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As I've commented elsewhere, central govt can't make this happen. What it COULD do is make it possible, by an amendment to the Caravan Sites Act. A simple clause saying that the word "caravan" does NOT include any self-propelled vehicle, would allow councils and private property owners to set up Aires without jumping through the Act's planning hoops.
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My overseas motorhoming experience is limited to New Zealand. In NZ there are many designated areas where motorhomes may stay overnight. I even spotted one notice in a central city supermarket car park.


In order to qualify for such stays, your motorhome needs to be certificated as fully self contained. This certification is administered by the NZ Motorhome Association.


The other enabling factor in NZ is the ready availability of Dump Stations for disposing of black and grey waste water. These Dump Stations are useful as not all Holiday Parks (Camping Sites) provide such facilities, they are also used by the boating community.


My current count of Dump Stations in the UK is limited to two on the Isle of Arran. Surely the must be more?


The propsal seems like a good idea, but we do have space limitations, and perhaps vested interests to contend with.




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Alanb - 2017-03-14 9:51 PM


My overseas motorhoming experience is limited to New Zealand. In NZ there are many designated areas where motorhomes may stay overnight. I even spotted one notice in a central city supermarket car park.


In order to qualify for such stays, your motorhome needs to be certificated as fully self contained. This certification is administered by the NZ Motorhome Association.


The other enabling factor in NZ is the ready availability of Dump Stations for disposing of black and grey waste water. These Dump Stations are useful as not all Holiday Parks (Camping Sites) provide such facilities, they are also used by the boating community.


My current count of Dump Stations in the UK is limited to two on the Isle of Arran. Surely the must be more?


The propsal seems like a good idea, but we do have space limitations, and perhaps vested interests to contend with.


The earlier two motorhome-related petitions demanded that ‘aires’ be introduced throughout the UK to provide motorcaravanners with ‘servicing’ facilities (refilling with water, emptying of waste-water/toilets) as well as parking. The proposition was discussed at length here:




The current petition just asks for dedicated overnight parking areas for motorhomes. This is a more realistic objective but has as much chance of success as me getting a date with Angelina Jolie.

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I also think its pointless as its local councils that decide this kind of thing.


What I would like to know is what rules and regs do we have here that they clearly dont have in mainland Europe that stop private individuals setting up Aires. I know we have CL and CS sites that are great but they are limited to 5 vans and you have to book (your supposed to be a member of the clubs as well).


Some of these CL sites you could fit fifty vans on! I love the private aires you find in the likes of France. You just turn up and there are very few rules and regs or so it seems.


I would prefer that we had the same here rather than a council turning over a designated bit of scruffy car park in a town centre and then charging you for sharing it with the local boy racers. Why cant we have that?

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Derek Uzzell - 2017-03-15 10:08 AM


Alanb - 2017-03-14 9:51 PM


My overseas motorhoming experience is limited to New Zealand. In NZ there are many designated areas where motorhomes may stay overnight. I even spotted one notice in a central city supermarket car park.


In order to qualify for such stays, your motorhome needs to be certificated as fully self contained. This certification is administered by the NZ Motorhome Association.


The other enabling factor in NZ is the ready availability of Dump Stations for disposing of black and grey waste water. These Dump Stations are useful as not all Holiday Parks (Camping Sites) provide such facilities, they are also used by the boating community.


My current count of Dump Stations in the UK is limited to two on the Isle of Arran. Surely the must be more?


The propsal seems like a good idea, but we do have space limitations, and perhaps vested interests to contend with.


The earlier two motorhome-related petitions demanded that ‘aires’ be introduced throughout the UK to provide motorcaravanners with ‘servicing’ facilities (refilling with water, emptying of waste-water/toilets) as well as parking. The proposition was discussed at length here:




The current petition just asks for dedicated overnight parking areas for motorhomes. This is a more realistic objective but has as much chance of success as me getting a date with Angelina Jolie.


What are you doing tonight?



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I don’t know what (if any) hoops, say, French farmers have to jump through in order to have motorhomes park on their land, but plenty of ‘hosts’ in the France Passion scheme will accept up to 5 vehicles.


Where the UK is concerned, the following link provides guidance



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Derek Uzzell - 2017-03-15 1:34 PM




I don’t know what (if any) hoops, say, French farmers have to jump through in order to have motorhomes park on their land, but plenty of ‘hosts’ in the France Passion scheme will accept up to 5 vehicles.


