart from making it more difficult for terrorist tourists there is another inconvenient truth that none of you loony liberals wish to acknowledge ........


More than 10,000 migrants/refugees have died in 2016 trying to reach La La land *-) .......


Who's fault is that eh?????..........


Us folk who think they should stay in their own countries and be helped, or you folk who want them to come >:-) ..........


Never mind the 10,000 collateral damage, just so long as the loony liberals have nice shiny halos :-| ......





Sorry Dave but that is just a ridiculous statement. Its the fault of people like me that want to help genuine refugees that 10000 of them have died? Nobody wants them to come here. We want them to be safe in their own countries. Do you think they would risk such a journey if there was any chance of them being helped in their own countries? Do you think they are coming to Europe just for a laugh and a bit of a holiday?


What makes me angry is the world I thought I used to know where we cared about others just seems to have gone down the toilet lately. Everyone is totally out for themselves. As long as we are alright sod the rest of them. Nobody seems to give a sh1t anymore about anyone else, especially if they are a bit foreign. If you do, you are branded a loony liberal, wet, leftie, apologist etc. Is caring about others just something the lefties do then Dave? And why should one assume a Liberal is a loony?





If your looking to blame folk about the lack of compassion you believe we should have for Syrians , Afghans , Iraqis and the rest then Im afraid the responsibility for that lies firmly with the Muslim world

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2016-12-22 11:18 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-21 11:13 PM


As I said earlier, what would you rather we did (by we I mean Europe)? Just turn everyone away, close all our borders and wash our hands with it all? Do you think this would stop terrorism? What about all the home grown terrorism?



YES ;-) .........But apart from making it more difficult for terrorist tourists there is another inconvenient truth that none of you loony liberals wish to acknowledge ........


More than 10,000 migrants/refugees have died in 2016 trying to reach La La land *-) .......


Who's fault is that eh?????..........


Us folk who think they should stay in their own countries and be helped, or you folk who want them to come >:-) ..........


Never mind the 10,000 collateral damage, just so long as the loony liberals have nice shiny halos :-| ......





Sorry Dave but that is just a ridiculous statement. Its the fault of people like me that want to help genuine refugees that 10000 of them have died? Nobody wants them to come here. We want them to be safe in their own countries. Do you think they would risk such a journey if there was any chance of them being helped in their own countries? Do you think they are coming to Europe just for a laugh and a bit of a holiday?


What makes me angry is the world I thought I used to know where we cared about others just seems to have gone down the toilet lately. Everyone is totally out for themselves. As long as we are alright sod the rest of them. Nobody seems to give a sh1t anymore about anyone else, especially if they are a bit foreign. If you do, you are branded a loony liberal, wet, leftie, apologist etc. Is caring about others just something the lefties do then Dave? And why should one assume a Liberal is a loony?



Sadly Barry you're a typical example of the cloud cuckoo land you and your fellow bleedin heart loony liberals such as Mrs Merkel live in *-) ..........


You and Mrs Merkel may not be technically stupid, but it appears common sense is not your forte either :-| ........


Click here for the latest travel update from Migrant/refugee adviser ;-) .......




A bit of light reading for you Barry :D ........





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pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2016-12-21 11:20 PM



There you go again with more conjecture and wild hyperbole. Check before hitting the keyboard. It's £229.40 a month with a max of £289.60 if able to prove you are actively seeking work.


I suggest you read this link if you think it's so easy.


Can EU migrants easily claim benefits when they arrive in another EU country?

No - there are conditions, depending on an individual's circumstances. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25134521


Ahem ;-) ........




Just in case you cant bring yourself to open a DM link :D .........





What else do you expect from the Daily Wail? If they told you the earth was flat you'd believe that tripe. As for IDS......the man who advocated draconian benefit cuts leaving many with no money at all......then had a major U turn.




Barryd999 - 2016-12-22 11:18 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-21 11:13 PM


As I said earlier, what would you rather we did (by we I mean Europe)? Just turn everyone away, close all our borders and wash our hands with it all? Do you think this would stop terrorism? What about all the home grown terrorism?



YES ;-) .........But apart from making it more difficult for terrorist tourists there is another inconvenient truth that none of you loony liberals wish to acknowledge ........


More than 10,000 migrants/refugees have died in 2016 trying to reach La La land *-) .......


