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Vacancies for......Labour MP's......

Guest pelmetman

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pelmetman - 2017-04-23 11:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-23 10:52 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 10:32 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:17 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 9:53 PM


The "chancers" who are not genuine refugees are in the main no less human than you or I Antony surely?


Which neatly explains why the chancers will queue up to take their chance *-) ..........


Coz if they reach MUGUK they know their chances of being kicked out are minimal coz folk like you will try to prevent it *-) .........


Or at worst they'll get a free trip home and a bung :-| .....


Curiously I get the feeling those who have such strong feelings about human rights, have only ever mixed with very nice humans >:-) .........


I thought I had said the chancers have to be sent back Dave. You seem to have missed that bit.




Yeah......but that doesn't happen does it? *-) .........

Of course it does. You just won't ever see this printed in the Beano, that's all.


In 2015 there were 40,896 people who were removed from the UK or departed voluntarily after the initiation of removal. The UK removed 5,602 foreign national offenders in 2015.


So that's 1.1 million less 40k *-) ........and that folks is what loony lefties call controlling our borders (lol) .....


Don't recall anyone from the left or from the right that has said we have control of our borders Dave.



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pelmetman - 2017-04-23 11:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-23 10:52 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 10:32 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:17 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 9:53 PM


The "chancers" who are not genuine refugees are in the main no less human than you or I Antony surely?


Which neatly explains why the chancers will queue up to take their chance *-) ..........


Coz if they reach MUGUK they know their chances of being kicked out are minimal coz folk like you will try to prevent it *-) .........


Or at worst they'll get a free trip home and a bung :-| .....


Curiously I get the feeling those who have such strong feelings about human rights, have only ever mixed with very nice humans >:-) .........


I thought I had said the chancers have to be sent back Dave. You seem to have missed that bit.




Yeah......but that doesn't happen does it? *-) .........

Of course it does. You just won't ever see this printed in the Beano, that's all.


In 2015 there were 40,896 people who were removed from the UK or departed voluntarily after the initiation of removal. The UK removed 5,602 foreign national offenders in 2015.


So that's 1.1 million less 40k *-) ........and that folks is what loony lefties call controlling our borders (lol) .....

But when Veronica pointed out those not qualifying as refugee/asylum status are sent back, you said "Yeah......but that doesn't happen does it?"


I've shown it not only does, it is happening so you were totally incorrect Dave. You have also wrongly interpreted that 1.1 million as being UK but if you bothered to read more carefully you would see that's a figure from one country applied worldwide, not UK.


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents).


That link also gives clear definition of the differences between Refugee, Asylum seeker and Economic migrant. Both you and Antony would do well to read up on that and learn to distinguish the difference.

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-24 10:55 AM


I've shown it not only does, it is happening so you were totally incorrect Dave. You have also wrongly interpreted that 1.1 million as being UK but if you bothered to read more carefully you would see that's a figure from one country applied worldwide, not UK.


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents).


That link also gives clear definition of the differences between Refugee, Asylum seeker and Economic migrant. Both you and Antony would do well to read up on that and learn to distinguish the difference.


From Migration watch


The Illegal Migrant Population in the UK

Immigration System & Policy: MW 190



1 Previous estimates of illegal immigrants have seriously underestimated the scale of illegal entry and those who overstay their visas. A more plausible estimate for illegal immigrants in the UK would be 1.1 million. If they were granted an amnesty their relatives and dependants would have the right to enter Britain, approximately doubling the numbers concerned.


*-) .......



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Bulletguy - 2017-04-24 10:55 AM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 11:33 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-23 10:52 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:34 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 10:32 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-23 10:17 PM


Violet1956 - 2017-04-23 9:53 PM


The "chancers" who are not genuine refugees are in the main no less human than you or I Antony surely?


Which neatly explains why the chancers will queue up to take their chance *-) ..........


Coz if they reach MUGUK they know their chances of being kicked out are minimal coz folk like you will try to prevent it *-) .........


Or at worst they'll get a free trip home and a bung :-| .....


Curiously I get the feeling those who have such strong feelings about human rights, have only ever mixed with very nice humans >:-) .........


I thought I had said the chancers have to be sent back Dave. You seem to have missed that bit.




Yeah......but that doesn't happen does it? *-) .........

Of course it does. You just won't ever see this printed in the Beano, that's all.


