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Trauma Gas Heater


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If your Truma fire is one of the Trumatic S-3002 appliances, you can find Installation/Operating instructions for them here




Read through the documents relating to your heater, but if that doesn’t help I’m not sure it’s going to be practicable to advise on this without actually seeing the heater and identifying where the problem lies. There are on-line comments that damage can occur when care is not taken when fitting the front, resulting in difficulty refitting it if it is subsequently removed.

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It's a Trumatic S3002 , just gas , and I have the old manual. It looks like it sits on lugs top and bottom but I can't get the bottom to fit securely. I've been advised to put a screw in the top myself but I can see this holding the cover on but at the bottom it may still be loose and rattle ? Thanks for replies to date
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Hi and welcome,


I had the same problem when I wanted to change the battery for the sparker and eventually found out you kind of have to fit it 'upside down'. You have to locate the lugs on the bottom edge into there locations then push the top back towards the wall. If you've got the top fitted correctly first then you will not be able to get the bottom to locate, you'll have to take the top off and start again.


Have a look at the instructions at the top of page 12 here....





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