Where the UK is concerned, the following link provides guidance




Thanks. Looks like a load of bother to me which presumably is why we dont see them. I can only assume the French are either more laid back (Although they are renowned or their bureaucracy and paper work) or the owners just do it anyway regardless of the rules which is also very French.

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  • 1 month later...

I happened to notice that this petition




is now closed, but did manage to scrape over the 10,000 signatures threshold.


It remains to be seen whether a government response will result, as the Q/A advice on Commons Select Committee webpage




is as follows:


Q: My petition got 10,000 signatures before the site closed. Will the Government still have to respond?


A: The Government can’t respond during the election period. It will be up to the new Government to decide whether it wants to respond to petitions from before the election.

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And I have as much chance of being the next Pope as these Petitions succeeding 'across the UK.'


Because tourism, local government, economic development are devolved north of the border to the Scottish Government. What about Wales and N Ireland - devolved also? So at its best these Petitions, if successful, can only apply in England?


As far as I'm aware no feasibility study has been carried out. I would love to have Aires in the UK so I think a Petition requiring Government to carry out a feasibility study/cost benefit analysis would be a sensible first step. Who could object to that?

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  • 2 months later...

I’ve just received an e-mail about this petition.


The petition passed the magic 10,000 signatures threshold and the Government response was:


"Local authorities are responsible for determining local parking provision and they should take account of existing and projected levels of parking demand when developing local parking policies.


In 2015 the Department for Communities and Local Government published statutory guidance outlining how local residents and firms can petition their council to undertake a formal review of parking policies in their area, with councillors then voting on the action to be taken. Further information is available at:




Department for Communities and Local Government"


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Derek Uzzell - 2017-08-04 10:22 AM

"Local authorities are responsible for determining local parking provision

Nimbys charter - which is why we can't get anything built and have a housing crisis.

(Which of course suits the landlords in Government)

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According to other forums, many of us got the same email this morning. If local authorities are responsible , then unless hundreds of us contact each such authority individually nothing will ever happen. Wouldn't it be nice if government simply suggested to local authorities that it might be a good idea to look at providing Aires, just a bit of guidance that's all, particularly from the minister for tourism.
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And the number of signatures does not necessarily equate to the number of individuals. As previous petitions covering much the same ground had failed so badly numerically, I ‘signed’ this one using all of my many email addresses (and my wife’s too) in the hope that the 10k threshold might be reached and provoke a government response. That’s now occurred so - with any luck - this will have been the last pointless UK ‘aires’ petition.
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Hi, someone mentioned France Passion in the above comments.


It should be explained the france passion, make no charges, offer no facilities other than somewhere safe and accesible for motorhomes to park up overnight. The landowner is already running a business, be it farmer, wine grower etc, and hopes by joining the FP systen, that guests will comply with good manners an perhaps be supportive of the host by purchasing some of bis produce..the user is expected to be courteous and good mannered.


Uk equivalent is BRITSTOPS, ..primarily pubs, farm shops etc and expect the same courteous behavior as the FP setup.


No fee other than buying the site guide is charged, but hopefully the motorhomer will wish to sample some of the produce available


The important word Is that visitors are treated as GUESTS, and are expected to behave responsibly as such.


The locations are not CAMPSITES, nor CARAVAN SITES, simply a safe and secure parking for up to 24 hours, for Motorhomes, in the same way that a motorist would park up in a hotel carpark for a nights accommodation


Having used several of the locations this year, it has worked for us very well and France passion has been a similar experience in previous years...And we have felt a lot safer compared with SOME of the French Aires that we have used in past years.


In the absence of AIRES, then Britstops, or France Passion is a good alternative for MOTORHOMERS..




Ps..why dont supermarkets garden centres etc permit overnight parking ??? What about seaside beach carparks offering overnight permissions for motorhomers between certain nightimes. Ringwood central carpark is empty overnight, with a ban on sleeping in vehicle overnight .. seems stupidly restrictive, especially as lorries can use longterm parking area.




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"They" already provide parking areas for motorhomes. They're called "Campsites", but it appears that lots of motorhome owners either can't or wont pay!

Being both a caravan and camper van owner, I cannot see how you can demand free overnight parking for your hobby.Why do you expect other tax payers to fund your hobby?

I know this is going to be a contentious issue, but if you cannot afford site fees, then stop at home!

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