In 2015 there were 40,896 people who were removed from the UK or departed voluntarily after the initiation of removal. The UK removed 5,602 foreign national offenders in 2015.


So that's 1.1 million less 40k *-) ........and that folks is what loony lefties call controlling our borders (lol) .....

But when Veronica pointed out those not qualifying as refugee/asylum status are sent back, you said "Yeah......but that doesn't happen does it?"


I've shown it not only does, it is happening so you were totally incorrect Dave. You have also wrongly interpreted that 1.1 million as being UK but if you bothered to read more carefully you would see that's a figure from one country applied worldwide, not UK.


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents).


That link also gives clear definition of the differences between Refugee, Asylum seeker and Economic migrant. Both you and Antony would do well to read up on that and learn to distinguish the difference.


Thanks but living where I do reading up on "refugee" types is not needed ... They live amongst us ... As far as I'm concerned they are all just "refugees" ... They all cost us money , they give the local cops plenty to do , the vast majority of them are young males and they all claim to be "refugees" so I have to believe them and the vast majority of them follow a religion that shows no humanity or respect towards anyone other than fellow followers

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pelmetman - 2017-04-24 3:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-24 10:55 AM


I've shown it not only does, it is happening so you were totally incorrect Dave. You have also wrongly interpreted that 1.1 million as being UK but if you bothered to read more carefully you would see that's a figure from one country applied worldwide, not UK.


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents).


That link also gives clear definition of the differences between Refugee, Asylum seeker and Economic migrant. Both you and Antony would do well to read up on that and learn to distinguish the difference.


From Migration watch


The Illegal Migrant Population in the UK

Immigration System & Policy: MW 190



1 Previous estimates of illegal immigrants have seriously underestimated the scale of illegal entry and those who overstay their visas. A more plausible estimate for illegal immigrants in the UK would be 1.1 million. If they were granted an amnesty their relatives and dependants would have the right to enter Britain, approximately doubling the numbers concerned.


*-) .......

Not sure why the rolly eyes because in case you hadn't noticed we'd been discussing refugees........big difference between them and illegal migrants which, as has already been shown to you, are removed.


However, back to your Migration watch and illegals........you overlooked this regards illegals from their website;


Illegal Immigration | Key Topics


Accurate numbers are not possible but there could be* as many as one million illegal immigrants in the UK.


Definition of an illegal immigrant. There are four major categories:


1) people who have been smuggled in or entered on false papers (illegal entrants)

2) those who come with a visa but stay beyond it (overstayers)

3) asylum seekers whose cases fail but who stay on in the UK

4) children of the above


* "there could be" means there is a possibility of.......not there is.



antony1969 - 2017-04-24 4:10 PM


Thanks but living where I do reading up on "refugee" types is not needed ... They live amongst us ... As far as I'm concerned they are all just "refugees" ... They all cost us money , they give the local cops plenty to do , the vast majority of them are young males and they all claim to be "refugees" so I have to believe them and the vast majority of them follow a religion that shows no humanity or respect towards anyone other than fellow followers.

An illegal migrant isn't a refugee though as explained above. The definition is quite clear but you choose to lump 'em all together just as you do with Muslims. As for "costing us money", those that don't/won't work will.......but so are the estimated 1.69 million unemployed living on state benefits, some through misfortune but many through bone idleness with no intention of ever working.


Don't let's pretend as a predominantly Christian country (though many are either failing "Christians" or openly atheist today) the Christian religion is without blemish because it's not. Some historical facts here which may shock you.


Mark Juergensmeyer argues that "despite its central tenets of love and peace, Christianity—like most traditions—has always had a violent side. The bloody history of the tradition has provided disturbing images and violent conflict is vividly portrayed in the Bible.


This history and these biblical images have provided the raw material for theologically justifying the violence of contemporary Christian groups. For example, attacks on abortion clinics have been viewed not only as assaults on a practice that Christians regard as immoral, but also as skirmishes in a grand confrontation between forces of evil and good that has social and political implications.


A strain of hostility among Christians towards Judaism and the Jewish people developed from the early years of Christianity and persisted over the ensuing centuries, driven by numerous factors including theological differences, the Christian drive for converts decreed by the Great Commission, a misunderstanding of Jewish beliefs and practices, and a perceived Jewish hostility towards Christians, and culminated in the Holocaust, which has driven many within Christianity to reflect on the relationship between theology, practices, and the genocide.


