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Brexit Border Wall


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After reading about the poor Trump voter whose house is likely to end up in Mexico, it reminded me of the battiness over the Irish border wall which, post Brexit may return. Customs posts and military checkpoints along the 300 mile border, which has over 200 crossing points – were swept away by the Good Friday agreement and the Single Market. Now many fear Brexit means free crossing will be restricted.



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That's the queue for Brexiters attempting to escape UK. Their passports will be marked, valid for 3 months only, and the fee will be £250. They will need to stock up on supplies as the motorway is where they will spend their "holidays" in future. (lol)


Remain voters will be given a special EU Freedom of Movement Passport granting them unhindered access to the ports and terminals with priority reservations on ferries and the tunnel. ;-)

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pelmetman - 2017-04-10 8:31 AM


The Schengen zone is a dead zone .......the borders posts are going back up........free movement is living on borrowed time >:-) ..........

Thats to keep rogues like you in check and kick you out if over 3 month. You won't be snowbirding anymore for months on end....you lot voted that away. France will give us our border back too so UK Gov have got two years to reinstate Border control which May dismantled, then recruit thousands of employees to man it.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 10:09 AM


pelmetman - 2017-04-10 8:31 AM


The Schengen zone is a dead zone .......the borders posts are going back up........free movement is living on borrowed time >:-) ..........

Thats to keep rogues like you in check and kick you out if over 3 month. You won't be snowbirding anymore for months on end....you lot voted that away. France will give us our border back too so UK Gov have got two years to reinstate Border control which May dismantled, then recruit thousands of employees to man it.


Methinks they'll be more interested in rogues from a certain culture ;-) ........



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Actually it is a serious issue. There simply is no way it can be resolved in the time frame which is much less than two years in reality anyway. Without agreement for us to stay in the customs union the countries ports will grind to a halt. This is yet another reason why a deal has to be struck and you simply cannot walk away. So your looking at a transitional period at the least where we stay in the Customs Union and probably the single market which will continue to mean free movement of goods and people and paying in.


Transitional periods have a habit of becoming permanent periods though. If any Brexiteers have another solution I would love the hear it.

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As a Remain voter my solution is simple Barry. Rescind current passports from Brexiters and allow them 3 monthly ones, one per year only. That's their allocated "freedom of movement" in future as far as i'm concerned. £500 million is to be squandered on going back to the old blue passport.



Talking of 'going back', more bonkers Backwards Brexit here; http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/29/heres-the-crazy-things-brexiteers-want-to-bring-back-from-caning-to-shillings-6541331/


There's been a soar in applications for Irish passports which is hardly surprising. https://www.dfa.ie/passporttracking/passportstatistics/


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.

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So now there is whining about spending on reverting to the blue passport......I seem to recall there was uproar over losing the blue one and having an EU wide colour/design forced on us so what is the difference this time?  As I see it this time it is as a result of the public voice whereas previously it was something over which we had no control.....it was forced upon us like it or not although HMG did resist the dictatorial edict until 1988.

However this claim of expenditure blamed on Brexit is, as per normal scaremongering by the remoaners.  The passport is redesigned every 5 years as an anti counterfeit measure.  New passports are paid for by the individual and looking back to the previous contract which was awarded to De La Rue that cost £400,000,000.

With regard to the 'Wall'......if there is to be a 'solid' border anywhere at least it will be a boost to the construction industry.  :-)  

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.


How about the Un-united Queendom? ;-) .........


Seem's quite apt seeing how many Drama Queens are on the RemOAner side >:-) .......



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RogerC - 2017-04-10 1:22 PM


So now there is whining about spending on reverting to the blue passport......

Bit of a backwards step Roger. So much for a progressive state eh, more a regressive state.



However this claim of expenditure blamed on Brexit is, as per normal scaremongering by the remoaners. The passport is redesigned every 5 years as an anti counterfeit measure. New passports are paid for by the individual and looking back to the previous contract which was awarded to De La Rue that cost £400,000,000.

Best give them the contract then and save £100 million straight away. That should get a couple of days worth of the £350 million to the NHS which won't ever materialise.



With regard to the 'Wall'......if there is to be a 'solid' border anywhere at least it will be a boost to the construction industry.

They've gone back to Poland since being vilified and made unwelcome here.




pelmetman - 2017-04-10 1:28 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.


How about the Un-united Queendom? ;-) .........


Adjective of disunited.....except there's no hyphen but you won't find that in the Beano. It's simply means 'divide' or 'separate', which we are.......a divided little island.


Seem's quite apt seeing how many Drama Queens are on the RemAIner side >:-) .......

