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Snap Election 8 June


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candapack - 2017-05-03 10:42 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-03 10:14 PM


Looks like the Sainted Theresa is not only a bloody awkward woman...... she's got balls to B-) .........



Looks more like she's losing it big time. Not sure she'll make it to 8th June without psychiatric intervention.

Apparently from what Pelmet says she's had a sex change. :-S


The latest is she wants to bomb Syria if she wins the election. *-) Oh.......and she's prepared to kill 100,000 innocent men women and children by nuking them.





She never needed an election for Brexit as the EU isn't bothered about who the PM is.....she's just using Brexit for her own agenda, potty propaganda politics and silly soundbites......"strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable," The fawning sycophants soak this drivel up like sponges. They are being brainwashed.







Oh and then there's the "coalition of of chaos". Who could be more chaotic, not to mention confused, than May who back in November insisted she would not call an early General election?!!! And only the other week announced she wants the UK to "lead the world in preventing tourism"! :-(



Anyone could be forgiven for thinking they'd heard this "strong and stable" drivel somewhere before......because they have. And look how well it turned out for him! :D


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Guest pelmetman

......and the alternative is?........Nice but Dim Tim :D ......Or........Gormless Corbyn 8-) .......


No contest is it? (lol) ........



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pelmetman - 2017-05-04 8:23 AM


......and the alternative is?........Nice but Dim Tim :D ......Or........Gormless Corbyn 8-) .......


No contest is it? (lol) ........

Repeat after me....strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable. You've been brainwashed by Mantra May. :-S


"Got to keep the loonies on the path..."


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Doing a U turn isn't necessarily a sign of weakness......agreed that to some people calling a general election will appear opportunist given the fact that there is really no other conceivably able party to challenge the Tories at present.  However as there have been increasing comments about TM not having a mandate to go forward with she possibly (in conjunction with her advisers) decided it was better to go to the polls and cement her position. 

So regardless of which scenario one prefers it is clear to see that whichever way TM had decided to go it would have provided ammunition for those of the other persuasion to attack her position.

....still hoping that silly woman Abbott loses her deposit....  :-)
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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-04 2:31 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-04 8:23 AM


......and the alternative is?........Nice but Dim Tim :D ......Or........Gormless Corbyn 8-) .......


No contest is it? (lol) ........

Repeat after me....strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable. You've been brainwashed by Mantra May. :-S


"Got to keep the loonies on the path..."



The only people that have been brainwashed are those who vote for the same party every time ;-) .....


One would need to be Numb or Dumb from the neck up to vote for Corbyn (lol) .......





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pelmetman - 2017-05-04 3:24 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-04 2:31 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-04 8:23 AM


......and the alternative is?........Nice but Dim Tim :D ......Or........Gormless Corbyn 8-) .......


No contest is it? (lol) ........

Repeat after me....strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable. You've been brainwashed by Mantra May. :-S


"Got to keep the loonies on the path..."



The only people that have been brainwashed are those who vote for the same party every time ;-) .....


One would need to be Numb or Dumb from the neck up to vote for Corbyn (lol) .......

"Numb or Dumb" eh? Sounds like Beano babble unless you've just thought that one up.....in which case you should send it off to Mantra May. Strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable, strong and stable.......lemming drone successfully programmed......next victim please.


She's got your minds under control. *-)


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I cannot believe, that anyone really thinks that the country run by the very lefty Corbyn, backed up by the anti Brexit EU loving Liberals,and the anti English SNP could be anything but a disaster for the UK.

Remember what Kinnock was told when he lost the Election.

Brian B.

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Guest pelmetman

I think Bullets finally lost it 8-) ..........He'll be frothing at the mouth by the 9th of June (lol) .......



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pelmetman - 2017-05-04 9:33 PM


I think Bullets finally lost it 8-) ..........He'll be frothing at the mouth by the 9th of June (lol) .......

Hardly.......i'm finding the blind subservience of you lot to Mantra May quite amusing. You thought i was joking when i said your future holidays would be spent on the M20 in Operation Stack but your Dear Leader confirmed it last week as she intends the UK to "lead the world in preventing tourism". *-)


No doubt that will be "strong and stable" too. *-)

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"Strong and stable" local Tory government seems to be doing it for us brain washed ... Labour " Just isn't working " ... Looks like Mrs Mays leg shots have won it in the locals and of course The Daily Mail helped too ... Bye bye UKIP means even more lovely Tory voters ... Breathe it in ... Winning
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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-04 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-04 9:33 PM


I think Bullets finally lost it 8-) ..........He'll be frothing at the mouth by the 9th of June (lol) .......

Hardly.......i'm finding the blind subservience of you lot to Mantra May quite amusing. You thought i was joking when i said your future holidays would be spent on the M20 in Operation Stack but your Dear Leader confirmed it last week as she intends the UK to "lead the world in preventing tourism". *-)


No doubt that will be "strong and stable" too. *-)


Blind subservience eh?.........Have you only ever voted Labour? ;-) ..........


Given that the choice is between "Strong & Stable"......or......"Stupid & Incapable".......Only Dumb & Dumber would choose the latter (lol) ........


Fortunately its looking like the majority of the UK public don't think like you B-) ........