These attitudes were reinforced in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching over the centuries which contained contempt for Jews.


Modern Antisemitism has primarily been described as hatred against Jews as a race with its modern expression rooted in 18th century racial theories, while anti-Judaism is described as hostility towards the Jewish religion, but in Western Christianity it effectively merged into antisemitism during the 12th century.




It's relatively easy to find much more on the same topic.

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Bulletguy - 2017-04-24 8:05 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-24 3:53 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-24 10:55 AM


I've shown it not only does, it is happening so you were totally incorrect Dave. You have also wrongly interpreted that 1.1 million as being UK but if you bothered to read more carefully you would see that's a figure from one country applied worldwide, not UK.


There are an estimated 117,234 refugees living in the UK. That's just 0.18 per cent of the total population (64.1 million people). The UK received 38,878 asylum applications (including dependents).


That link also gives clear definition of the differences between Refugee, Asylum seeker and Economic migrant. Both you and Antony would do well to read up on that and learn to distinguish the difference.


From Migration watch


The Illegal Migrant Population in the UK

Immigration System & Policy: MW 190



1 Previous estimates of illegal immigrants have seriously underestimated the scale of illegal entry and those who overstay their visas. A more plausible estimate for illegal immigrants in the UK would be 1.1 million. If they were granted an amnesty their relatives and dependants would have the right to enter Britain, approximately doubling the numbers concerned.


*-) .......

Not sure why the rolly eyes because in case you hadn't noticed we'd been discussing refugees........big difference between them and illegal migrants which, as has already been shown to you, are removed.


However, back to your Migration watch and illegals........you overlooked this regards illegals from their website;


Illegal Immigration | Key Topics


Accurate numbers are not possible but there could be* as many as one million illegal immigrants in the UK.


Definition of an illegal immigrant. There are four major categories:


1) people who have been smuggled in or entered on false papers (illegal entrants)

2) those who come with a visa but stay beyond it (overstayers)

3) asylum seekers whose cases fail but who stay on in the UK

4) children of the above


* "there could be" means there is a possibility of.......not there is.



antony1969 - 2017-04-24 4:10 PM


Thanks but living where I do reading up on "refugee" types is not needed ... They live amongst us ... As far as I'm concerned they are all just "refugees" ... They all cost us money , they give the local cops plenty to do , the vast majority of them are young males and they all claim to be "refugees" so I have to believe them and the vast majority of them follow a religion that shows no humanity or respect towards anyone other than fellow followers.

An illegal migrant isn't a refugee though as explained above. The definition is quite clear but you choose to lump 'em all together just as you do with Muslims. As for "costing us money", those that don't/won't work will.......but so are the estimated 1.69 million unemployed living on state benefits, some through misfortune but many through bone idleness with no intention of ever working.


Don't let's pretend as a predominantly Christian country (though many are either failing "Christians" or openly atheist today) the Christian religion is without blemish because it's not. Some historical facts here which may shock you.


Mark Juergensmeyer argues that "despite its central tenets of love and peace, Christianity—like most traditions—has always had a violent side. The bloody history of the tradition has provided disturbing images and violent conflict is vividly portrayed in the Bible.


This history and these biblical images have provided the raw material for theologically justifying the violence of contemporary Christian groups. For example, attacks on abortion clinics have been viewed not only as assaults on a practice that Christians regard as immoral, but also as skirmishes in a grand confrontation between forces of evil and good that has social and political implications.


A strain of hostility among Christians towards Judaism and the Jewish people developed from the early years of Christianity and persisted over the ensuing centuries, driven by numerous factors including theological differences, the Christian drive for converts decreed by the Great Commission, a misunderstanding of Jewish beliefs and practices, and a perceived Jewish hostility towards Christians, and culminated in the Holocaust, which has driven many within Christianity to reflect on the relationship between theology, practices, and the genocide.


These attitudes were reinforced in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching over the centuries which contained contempt for Jews.


Modern Antisemitism has primarily been described as hatred against Jews as a race with its modern expression rooted in 18th century racial theories, while anti-Judaism is described as hostility towards the Jewish religion, but in Western Christianity it effectively merged into antisemitism during the 12th century.




It's relatively easy to find much more on the same topic.