'Drama Queens' eh? You'd better stock up on the Kleenex because you won't be laughing for very long.......you'll need it to soak up the tears and wipe the grin off your face. :-|

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Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 3:37 PM
RogerC - 2017-04-10 1:22 PMSo now there is whining about spending on reverting to the blue passport......
Bit of a backwards step Roger. So much for a progressive state eh, more a regressive state.
However this claim of expenditure blamed on Brexit is, as per normal scaremongering by the remoaners. The passport is redesigned every 5 years as an anti counterfeit measure. New passports are paid for by the individual and looking back to the previous contract which was awarded to De La Rue that cost £400,000,000.
Best give them the contract then and save £100 million straight away. That should get a couple of days worth of the £350 million to the NHS which won't ever materialise.
With regard to the 'Wall'......if there is to be a 'solid' border anywhere at least it will be a boost to the construction industry.
They've gone back to Poland since being vilified and made unwelcome here.
pelmetman - 2017-04-10 1:28 PM
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PMThe "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.
How about the Un-united Queendom? ;-) .........
Adjective of disunited.....except there's no hyphen but you won't find that in the Beano. It's simply means 'divide' or 'separate', which we are.......a divided little island.
Seem's quite apt seeing how many Drama Queens are on the RemAIner side >:-) .......
'Drama Queens' eh? You'd better stock up on the Kleenex because you won't be laughing for very long.......you'll need it to soak up the tears and wipe the grin off your face. :-|

Backwards step?  No I don't think so.  Aside from those who feel 'European' I would think most people who love their country would be pleased to see a physical indication of taking back control from the EU mandarins.  I see nothing regressive about it.....but then I see leaving the EU as extremely progressive rather than sitting back and watching my country be absorbed into the Euro Super state that is desired by so many self interested politicos......that is if the whole edifice doesn't come tumbling down first.  Hey maybe it's you and your remain camp needs those Kleenex....I can see a tsunami of tears from your lot when the EU comes crashing down....   :-)

Polish builders?  Likely some have gone back home because the profitability there has made it worth their while to do so......but still as your lot likes the 'we are all Europeans' thing you should be pleased for them wherever they are......

Now as an indication of 'Remain Lala land'......how silly is it to think that a contract that cost £400,000,000 in 2009 will still be the same today...........that is just plain daft...... methinks pencils up the nose, underpants on head and muttering wibble would be appropriate apparel for some of the remain camp....   lalalala  :-)
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Back in the real world what solution do the Brexiteers see to averting the blockages of our ports if we leave the Customs Union? Im not bothered about paying for a new passport although with a bit of luck some of us will get European passports but I am bothered about trucks being stacked up from Dover to London and never being able to escape this place when it all goes badly wrong.


The amount of stuff that comes through Dover now is just phenomenal. Its a well oiled and organised machine but it only works because we are part of the Customs union.


How do you propose we deal with that one then?

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Barryd999 - 2017-04-10 4:37 PM


Back in the real world what solution do the Brexiteers see to averting the blockages of our ports if we leave the Customs Union? Im not bothered about paying for a new passport although with a bit of luck some of us will get European passports but I am bothered about trucks being stacked up from Dover to London and never being able to escape this place when it all goes badly wrong.


The amount of stuff that comes through Dover now is just phenomenal. Its a well oiled and organised machine but it only works because we are part of the Customs union.


How do you propose we deal with that one then?


Well there's more comes in than goes out, so the bigger problems would be on the other side (collecting the tariff's) ??



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 3:37 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-10 1:28 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.


How about the Un-united Queendom? ;-) .........


Adjective of disunited.....except there's no hyphen but you won't find that in the Beano. It's simply means 'divide' or 'separate', which we are.......a divided little island.


Seem's quite apt seeing how many Drama Queens are on the RemAIner side >:-) .......

'Drama Queens' eh? You'd better stock up on the Kleenex because you won't be laughing for very long.......you'll need it to soak up the tears and wipe the grin off your face. :-|


Only 718 days 6 hours to go Bullet B-) ........and Yes I might shed a few tears when we leave :'( .......


But they'll be of joy (lol) ........





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RogerC - 2017-04-10 4:24 PM


Backwards step? No I don't think so.

I know you don't.......i do as do millions of others.



Aside from those who feel 'European' I would think most people who love their country would be pleased to see a physical indication of taking back control from the EU mandarins. I see nothing regressive about it.....but then I see leaving the EU as extremely progressive rather than sitting back and watching my country be absorbed into the Euro Super state that is desired by so many self interested politicos......