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Whilst TM might be suffering from 'soundbite-itis' and that 'hopefully' she will find a cure it is regrettable that her detractors seem to conveniently forget the master of sound bites......Tony B'liar....the warmongering Labour multi multi millionaire.......

Myself I prefer TM to the likes of B'liar....or these days Corbyn who is so much of a pacifist even his own party is reeling from his comments.  So war monger, pacifist or someone who uses a few too many sound bite responses.........the answer is clear to me at least. 

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Guest pelmetman
RogerC - 2017-05-05 12:57 PMMyself I prefer TM to the likes of B'liar....or these days Corbyn who is so much of a pacifist even his own party is reeling from his comments.  So war monger, pacifist or someone who uses a few too many sound bite responses.........the answer is clear to me at least. 

The only use Corbyn would be in a war ;-) .......Is as a sandbag >:-) .......
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pelmetman - 2017-05-05 9:07 AM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-04 11:55 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-04 9:33 PM


I think Bullets finally lost it 8-) ..........He'll be frothing at the mouth by the 9th of June (lol) .......

Hardly.......i'm finding the blind subservience of you lot to Mantra May quite amusing. You thought i was joking when i said your future holidays would be spent on the M20 in Operation Stack but your Dear Leader confirmed it last week as she intends the UK to "lead the world in preventing tourism". *-)


No doubt that will be "strong and stable" too. *-)


Blind subservience eh?.........Have you only ever voted Labour? ;-) ..........



Given that the choice is between "Strong & Stable"......or......"Stupid & Incapable".......Only Dumb & Dumber would choose the latter (lol) ........


Fortunately its looking like the majority of the UK public don't think like you B-) ........

You do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you? And whilst Corbyn followed around the Remain camp in the EU referendum his stance was notably half hearted so everyone knew where he stood, not to mention his use of the party whip over Art 50.


You've been brainwashed by Mantra May and beyond help so will parrot off anything which looks like a soundbite no matter how daft it is.


Brexiters already beginning to gather at the exit to their Nirvana.


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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PM


You do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you?



I don't care if she's the reincarnation of Beelzebub :D .........


So long as she gets us out of the EU B-) ........



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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-05 9:07 AM


Blind subservience eh?.........Have you only ever voted Labour? ;-) ..........



Oh yeah I forgot about Screaming Lord Such (lol) .......



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Guest pelmetman

Looks like Queen Nicola's Scottish Independence referendum has been put back in the box 8-) .......


Maybe the Jocks like us after all :D ........



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pelmetman - 2017-05-05 4:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PM


You do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you?



I don't care if she's the reincarnation of Beelzebub :D .........


So long as she gets us out of the EU B-) ........

Then stay out and keep out as i don't want you hypocrites infecting and cluttering up my Europe.


Windswept Skaggy Skeggy is the place for Brexiters with plenty of stinky boozer bars, chip shops and mobility scooters. You will be in Paradise.

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pelmetman - 2017-05-05 4:23 PM


Looks like Queen Nicola's Scottish Independence referendum has been put back in the box 8-) .......


Maybe the Jocks like us after all :D ........



What the hell ... Tories making gains in Jockistan ... Queen Nicola's spin on that one could be interesting ... Winning is like a fine wine from Aldi me thinks

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 5:17 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-05 4:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PM


You do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you?



I don't care if she's the reincarnation of Beelzebub :D .........


So long as she gets us out of the EU B-) ........

Then stay out and keep out as i don't want you hypocrites infecting and cluttering up my Europe.


Windswept Skaggy Skeggy is the place for Brexiters with plenty of stinky boozer bars, chip shops and mobility scooters. You will be in Paradise.


The EU is not a country ;-) .......



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pelmetman - 2017-05-05 5:35 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 5:17 PM


pelmetman - 2017-05-05 4:11 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PM


You do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you?



I don't care if she's the reincarnation of Beelzebub :D .........


So long as she gets us out of the EU B-) ........

Then stay out and keep out as i don't want you hypocrites infecting and cluttering up my Europe.


Windswept Skaggy Skeggy is the place for Brexiters with plenty of stinky boozer bars, chip shops and mobility scooters. You will be in Paradise.


The EU is not a country ;-) .......

Uh?? How does that relate to my post?? :-S

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Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 5:17 PM
pelmetman - 2017-05-05 4:11 PM
Bulletguy - 2017-05-05 4:05 PMYou do realise your Dear Leader, Mantra May, is a Remain Judas don't you?
I don't care if she's the reincarnation of Beelzebub :D .........So long as she gets us out of the EU B-) ........
Then stay out and keep out as i don't want you hypocrites infecting and cluttering up my Europe.Windswept Skaggy Skeggy is the place for Brexiters with plenty of stinky boozer bars, chip shops and mobility scooters. You will be in Paradise.

OOOooooohhhh someone's got the 'obsessive' rant bug well and truly.  Knickers well and truly twisted......hehe.

Considering the Tories hammered........yes hammered the other parties according to today's results it looks very much that the 'Remain' camp will be in for a hammering at the GE......bring it on.

Oh and should things go really really badly, as I strongly suspect it will, for the 'Remoan' side I believe the Samaritans number is freely available......  :-)
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