Mmmm ... Mark Juergensmeyer taught at University of California , Berkeley for 15 years ... Thats more than enough time for anyone to get a far left irrelevant opinion on anything ... If your going to post a link try using a credible source

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antony1969 - 2017-04-24 8:20 PM


Mmmm ... Mark Juergensmeyer

I'm getting worried about you.......is that a "Mmmm" yummy or had you missed an 'H' off? :-S


.....taught at University of California , Berkeley for 15 years ... Thats more than enough time for anyone to get a far left irrelevant opinion on anything ...

So University Professor's have "irrelevant opinions" eh? Just those which don't preach the Gospel according to Antony1969 more like!!!



If your going to post a link try using a credible source.

Such as your far right wing Breitbart rag? No thanks........that's full of crap for xenophobes.

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Nobody wants illegal immigrants here in the UK I presume but I wondered what solution will be put in place to prevent masses of them slipping in unnoticed once the French kick our borders into touch and there is chaos at Dover when we leave the Customs Union and our ports fall apart. Illegals that entered the UK and claimed Asylum before the borders were in place numbered nearly 200% more than they were after and this was before the migrant crisis. What would it be like if we dont have a border now in France considering the current numbers of illegals in Europe?


People talk about "controlling our borders" which I take to mean stopping our hard working European neighbours coming here but all I can foresee is border chaos and the very real prospect of illegal migrants from outside of the EU finding their path to the UK much less hindered.

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Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 11:19 AM


Nobody wants illegal immigrants here in the UK I presume but I wondered what solution will be put in place to prevent masses of them slipping in unnoticed once the French kick our borders into touch and there is chaos at Dover when we leave the Customs Union and our ports fall apart. Illegals that entered the UK and claimed Asylum before the borders were in place numbered nearly 200% more than they were after and this was before the migrant crisis. What would it be like if we dont have a border now in France considering the current numbers of illegals in Europe?


People talk about "controlling our borders" which I take to mean stopping our hard working European neighbours coming here but all I can foresee is border chaos and the very real prospect of illegal migrants from outside of the EU finding their path to the UK much less hindered.

Tbh Barry i'm looking forward to the day that happens. The harsh realities of Brexit are beginning to dawn......the reality of trying to deliver the impossible. Dover port would be thrown into total chaos. Give the Dynamic Duo a job there......they wouldn't last one hour never mind one day!! (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
Bulletguy - 2017-04-25 12:23 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 11:19 AM


Nobody wants illegal immigrants here in the UK I presume but I wondered what solution will be put in place to prevent masses of them slipping in unnoticed once the French kick our borders into touch and there is chaos at Dover when we leave the Customs Union and our ports fall apart. Illegals that entered the UK and claimed Asylum before the borders were in place numbered nearly 200% more than they were after and this was before the migrant crisis. What would it be like if we dont have a border now in France considering the current numbers of illegals in Europe?


People talk about "controlling our borders" which I take to mean stopping our hard working European neighbours coming here but all I can foresee is border chaos and the very real prospect of illegal migrants from outside of the EU finding their path to the UK much less hindered.

Tbh Barry i'm looking forward to the day that happens. The harsh realities of Brexit are beginning to dawn......the reality of trying to deliver the impossible. Dover port would be thrown into total chaos. Give the Dynamic Duo a job there......they wouldn't last one hour never mind one day!! (lol)


So you're assuming the Schengen zone is going to survive? ;-) .........







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pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:26 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-25 12:23 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 11:19 AM


Nobody wants illegal immigrants here in the UK I presume but I wondered what solution will be put in place to prevent masses of them slipping in unnoticed once the French kick our borders into touch and there is chaos at Dover when we leave the Customs Union and our ports fall apart. Illegals that entered the UK and claimed Asylum before the borders were in place numbered nearly 200% more than they were after and this was before the migrant crisis. What would it be like if we dont have a border now in France considering the current numbers of illegals in Europe?


People talk about "controlling our borders" which I take to mean stopping our hard working European neighbours coming here but all I can foresee is border chaos and the very real prospect of illegal migrants from outside of the EU finding their path to the UK much less hindered.

Tbh Barry i'm looking forward to the day that happens. The harsh realities of Brexit are beginning to dawn......the reality of trying to deliver the impossible. Dover port would be thrown into total chaos. Give the Dynamic Duo a job there......they wouldn't last one hour never mind one day!! (lol)


So you're assuming the Schengen zone is going to survive? ;-) .........