Apart from the few odd ball motley bunch of patriots, white supremacists etc, Brits have never 'done' patriotism! We do time warp stuff pretty good though.hence the going back. In Germany there are still a few nutters who indulge "Ostalgie".....a longing for the days of DDR. Many of them never even lived under the DDR regime so you can imagine the derision their actions are met with by those that had, and i have a lot of ex-East German friends.


The backwards thinking in Brexit is not dissimilar. It's dragging the country back 40 years and Brexiters are still riding a tide of euphoria dreaming of the Nirvana they imagine it's going to be. They think they are about to enter paradise but they are in for a rude awakening and all of us who voted Remain are watching every step. I'm still waiting for this £350 million per week to the NHS to materialise. No sign of that yet though. Brexiters should have recruited a professional magician instead of a bunch of illusionists. Oh, we have been promised years more austerity so Brexit can certainly deliver on that without problem and already is.


As for "Euro Super state", what bit of NATO do you want to keep because once you start trying to dismantle the EU, you dismantle NATO. Whilst the EU may not be 100% perfection (is anything?) you don't change something by running away from it.


..that is if the whole edifice doesn't come tumbling down first. Hey maybe it's you and your remain camp needs those Kleenex....I can see a tsunami of tears from your lot when the EU comes crashing down....

As much as you hope and no doubt pray nightly for, it's not going to happen.


Polish builders? Likely some have gone back home because the profitability there has made it worth their while to do so......but still as your lot likes the 'we are all Europeans' thing you should be pleased for them wherever they are......

Yes we excel at losing skilled workers. This is what happens when a country chases them away and doesn't give any security to those who've worked damned hard and paid their taxes here.


Now as an indication of 'Remain Lala land'......how silly is it to think that a contract that cost £400,000,000 in 2009 will still be the same today...........that is just plain daft...... methinks pencils up the nose, underpants on head and muttering wibble would be appropriate apparel for some of the remain camp.... lalalala

Of course not. The actual 2017 figure taking inflation from 2009 into account would be *£492 million in 2017 leaving a surplus of £8 million, so we can stick that surplus in the Brexit NHS kitty to keep a few more hard working nurses from Europe instead of hunting all over Africa.


Excellent.......at this rate you've only got another £342 million to find......but remember, that's per week, not per annum.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 9:25 PM


RogerC - 2017-04-10 4:24 PM


Backwards step? No I don't think so.

I know you don't.......i do as do millions of others.



Aside from those who feel 'European' I would think most people who love their country would be pleased to see a physical indication of taking back control from the EU mandarins. I see nothing regressive about it.....but then I see leaving the EU as extremely progressive rather than sitting back and watching my country be absorbed into the Euro Super state that is desired by so many self interested politicos......

Apart from the few odd ball motley bunch of patriots, white supremacists etc, Brits have never 'done' patriotism! We do time warp stuff pretty good though.hence the going back. In Germany there are still a few nutters who indulge "Ostalgie".....a longing for the days of DDR. Many of them never even lived under the DDR regime so you can imagine the derision their actions are met with by those that had, and i have a lot of ex-East German friends.


The backwards thinking in Brexit is not dissimilar. It's dragging the country back 40 years and Brexiters are still riding a tide of euphoria dreaming of the Nirvana they imagine it's going to be. They think they are about to enter paradise but they are in for a rude awakening and all of us who voted Remain are watching every step. I'm still waiting for this £350 million per week to the NHS to materialise. No sign of that yet though. Brexiters should have recruited a professional magician instead of a bunch of illusionists. Oh, we have been promised years more austerity so Brexit can certainly deliver on that without problem and already is.


As for "Euro Super state", what bit of NATO do you want to keep because once you start trying to dismantle the EU, you dismantle NATO. Whilst the EU may not be 100% perfection (is anything?) you don't change something by running away from it.


..that is if the whole edifice doesn't come tumbling down first. Hey maybe it's you and your remain camp needs those Kleenex....I can see a tsunami of tears from your lot when the EU comes crashing down....

As much as you hope and no doubt pray nightly for, it's not going to happen.


Polish builders? Likely some have gone back home because the profitability there has made it worth their while to do so......but still as your lot likes the 'we are all Europeans' thing you should be pleased for them wherever they are......

Yes we excel at losing skilled workers. This is what happens when a country chases them away and doesn't give any security to those who've worked damned hard and paid their taxes here.


