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Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful
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Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 9:54 AM


Well what we give in Aid is nothing to do with the EU but indirectly we may end up giving less to the worlds needy because we wont have it to give.


Well when we've all lost our homes and the motors are taken back and were all in the queue for soup at the food halls we'll be able to smile and say Brexit poverty was worth it as long as some crooked dictator in Umbagumba Land doesn't get a penny of British tax payers dosh ... Bring it on

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antony1969 - 2017-04-13 12:19 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 9:54 AM


Well what we give in Aid is nothing to do with the EU but indirectly we may end up giving less to the worlds needy because we wont have it to give.


Well when we've all lost our homes and the motors are taken back and were all in the queue for soup at the food halls we'll be able to smile and say Brexit poverty was worth it as long as some crooked dictator in Umbagumba Land doesn't get a penny of British tax payers dosh ... Bring it on


Isnt Umbagumba near Huddersfield? :D



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Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 12:35 PM



Isnt Umbagumba near Huddersfield? :D



..I thought it was a 'Floyd album..? ;-)


It does always seem a bit perverse, that we are( or were?) sending "aid" to the likes of India, whilst they were spending their own money on nuclear weapons, a space programme....and buying up the bulk of British manufacturing...!?



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pepe63 - 2017-04-13 1:10 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 12:35 PM



Isnt Umbagumba near Huddersfield? :D



..I thought it was a 'Floyd album..? ;-)


It does always seem a bit perverse, that we are( or were?) sending "aid" to the likes of India, whilst they were spending their own money on nuclear weapons, a space programme....and buying up the bulk of British manufacturing...!?




And China apparently. It supposed to have stopped but I am not sure it has completely. Yeah bonkers.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 3:20 PM


pepe63 - 2017-04-13 1:10 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 12:35 PM



Isnt Umbagumba near Huddersfield? :D



..I thought it was a 'Floyd album..? ;-)


It does always seem a bit perverse, that we are( or were?) sending "aid" to the likes of India, whilst they were spending their own money on nuclear weapons, a space programme....and buying up the bulk of British manufacturing...!?




And China apparently. It supposed to have stopped but I am not sure it has completely. Yeah bonkers.



Careful you two ;-) ...........You're starting to sound like like xenophobic racist Brexiteers (lol) .......



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antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



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pelmetman - 2017-04-13 3:45 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 3:20 PM


pepe63 - 2017-04-13 1:10 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-13 12:35 PM



Isnt Umbagumba near Huddersfield? :D



..I thought it was a 'Floyd album..? ;-)


It does always seem a bit perverse, that we are( or were?) sending "aid" to the likes of India, whilst they were spending their own money on nuclear weapons, a space programme....and buying up the bulk of British manufacturing...!?




And China apparently. It supposed to have stopped but I am not sure it has completely. Yeah bonkers.



Careful you two ;-) ...........You're starting to sound like like xenophobic racist Brexiteers (lol) .......



Nah!.. "they" would've sought out "Muslim" based examples... :D



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pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)





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Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


If what you claim is correct then who could blame the Tories or any other party ... The NHS has never and will never have enough public money ... It is a bottomless pit , always has been and always will be ... Treating health tourists and those who've never paid a dime into the system doesn't help ... End our obsession with foreign aid and look after our own for me

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antony1969 - 2017-04-13 7:55 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


If what you claim is correct then who could blame the Tories or any other party ... The NHS has never and will never have enough public money ... It is a bottomless pit , always has been and always will be ... Treating health tourists and those who've never paid a dime into the system doesn't help ... End our obsession with foreign aid and look after our own for me.

Pfi first implemented in 1992 by Major's Tory Government has continued to cause catastrophic damage to the NHS......but ensured investors made shed loads which was precisely the reason it was used. Financing could easily have been sourced elsewhere at a much lower cost and stopped greedy investors making money from healthcare. Health tourism and foreign aid is a mere fraction by comparison to the costs of Pfi.


"In 1990, hospitals paid no charge on their land, buildings and assets; today many PFI hospitals are paying more than 15%. The figure is rising fast"



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Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 8:22 PM

Pfi first implemented in 1992 by Major's Tory Government has continued to cause catastrophic damage to the NHS......but ensured investors made shed loads which was precisely the reason it was used. Financing could easily have been sourced elsewhere at a much lower cost and stopped greedy investors making money from healthcare. Health tourism and foreign aid is a mere fraction by comparison to the costs of Pfi.

True. But it doesn't just make shedloads of money for investors - who then give plum jobs to ex politicians, or 'Self-employed' Members of Parliament *-) Its expedient short termism - the public can have their new hospitals etc before the next election - without an increase in taxation or the money being shown on the balance sheet as debt - which it would be if the Government paid for the hospital up front instead of deferring it over the next 30 years or so.