Who's fault is that eh?????..........


Us folk who think they should stay in their own countries and be helped, or you folk who want them to come >:-) ..........


Never mind the 10,000 collateral damage, just so long as the loony liberals have nice shiny halos :-| ......





Sorry Dave but that is just a ridiculous statement. Its the fault of people like me that want to help genuine refugees that 10000 of them have died? Nobody wants them to come here. We want them to be safe in their own countries. Do you think they would risk such a journey if there was any chance of them being helped in their own countries? Do you think they are coming to Europe just for a laugh and a bit of a holiday?


What makes me angry is the world I thought I used to know where we cared about others just seems to have gone down the toilet lately. Everyone is totally out for themselves. As long as we are alright sod the rest of them. Nobody seems to give a sh1t anymore about anyone else, especially if they are a bit foreign. If you do, you are branded a loony liberal, wet, leftie, apologist etc. Is caring about others just something the lefties do then Dave? And why should one assume a Liberal is a loony?



Excellent post Barry. Like you i also despair at the "sod you i'm alright jack" attitudes of some. Selfish beyond belief. We haven't suffered near on six years of ceaseless indiscriminate barrel bombs chucked out of helicopters at us, homes destroyed, families ripped apart with innocent little children now orphaned. There have been many distressing images shown on news reports but this one upset me http://oi65.tinypic.com/xfxma0.jpg a little five year old boy dragged out of bombed rubble by the White Helmets. My grandson is the same age as that little lad. The other evening a news report showed a young lad who'd walked into the only barely functioning hospital in Aleppo carrying his baby sister. His parents were dead as was the rest of his family........including his baby sister he wouldn't let go of. It was heart breaking


Right wing xenophobes are simply replacing one form of hatred with their own hatred. It's base, it's evil, and it's going nowhere other than dragging the country down. They will reap what they sow......hatred.



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2016-12-22 4:06 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2016-12-21 11:20 PM



There you go again with more conjecture and wild hyperbole. Check before hitting the keyboard. It's £229.40 a month with a max of £289.60 if able to prove you are actively seeking work.


I suggest you read this link if you think it's so easy.


Can EU migrants easily claim benefits when they arrive in another EU country?

No - there are conditions, depending on an individual's circumstances. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25134521


Ahem ;-) ........




Just in case you cant bring yourself to open a DM link :D .........





What else do you expect from the Daily Wail? If they told you the earth was flat you'd believe that tripe. As for IDS......the man who advocated draconian benefit cuts leaving many with no money at all......then had a major U turn.



Try this other link from the Guardian then ;-) ........




Maybe you think that's good use of taxpayers dosh :-| ........... I dont *-) .......



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2016-12-22 4:06 PM


Right wing xenophobes are simply replacing one form of hatred with their own hatred. It's base, it's evil, and it's going nowhere other than dragging the country down. They will reap what they sow......hatred.



You're starting to confuse reality with your own prejudice BG *-) .........





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Bulletguy - 2016-12-22 4:06 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2016-12-21 11:20 PM



There you go again with more conjecture and wild hyperbole. Check before hitting the keyboard. It's £229.40 a month with a max of £289.60 if able to prove you are actively seeking work.


I suggest you read this link if you think it's so easy.


Can EU migrants easily claim benefits when they arrive in another EU country?

No - there are conditions, depending on an individual's circumstances. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25134521


Ahem ;-) ........




Just in case you cant bring yourself to open a DM link :D .........





What else do you expect from the Daily Wail? If they told you the earth was flat you'd believe that tripe. As for IDS......the man who advocated draconian benefit cuts leaving many with no money at all......then had a major U turn.




Barryd999 - 2016-12-22 11:18 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 9:21 AM


Barryd999 - 2016-12-21 11:13 PM


As I said earlier, what would you rather we did (by we I mean Europe)? Just turn everyone away, close all our borders and wash our hands with it all? Do you think this would stop terrorism? What about all the home grown terrorism?



YES ;-) .........But apart from making it more difficult for terrorist tourists there is another inconvenient truth that none of you loony liberals wish to acknowledge ........


More than 10,000 migrants/refugees have died in 2016 trying to reach La La land *-) .......


Who's fault is that eh?????..........


Us folk who think they should stay in their own countries and be helped, or you folk who want them to come >:-) ..........