Now as an indication of 'Remain Lala land'......how silly is it to think that a contract that cost £400,000,000 in 2009 will still be the same today...........that is just plain daft...... methinks pencils up the nose, underpants on head and muttering wibble would be appropriate apparel for some of the remain camp.... lalalala

Of course not. The actual 2017 figure taking inflation from 2009 into account would be *£492 million in 2017 leaving a surplus of £8 million, so we can stick that surplus in the Brexit NHS kitty to keep a few more hard working nurses from Europe instead of hunting all over Africa.


Excellent.......at this rate you've only got another £342 million to find......but remember, that's per week, not per annum.


Bullet doing maths? 8-) ........Blimey he thinks the Guardian sales nearly match the Daily Mail (lol) ........


I have the feeling he's spent to much time in ex communist countries ;-) ............He's starting to believe his own propaganda :D ........



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pelmetman - 2017-04-10 9:49 PM
Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 9:25 PM
RogerC - 2017-04-10 4:24 PMBackwards step? No I don't think so.
I know you don't.......i do as do millions of others.
Aside from those who feel 'European' I would think most people who love their country would be pleased to see a physical indication of taking back control from the EU mandarins. I see nothing regressive about it.....but then I see leaving the EU as extremely progressive rather than sitting back and watching my country be absorbed into the Euro Super state that is desired by so many self interested politicos......
Apart from the few odd ball motley bunch of patriots, white supremacists etc, Brits have never 'done' patriotism! We do time warp stuff pretty good though.hence the going back. In Germany there are still a few nutters who indulge "Ostalgie".....a longing for the days of DDR. Many of them never even lived under the DDR regime so you can imagine the derision their actions are met with by those that had, and i have a lot of ex-East German friends.The backwards thinking in Brexit is not dissimilar. It's dragging the country back 40 years and Brexiters are still riding a tide of euphoria dreaming of the Nirvana they imagine it's going to be. They think they are about to enter paradise but they are in for a rude awakening and all of us who voted Remain are watching every step. I'm still waiting for this £350 million per week to the NHS to materialise. No sign of that yet though. Brexiters should have recruited a professional magician instead of a bunch of illusionists. Oh, we have been promised years more austerity so Brexit can certainly deliver on that without problem and already is.As for "Euro Super state", what bit of NATO do you want to keep because once you start trying to dismantle the EU, you dismantle NATO. Whilst the EU may not be 100% perfection (is anything?) you don't change something by running away from it.
..that is if the whole edifice doesn't come tumbling down first. Hey maybe it's you and your remain camp needs those Kleenex....I can see a tsunami of tears from your lot when the EU comes crashing down....
As much as you hope and no doubt pray nightly for, it's not going to happen.
Polish builders? Likely some have gone back home because the profitability there has made it worth their while to do so......but still as your lot likes the 'we are all Europeans' thing you should be pleased for them wherever they are......
Yes we excel at losing skilled workers. This is what happens when a country chases them away and doesn't give any security to those who've worked damned hard and paid their taxes here.
Now as an indication of 'Remain Lala land'......how silly is it to think that a contract that cost £400,000,000 in 2009 will still be the same today...........that is just plain daft...... methinks pencils up the nose, underpants on head and muttering wibble would be appropriate apparel for some of the remain camp.... lalalala
Of course not. The actual 2017 figure taking inflation from 2009 into account would be *£492 million in 2017 leaving a surplus of £8 million, so we can stick that surplus in the Brexit NHS kitty to keep a few more hard working nurses from Europe instead of hunting all over Africa.Excellent.......at this rate you've only got another £342 million to find......but remember, that's per week, not per annum.
Bullet doing maths? 8-) ........Blimey he thinks the Guardian sales nearly match the Daily Mail (lol) ........I have the feeling he's spent to much time in ex communist countries ;-) ............He's starting to believe his own propaganda :D ........

I said in response to your Backwards step claim?    "No I don't think so."

BG you said:  I know you don't.......i do as do millions of others.

So there's the difference isn't it?  You and your 16,141,241 remain voters clearly feel it is a backward step but that's the problem for you and your side of the issue because clearly 17,410,742 didn't think so and declared themselves at the ballot box.  The vote was for leave and despite the protestations of those who would remain the process is under way and irrespective of the doom and gloom merchants the country should be united in a determination to realise the best possible future for the country....not one side or the other.....but the whole country. 

After BG post highlighted in BOLD above the rest of his post didn't carry any weight at all.....clearly posted by one who prefers Europe to his own country.  BG might be unpatriotic, certainly has a very low opinion of those in the UK prepared to fight for his freedoms......never done patriotism? calling those who show a degree of patriotism white supremacists, oddball motley bunch etc........methinks this country would be better off if you spent more time .....maybe all of your time with your ex communist mates because it sure looks to me as though you've been 'converted'.