Its another one of those smoke and mirrors tricks that increase inequality - like reducing income tax and replacing it with stealth taxes - the Tories introduced and New Labour carried on. :-S

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 7:03 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)






Their money??? (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............Don't you mean they gave us some of our money back? >:-) ......



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pelmetman - 2017-04-14 8:33 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 7:03 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)






Their money??? (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............Don't you mean they gave us some of our money back? >:-) ......



You are living in a perpetual state of denial by attempting to put some very silly spin on fact, clear evidence you know is there, or should do, but prefer to try and ignore it. Now i know these links are rather long and don't have pretty pictures to look at like the Beano, but do try reading through them, not 'skimming over' as you admit is all you do when confronted by factual information.


There are plenty more links like this which should give you a start. Don't tempt me to have to post up more.












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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-14 5:07 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-14 8:33 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 7:03 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)






Their money??? (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............Don't you mean they gave us some of our money back? >:-) ......



You are living in a perpetual state of denial by attempting to put some very silly spin on fact, clear evidence you know is there, or should do, but prefer to try and ignore it. Now i know these links are rather long and don't have pretty pictures to look at like the Beano, but do try reading through them, not 'skimming over' as you admit is all you do when confronted by factual information.


There are plenty more links like this which should give you a start. Don't tempt me to have to post up more.












Which bit of "Net Contributor" don't you get Bullet? ;-) ..........


BTW you don't read my Beano links so I why should I read your lefty propaganda from the Guardian or the BBC? >:-) .......





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pelmetman - 2017-04-14 7:01 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-14 5:07 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-14 8:33 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 7:03 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)






Their money??? (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............Don't you mean they gave us some of our money back? >:-) ......



You are living in a perpetual state of denial by attempting to put some very silly spin on fact, clear evidence you know is there, or should do, but prefer to try and ignore it. Now i know these links are rather long and don't have pretty pictures to look at like the Beano, but do try reading through them, not 'skimming over' as you admit is all you do when confronted by factual information.


There are plenty more links like this which should give you a start. Don't tempt me to have to post up more.












Which bit of "Net Contributor" don't you get Bullet? ;-) ..........


BTW you don't read my Beano links so I why should I read your lefty propaganda from the Guardian or the BBC? >:-) .......

Unable to acknowledge factual reality you turn to your usual mo of deflection. You realise there will be severe funding losses to healthcare, especially in research but afraid to admit it despite it affecting lives of children.


There is no reading in the Beano. It's a cartoon comic.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-14 9:07 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-14 7:01 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-14 5:07 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-14 8:33 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 7:03 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-13 5:30 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-13 5:01 PM


antony1969 - 2017-04-13 9:19 AM


Little old Blighty now gives one eighth of the worlds spending on overseas aid .... 14 billion quid .... One eighth ... We can't afford to give the nurses a wage rise of more than 1% and A and E departments are closing due to cutbacks but we can chuck money at what's been proved time and again to be corrupt and crazy ideas ... If Brexit was about taking control let's take control back over our super bloated aid budget ... Disgraceful

All part of the Tory plan for total privatisation of the Health service who would shut down the NHS tomorrow given a choice, so what better way than to make severe financial cutbacks strangling the service and frustrating it's "customers"......patients.


It's a psychological way of brow beating people into submission when UK Gov can see the day they can announce they have the answer, a tiered service.......instant admission and instant attention, but only for those paying the top rate. If you can't afford "1st class" then you sit and stew with the hoi polloi.


Brexit still has to find that £350 million a week for the NHS they lied about on the side of a bus so there's little chance of them ever 'controlling' a budget! The illusion won't work......you need some magicians now to start pulling white rabbits out of hats! (lol)


So would the EU prop up the NHS? ;-) ........



It was........but you lot said you don't need their money. Well done. *-)






Their money??? (lol) (lol) (lol) ..............Don't you mean they gave us some of our money back? >:-) ......



You are living in a perpetual state of denial by attempting to put some very silly spin on fact, clear evidence you know is there, or should do, but prefer to try and ignore it. Now i know these links are rather long and don't have pretty pictures to look at like the Beano, but do try reading through them, not 'skimming over' as you admit is all you do when confronted by factual information.


There are plenty more links like this which should give you a start. Don't tempt me to have to post up more.












Which bit of "Net Contributor" don't you get Bullet? ;-) ..........


BTW you don't read my Beano links so I why should I read your lefty propaganda from the Guardian or the BBC? >:-) .......

Unable to acknowledge factual reality you turn to your usual mo of deflection. You realise there will be severe funding losses to healthcare, especially in research but afraid to admit it despite it affecting lives of children.


There is no reading in the Beano. It's a cartoon comic.


Its OK Bullet you carry on believing in Remoaner scare stories ;-) .......Did you hear the one about the UK economy imploding the day after the referendum? (lol) .......


No doubt you believe Labour will win the next election to :D ........



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