Never mind the 10,000 collateral damage, just so long as the loony liberals have nice shiny halos :-| ......





Sorry Dave but that is just a ridiculous statement. Its the fault of people like me that want to help genuine refugees that 10000 of them have died? Nobody wants them to come here. We want them to be safe in their own countries. Do you think they would risk such a journey if there was any chance of them being helped in their own countries? Do you think they are coming to Europe just for a laugh and a bit of a holiday?


What makes me angry is the world I thought I used to know where we cared about others just seems to have gone down the toilet lately. Everyone is totally out for themselves. As long as we are alright sod the rest of them. Nobody seems to give a sh1t anymore about anyone else, especially if they are a bit foreign. If you do, you are branded a loony liberal, wet, leftie, apologist etc. Is caring about others just something the lefties do then Dave? And why should one assume a Liberal is a loony?



Excellent post Barry. Like you i also despair at the "sod you i'm alright jack" attitudes of some. Selfish beyond belief. We haven't suffered near on six years of ceaseless indiscriminate barrel bombs chucked out of helicopters at us, homes destroyed, families ripped apart with innocent little children now orphaned. There have been many distressing images shown on news reports but this one upset me http://oi65.tinypic.com/xfxma0.jpg a little five year old boy dragged out of bombed rubble by the White Helmets. My grandson is the same age as that little lad. The other evening a news report showed a young lad who'd walked into the only barely functioning hospital in Aleppo carrying his baby sister. His parents were dead as was the rest of his family........including his baby sister he wouldn't let go of. It was heart breaking


Right wing xenophobes are simply replacing one form of hatred with their own hatred. It's base, it's evil, and it's going nowhere other than dragging the country down. They will reap what they sow......hatred.



Same old same old ... Talks about right wing xenophobes ?? when was the last time these right wing xenophobes slaughtered innocent shoppers , slaughtered owners and workers of a magazine , slaughtered innocent folk on a bus , slaughtered folk who'd gone to a concert , slaughtered many , many more on a daily basis and killed daily those who do not follow the warped book they follow ... For every right wing xenophobe that manages to get TV airtime I bet we could have 100 murders in the name of Islam ... Instead of attacking the problem they want to attack those that want to do something about the problem ... If its hatred to want to stop the evil that threatens our world then Im guilty and full of hatred and whatever name among the many BG has called me in the past Im deserving of

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It is supposed to be the season of goodwill but I don't see much of it on here at times.


All you achieve is the devaluation of your argument and the provocation of a retalitory reply that simply propogates the antagonism.


Expressing a point of view without regard, or worse deliberately causing offence to others is in itself an abuse of free speech and I would urge people to find a better way of expression than by insulting others.




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Fair points Rich..


But... if the only noise that something ever makes, is to constantly quack like a duck, surely it's only got itself to blame if/when folk eventually perceive it to be a duck...? ;-)


Near where we lived, they had problems with loads of duck sh*tting around by a kiddies play area ...

a "Do not feed the ducks" sign soon reduced the aforementioned sh*t !


There's a lesson in there. ;-)


Merry Christmas Rich(and to Mrs Tracker!)

Hope your health "issues" get sorted.


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pepe63 - 2016-12-22 7:27 PM


Fair points Rich..


But... if the only noise that something ever makes, is to constantly quack like a duck, surely it's only got itself to blame when folk eventually perceive it to a duck...? ;-)


Near where we lived, they had problems with loads of duck sh*tting around by a kiddies play area ...

a "Do not feed the ducks" sign soon reduced the aforementioned sh*t !


There's a moral in there. ;-)


Merry Christmas Rich(and to Mrs Tracker!)

Hope you health "issues" get sorted.


Fair comment - and I do agree that there are plenty enough ducks waddling around quacking without saying anything - if only a 'do not feed the ducks' sign would stop them - oh that life was that simples!!


Happy and healthy Christmas and 2017 to you too Pepe whether you be male or female and to all the little Pepitas.

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2016-12-22 7:34 PM


pepe63 - 2016-12-22 7:27 PM


Fair points Rich..


But... if the only noise that something ever makes, is to constantly quack like a duck, surely it's only got itself to blame when folk eventually perceive it to a duck...? ;-)


Near where we lived, they had problems with loads of duck sh*tting around by a kiddies play area ...

a "Do not feed the ducks" sign soon reduced the aforementioned sh*t !