I see no reason why it couldnt survive if Europe can get a grip on its external point of entry borders. I like this bit in the Torygraph article. "Contrary to the Brexit process, which would follow an orderly legal procedure if implemented". So Brexit is going to be an orderly process? If its implemented. :D

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Guest pelmetman

Daioni grasol 8-) ......That's Welsh for Goodness Gracious ;-) .......


"YouGov have put out their first Welsh poll of the campaign, conducted for ITV Wales and Cardiff University. Topline figures, with changes from the previous YouGov Wales poll in January, are CON 40%(+12), LAB 30%(-3), LDEM 8%(-1), Plaid 13%(nc), UKIP 6%(-7). Fieldwork was Wednesday to Friday last week.

These are, it’s fair to say, fairly startling figures. A twelve point increase for a party over a relatively short length of time is extremely unusual, but the direction of travel is the same as Britain as a whole. GB polls had the Tories around forty percent at the start of the year, and have them pushing towards fifty percent now. As in Britain as a whole, the reason seems to be largely the UKIP vote collapsing decisely towards the Tories.


The result is remarkable though because of Wales’ history – it is a Labour heartland, even more so than Scotland was before the SNP landslide. Wales has been consistently won by Labour since the 1930s. The only time the Tories have won Wales in modern political times is the 2009 European elections.

If these shares are repeated at a general election then on a uniform swing the Conservatives would gain 10 seats (taking them to 21, an overall majority of the seats in Wales), Labour would lose 10, there would be no change for the Lib Dems or Plaid. The Tory gains would be much of North East Wales, including Wrexham, both the Newport seats and two Cardiff seats, pushing Labour back to little more than the South Wales valleys."


I'm getting the feeling Our Bullet is one of those ethnic minorities :D ........


A Labour voter (lol) .....



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 12:41 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:26 PM


Bulletguy - 2017-04-25 12:23 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 11:19 AM


Nobody wants illegal immigrants here in the UK I presume but I wondered what solution will be put in place to prevent masses of them slipping in unnoticed once the French kick our borders into touch and there is chaos at Dover when we leave the Customs Union and our ports fall apart. Illegals that entered the UK and claimed Asylum before the borders were in place numbered nearly 200% more than they were after and this was before the migrant crisis. What would it be like if we dont have a border now in France considering the current numbers of illegals in Europe?


People talk about "controlling our borders" which I take to mean stopping our hard working European neighbours coming here but all I can foresee is border chaos and the very real prospect of illegal migrants from outside of the EU finding their path to the UK much less hindered.

Tbh Barry i'm looking forward to the day that happens. The harsh realities of Brexit are beginning to dawn......the reality of trying to deliver the impossible. Dover port would be thrown into total chaos. Give the Dynamic Duo a job there......they wouldn't last one hour never mind one day!! (lol)


So you're assuming the Schengen zone is going to survive? ;-) .........







I see no reason why it couldnt survive if Europe can get a grip on its external point of entry borders. I like this bit in the Torygraph article. "Contrary to the Brexit process, which would follow an orderly legal procedure if implemented". So Brexit is going to be an orderly process? If its implemented. :D


......and the evidence for the EU getting its grip on it is? ;-) .......


Oh yeah they're reinstating border controls (lol) (lol) (lol) .......





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pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:41 PM


Daioni grasol 8-) ......That's Welsh for Goodness Gracious ;-) .......


"YouGov have put out their first Welsh poll of the campaign, conducted for ITV Wales and Cardiff University. Topline figures, with changes from the previous YouGov Wales poll in January, are CON 40%(+12), LAB 30%(-3), LDEM 8%(-1), Plaid 13%(nc), UKIP 6%(-7). Fieldwork was Wednesday to Friday last week.

These are, it’s fair to say, fairly startling figures. A twelve point increase for a party over a relatively short length of time is extremely unusual, but the direction of travel is the same as Britain as a whole. GB polls had the Tories around forty percent at the start of the year, and have them pushing towards fifty percent now. As in Britain as a whole, the reason seems to be largely the UKIP vote collapsing decisely towards the Tories.


The result is remarkable though because of Wales’ history – it is a Labour heartland, even more so than Scotland was before the SNP landslide. Wales has been consistently won by Labour since the 1930s. The only time the Tories have won Wales in modern political times is the 2009 European elections.

