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Interests rates to go up at last?......

Guest pelmetman

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Yep your nest egg wherever you have it stashed Dave might start to actually earn some interest at last, trouble is everything you buy will have risen in price at a higher rate than the increase in your savings so actually your losing more money. Sorry to pish on your chips. :'(


Meanwhile those that still have mortgages and loans will suffer and spend less and it all goes downhill from there.


Even worse. Comte and Leffe which comes from Lovely Europe is up 20% as the pound slump starts to hit home. I am devastated. I Cannot speak. I refuse to eat British cheese or drink warm mucky ale. It makes me come over all queer. :D

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Ubfortunately, I do not think it will happen any times soon, mainly for th reasons gievn about mortgages etc. The last thing the BofE wants is to create a housing crisis with reposessions because many people maxed out on cheap loans.


The other downside I see is that even if the BofE does raise the rate the main banks will not follow suit, or drag their heels for a long time. So if for example the BofE goes up 0.25% I suspect the rate on the High Street will rise 0.15%, but mortgage rates will jump the full 0.25% We cannnot have the poor penniless bankers suffering can we? However, the positive is the value of the Pound will rise and balance some of the chaos created by Carney when he cut it last Autumn wihtout any need to do so. In fact you can lay most of the blame at his door rather than Brexit, but you can bet the media will not see it hat way. The other factor causing the rise in inflation is the rise in the value of the Dollar. This makes anything that is priced in Dollars more expensive and things like oil are affected significantly. Expect fuel prices to keep rising.

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This Government and their overpaid puppet Carney will never raise interest rates of their own volition because it would lead to a fall in house prices. On top of that the Government has doubled the 300 year old National Debt in 6 years and will do what Governments always do when they can't pay their debts - default through inflation.
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Guest pelmetman
John52 - 2017-03-22 8:43 AM


This Government and their overpaid puppet Carney will never raise interest rates of their own volition because it would lead to a fall in house prices. On top of that the Government has doubled the 300 year old National Debt in 6 years and will do what Governments always do when they can't pay their debts - default through inflation.


If inflation keeps rising he'll have no option ;-) .......



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pelmetman - 2017-03-22 8:57 AM


John52 - 2017-03-22 8:43 AM


This Government and their overpaid puppet Carney will never raise interest rates of their own volition because it would lead to a fall in house prices. On top of that the Government has doubled the 300 year old National Debt in 6 years and will do what Governments always do when they can't pay their debts - default through inflation.


If inflation keeps rising he'll have no option ;-) .......


Thats what I meant by they won't increase rates of their own volition and why they'll just keep tinkering with their Inflation Statistics instead.

PS: Contrast with Cameron's pre election promises to savers http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/pensions/10457090/Camerons-broken-promise-to-savers-costs-68bn.html *-)

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