There's a moral in there. ;-)


Merry Christmas Rich(and to Mrs Tracker!)

Hope you health "issues" get sorted.


Fair comment - and I do agree that there are plenty enough ducks waddling around quacking without saying anything - if only a 'do not feed the ducks' sign would stop them - oh that life was that simples!!


Happy and healthy Christmas and 2017 to you too Pepe whether you be male or female and to all the little Pepitas.


Beware of us Ducks ;-) ........


Donald will soon be leader of the free world >:-) .......





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pelmetman - 2016-12-22 7:41 PM


Beware of us Ducks ;-) ........


Donald will soon be leader of the free world >:-) .......




Along with Goofy and the three stooge, Hughie, Louie and Dewey?



Hughie waddles into a bar and orders a 'fluffy duck' and the barman asks him why he is so happy,


I've had a wonderful day says Hughie, in and out of puddles all day.


Louie waddles in and also asks for a 'fluffy duck' and gets the same question to which he gives the same answer.


Dewey waddles in and asks for a straight scotch as he too has had an exhausing day in and out of puddles.


Yet another duck waddles in and says I'll have a long cold lemonade please and before you even ask, my name is Puddles and I too have had a tiring day.

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pelmetman - 2016-12-22 4:29 PM


You're starting to confuse reality with your own prejudice BG *-) .........



'Prejudice' against xenophobic racists isn't 'confused' at all. I openly despise it and everything they and it stand for.


antony1969 - 2016-12-22 5:46 PM


Same old same old .... If its hatred to want to stop the evil that threatens our world then Im guilty and full of hatred and whatever name among the many BG has called me in the past Im deserving of


Talking of 'same old same old' change your record for a new one. The grooves are worn out. That you really cannot see fighting hate with hate is worrying. In fact you are doing exactly what they want. Instead of unity you're just creating divisions with your hatred of an entire race so in that they've succeeded. You pretend to want integration with immigrants but in reality you don't want them in the country at all because you don't like them.


I'd like to believe your grandiose strutting is all bluster, but judging from the views/opinions and mocking disdain you've expressed in this and other threads you've not convinced me to think otherwise.


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bigparkie - 2016-12-22 10:43 PM




"2083 – A European Declaration of Independence", the 'manifesto' ( *-) ) of a complete fruitloop wacko. Over 1500 pages of garbage, venom and race hate for those who still soak up his drivel and tripe.


Citing a conspiracy to turn Europe into an Islamic empire, Breivik claims in his manifesto to be the first crusader in the war to take back Europe for ethnic Europeans.


Breivik compares his campaign to the Crusades and is obsessed with battles between European nations and Islamic forces. He cites the 1683 Battle of Vienna as the last decisive attempt to push Muslims out of Europe, and he commends the joint effort between European nations in the campaign.



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Bulletguy - 2016-12-23 12:32 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 4:29 PM


You're starting to confuse reality with your own prejudice BG *-) .........



'Prejudice' against xenophobic racists isn't 'confused' at all. I openly despise it and everything they and it stand for.


antony1969 - 2016-12-22 5:46 PM


Same old same old .... If its hatred to want to stop the evil that threatens our world then Im guilty and full of hatred and whatever name among the many BG has called me in the past Im deserving of


Talking of 'same old same old' change your record for a new one. The grooves are worn out. That you really cannot see fighting hate with hate is worrying. In fact you are doing exactly what they want. Instead of unity you're just creating divisions with your hatred of an entire race so in that they've succeeded. You pretend to want integration with immigrants but in reality you don't want them in the country at all because you don't like them.


I'd like to believe your grandiose strutting is all bluster, but judging from the views/opinions and mocking disdain you've expressed in this and other threads you've not convinced me to think otherwise.


Once again you seem to know more about me than I do ... " I pretend to want immigration " ... So I come on a faceless motorhome chatroom and lie to everyone I don't know for what reason ?? ... Having misgivings about a certain religions teachings isn't hatred or daring to question the decency of many of the males that have been proved time and again to be an issue ... Real hatred fella is throat cutting , bombing , hijacking planes to use as weapons , using 7 year old girls as human bombs , shooting folk on beaches and on and on and on ... Thats hatred , your insulting me once again which I hope gets picked up on by the new forum master to suggest I have the hatred these people have

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2016-12-23 12:35 AM


bigparkie - 2016-12-22 10:43 PM




"2083 – A European Declaration of Independence", the 'manifesto' ( *-) ) of a complete fruitloop wacko. Over 1500 pages of garbage, venom and race hate for those who still soak up his drivel and tripe.