If these shares are repeated at a general election then on a uniform swing the Conservatives would gain 10 seats (taking them to 21, an overall majority of the seats in Wales), Labour would lose 10, there would be no change for the Lib Dems or Plaid. The Tory gains would be much of North East Wales, including Wrexham, both the Newport seats and two Cardiff seats, pushing Labour back to little more than the South Wales valleys."


I'm getting the feeling Our Bullet is one of those ethnic minorities :D ........


A Labour voter (lol) .....



And the Yougov poll was from how many people actually? Have a look at this shocking result on a national poll on This Morning today. 166000+ voters http://www.itv.com/thismorning/hot-topics/poll-who-do-you-want-to-be-the-next-prime-minister


Oh dear, has Chairman Mao Sorry May miscalculated? :D

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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 3:42 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:41 PM


Daioni grasol 8-) ......That's Welsh for Goodness Gracious ;-) .......


"YouGov have put out their first Welsh poll of the campaign, conducted for ITV Wales and Cardiff University. Topline figures, with changes from the previous YouGov Wales poll in January, are CON 40%(+12), LAB 30%(-3), LDEM 8%(-1), Plaid 13%(nc), UKIP 6%(-7). Fieldwork was Wednesday to Friday last week.

These are, it’s fair to say, fairly startling figures. A twelve point increase for a party over a relatively short length of time is extremely unusual, but the direction of travel is the same as Britain as a whole. GB polls had the Tories around forty percent at the start of the year, and have them pushing towards fifty percent now. As in Britain as a whole, the reason seems to be largely the UKIP vote collapsing decisely towards the Tories.


The result is remarkable though because of Wales’ history – it is a Labour heartland, even more so than Scotland was before the SNP landslide. Wales has been consistently won by Labour since the 1930s. The only time the Tories have won Wales in modern political times is the 2009 European elections.

If these shares are repeated at a general election then on a uniform swing the Conservatives would gain 10 seats (taking them to 21, an overall majority of the seats in Wales), Labour would lose 10, there would be no change for the Lib Dems or Plaid. The Tory gains would be much of North East Wales, including Wrexham, both the Newport seats and two Cardiff seats, pushing Labour back to little more than the South Wales valleys."


I'm getting the feeling Our Bullet is one of those ethnic minorities :D ........


A Labour voter (lol) .....



And the Yougov poll was from how many people actually? Have a look at this shocking result on a national poll on This Morning today. 166000+ voters http://www.itv.com/thismorning/hot-topics/poll-who-do-you-want-to-be-the-next-prime-minister


Oh dear, has Chairman Mao Sorry May miscalculated? :D


If I was ITV I'd sack my pollsters ;-) .......Coz they're clearly working for Momentem >:-) .......


For a more accurate view B-) ........




Aaah that's interesting the poll was carried out by Apester ......


Founded in 2014, Apester is headquartered in New York with offices in Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, Los Angeles and Tokyo.


(lol) (lol) (lol) ........So its one of those I want my bunch of losers to look like they're winning, do you have a App for that?..... kinda operation :D ........



Apester provides the tools that enable the creation, distribution and monetization of the interactive, visual, fun content experiences consumers love. Wherever and whenever they want them.


and they do ;-) .......



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pelmetman - 2017-04-25 3:49 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 3:42 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:41 PM


Daioni grasol 8-) ......That's Welsh for Goodness Gracious ;-) .......


"YouGov have put out their first Welsh poll of the campaign, conducted for ITV Wales and Cardiff University. Topline figures, with changes from the previous YouGov Wales poll in January, are CON 40%(+12), LAB 30%(-3), LDEM 8%(-1), Plaid 13%(nc), UKIP 6%(-7). Fieldwork was Wednesday to Friday last week.

These are, it’s fair to say, fairly startling figures. A twelve point increase for a party over a relatively short length of time is extremely unusual, but the direction of travel is the same as Britain as a whole. GB polls had the Tories around forty percent at the start of the year, and have them pushing towards fifty percent now. As in Britain as a whole, the reason seems to be largely the UKIP vote collapsing decisely towards the Tories.


The result is remarkable though because of Wales’ history – it is a Labour heartland, even more so than Scotland was before the SNP landslide. Wales has been consistently won by Labour since the 1930s. The only time the Tories have won Wales in modern political times is the 2009 European elections.