Now because of leaving the EU we are going to be responsible for the break up of NATO are we?  Please enlighten me because I was under the impression that NATO has done quite well in keeping the peace since it's formation in April 1949 and your beloved EU didn't come into being until November 1993.  Interestingly if NATO does break apart I suspect it will be because of the member states that have not kept up their end of the financial cost of running the organisation.......only 5 countries have held up their part of the fiscal requirements of which the UK is one.  Two of those not meeting their responsibilities are Germany and France so you might look to them for failing to do their 'duty' in keeping the collective defence organisation on an even fiscal footing, or is it the case that it is OK for the UK to prop up two organisations.....NATO and the EU?

Regarding the £350,000,000 by leaving the EU we will no longer be a net.....that is 'net' contributor of (according to the Treasury)£8,600,000,000...............£8.6 BILLION.  Now that is one heck of a lot of money that can be spent where our own government decides instead of throwing it at Brussels for them to spend........so yes the £350,000,000 is clearly a good weapon in the remain arsenal but for me I would rather have the £8.6 billion in the bank of UK for the benefit of the UK population.
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Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM



As a Remain voter my solution is simple Barry. Rescind current passports from Brexiters and allow them 3 monthly ones, one per year only. That's their allocated "freedom of movement" in future as far as i'm concerned. £500 million is to be squandered on going back to the old blue passport.



Talking of 'going back', more bonkers Backwards Brexit here; http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/29/heres-the-crazy-things-brexiteers-want-to-bring-back-from-caning-to-shillings-6541331/


There's been a soar in applications for Irish passports which is hardly surprising. https://www.dfa.ie/passporttracking/passportstatistics/


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.

like it or not you are leaving europe
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pagey - 2017-04-11 6:05 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM



As a Remain voter my solution is simple Barry. Rescind current passports from Brexiters and allow them 3 monthly ones, one per year only. That's their allocated "freedom of movement" in future as far as i'm concerned. £500 million is to be squandered on going back to the old blue passport.



Talking of 'going back', more bonkers Backwards Brexit here; http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/29/heres-the-crazy-things-brexiteers-want-to-bring-back-from-caning-to-shillings-6541331/


There's been a soar in applications for Irish passports which is hardly surprising. https://www.dfa.ie/passporttracking/passportstatistics/


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.

like it or not you are leaving europe


Well said .... He talketh pith

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pagey - 2017-04-11 6:05 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-10 12:55 PM



As a Remain voter my solution is simple Barry. Rescind current passports from Brexiters and allow them 3 monthly ones, one per year only. That's their allocated "freedom of movement" in future as far as i'm concerned. £500 million is to be squandered on going back to the old blue passport.



Talking of 'going back', more bonkers Backwards Brexit here; http://metro.co.uk/2017/03/29/heres-the-crazy-things-brexiteers-want-to-bring-back-from-caning-to-shillings-6541331/


There's been a soar in applications for Irish passports which is hardly surprising. https://www.dfa.ie/passporttracking/passportstatistics/


The "United" part of this countries name needs dropping as i cannot ever remember a time when it's been more disunited than now. It's no longer united and only a Kingdom because of the Queen.

like it or not you are leaving europe


Ill believe that when the fat lady starts singing.

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Regarding the £350,000,000 by leaving the EU we will no longer be a net.....that is 'net' contributor of (according to the Treasury)£8,600,000,000...............£8.6 BILLION. Now that is one heck of a lot of money that can be spent where our own government decides instead of throwing it at Brussels for them to spend........so yes the £350,000,000 is clearly a good weapon in the remain arsenal but for me I would rather have the £8.6 billion in the bank of UK for the benefit of the UK population.



Sounds a lot doesnt it us saving £8.6 billion until you consider the likely loss of £50 billion a year if it ends up being a hard brexit?. Even if we do a deal we will likely have to stump up a £50 billion settlement fee and with any deal there will no doubt be a cost and paying in. Any deal we get will never be as good as what we have now though so however it pans out I think you can pretty much assume we will be more than £8.6 billion a year worse off. As for the £350m anyone with half a brain cell knew it was tosh the minute it appeared on the side of a bus.

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pagey - 2017-04-11 6:51 PM


the singing started in june


You reckon? You Brexiteers must be a bit hoarse by now waiting for your "Land of Hope and Glory" Moment. You may have a good few years yet to tune up and a week is a long time in politics, let alone 2, 4 or 5 years. There may be no Brexiteers left by the time it goes ahead (if it goes ahead). Judging by the way most of them have been bursting blood vessels since June you will all be in the funny farm by then and we can just go back to normal. (lol)

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