Citing a conspiracy to turn Europe into an Islamic empire, Breivik claims in his manifesto to be the first crusader in the war to take back Europe for ethnic Europeans.


Breivik compares his campaign to the Crusades and is obsessed with battles between European nations and Islamic forces. He cites the 1683 Battle of Vienna as the last decisive attempt to push Muslims out of Europe, and he commends the joint effort between European nations in the campaign.




Well Islam does have some form in that department ;-) ..........


If you "ever"do manage to make it to Spain, find out about the Moors.......You'll notice that their MO is just the same today :D ........





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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2016-12-23 12:32 AM


pelmetman - 2016-12-22 4:29 PM


You're starting to confuse reality with your own prejudice BG *-) .........



'Prejudice' against xenophobic racists isn't 'confused' at all. I openly despise it and everything they and it stand for.



This is precisely why Islam will end up taking over Europe and democracy will be dead , they start of with the vanguard being moderate and convincing folk like yourself there's nothing to fear, then the hardliners start taking over *-) ......


Don't believe me? have a look around the middle East .......The only stable countries are all hard line Islamic states >:-) ..........


Fortunately for me it wont be "my" grand daughters being forced to wear bin bags 8-) ......



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More real hate thankfully stopped before they could murder and slaughter ... Planned attack in Germany and what sounds like a multi attack on Christmas Day in Australia ... Well done to those who've prevented further slaughter ... The intelligence services worldwide have prevented many more attacks this year on innocent victims but we unfortunately know its a matter of when not if we have another major incident here
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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2016-12-23 10:32 AM


I suppose they would prefer to drop bombs from planes like Britain does.

But since they haven't got any they steal a lorry instead.

Thats war.

I envy countries with Governments like Switzerland that keep out of it.


.......And the folk you're making excuses for also actively target civilians *-) ..........


But I guess its not their fault.....its the way they were brought up :-| ........


One bit of good news this Christmas......It appears the truck killer has been shot and killed in Italy......


May all his virgins have STD's >:-) ........



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pelmetman - 2016-12-23 10:53 AM


John52 - 2016-12-23 10:32 AM


I suppose they would prefer to drop bombs from planes like Britain does.

But since they haven't got any they steal a lorry instead.

Thats war.

I envy countries with Governments like Switzerland that keep out of it.


.......And the folk you're making excuses for also actively target civilians *-) ..........


But I guess its not their fault.....its the way they were brought up :-| ........


One bit of good news this Christmas......It appears the truck killer has been shot and killed in Italy......


May all his virgins have STD's >:-) ........


Talk us through this Dave...70 virgins with STDs? *-)



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pelmetman - 2016-12-23 10:53 AM


.......And the folk you're making excuses for also actively target civilians *-) ..........





Wheras our smart cluster bombs detect and avoid civilians *-)

Not making excuses.

Just that some say all's fair in iove and war.

I would rather avoid war like Switzerland does.

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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2016-12-23 12:06 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-23 10:53 AM


.......And the folk you're making excuses for also actively target civilians *-) ..........





Wheras our smart cluster bombs detect and avoid civilians *-)

Not making excuses.

Just that some say all's fair in iove and war.

I would rather avoid war like Switzerland does.


Yeah they get some other mug to fight their battles *-) .......



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Guest pelmetman
Violet1956 - 2016-12-23 12:00 PM


pelmetman - 2016-12-23 10:53 AM


John52 - 2016-12-23 10:32 AM


I suppose they would prefer to drop bombs from planes like Britain does.

But since they haven't got any they steal a lorry instead.

Thats war.

I envy countries with Governments like Switzerland that keep out of it.


.......And the folk you're making excuses for also actively target civilians *-) ..........


But I guess its not their fault.....its the way they were brought up :-| ........


One bit of good news this Christmas......It appears the truck killer has been shot and killed in Italy......


May all his virgins have STD's >:-) ........


Talk us through this Dave...70 virgins with STDs? *-)




Yeah I read about it somewhere ;-) ...........Its called the Inaccurate Contraception :D .....



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