If these shares are repeated at a general election then on a uniform swing the Conservatives would gain 10 seats (taking them to 21, an overall majority of the seats in Wales), Labour would lose 10, there would be no change for the Lib Dems or Plaid. The Tory gains would be much of North East Wales, including Wrexham, both the Newport seats and two Cardiff seats, pushing Labour back to little more than the South Wales valleys."


I'm getting the feeling Our Bullet is one of those ethnic minorities :D ........


A Labour voter (lol) .....



And the Yougov poll was from how many people actually? Have a look at this shocking result on a national poll on This Morning today. 166000+ voters http://www.itv.com/thismorning/hot-topics/poll-who-do-you-want-to-be-the-next-prime-minister


Oh dear, has Chairman Mao Sorry May miscalculated? :D


If I was ITV I'd sack my pollsters ;-) .......Coz they're clearly working for Momentem >:-) .......


For a more accurate view B-) ........




Aaah that's interesting the poll was carried out by Apester ......


Founded in 2014, Apester is headquartered in New York with offices in Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, Los Angeles and Tokyo.


(lol) (lol) (lol) ........So its one of those I want my bunch of losers to look like they're winning, do you have a App for that?..... kinda operation :D ........



Apester provides the tools that enable the creation, distribution and monetization of the interactive, visual, fun content experiences consumers love. Wherever and whenever they want them.


and they do ;-) .......



Whatever you say Dave but if I was Chairman Maggie May I would be a bit worried about a national poll on National Television that gave that result, not a little poll in little ole Wales. Dont get me wrong Im as gobsmacked as she probably is.


Mind you she isnt doing herself any favours. I can see why she doesnt want a TV debate. Apparently she wants to get rid of tourists to the UK now. Is this what Boris meant when he talked about making a Titanic success of Brexit?



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 5:41 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-25 3:49 PM


Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 3:42 PM


pelmetman - 2017-04-25 12:41 PM


Daioni grasol 8-) ......That's Welsh for Goodness Gracious ;-) .......


"YouGov have put out their first Welsh poll of the campaign, conducted for ITV Wales and Cardiff University. Topline figures, with changes from the previous YouGov Wales poll in January, are CON 40%(+12), LAB 30%(-3), LDEM 8%(-1), Plaid 13%(nc), UKIP 6%(-7). Fieldwork was Wednesday to Friday last week.

These are, it’s fair to say, fairly startling figures. A twelve point increase for a party over a relatively short length of time is extremely unusual, but the direction of travel is the same as Britain as a whole. GB polls had the Tories around forty percent at the start of the year, and have them pushing towards fifty percent now. As in Britain as a whole, the reason seems to be largely the UKIP vote collapsing decisely towards the Tories.


The result is remarkable though because of Wales’ history – it is a Labour heartland, even more so than Scotland was before the SNP landslide. Wales has been consistently won by Labour since the 1930s. The only time the Tories have won Wales in modern political times is the 2009 European elections.

If these shares are repeated at a general election then on a uniform swing the Conservatives would gain 10 seats (taking them to 21, an overall majority of the seats in Wales), Labour would lose 10, there would be no change for the Lib Dems or Plaid. The Tory gains would be much of North East Wales, including Wrexham, both the Newport seats and two Cardiff seats, pushing Labour back to little more than the South Wales valleys."


I'm getting the feeling Our Bullet is one of those ethnic minorities :D ........


A Labour voter (lol) .....



And the Yougov poll was from how many people actually? Have a look at this shocking result on a national poll on This Morning today. 166000+ voters http://www.itv.com/thismorning/hot-topics/poll-who-do-you-want-to-be-the-next-prime-minister


Oh dear, has Chairman Mao Sorry May miscalculated? :D


If I was ITV I'd sack my pollsters ;-) .......Coz they're clearly working for Momentem >:-) .......


For a more accurate view B-) ........




Aaah that's interesting the poll was carried out by Apester ......


Founded in 2014, Apester is headquartered in New York with offices in Tel Aviv, London, Berlin, Los Angeles and Tokyo.


(lol) (lol) (lol) ........So its one of those I want my bunch of losers to look like they're winning, do you have a App for that?..... kinda operation :D ........



Apester provides the tools that enable the creation, distribution and monetization of the interactive, visual, fun content experiences consumers love. Wherever and whenever they want them.


and they do ;-) .......



Whatever you say Dave but if I was Chairman Maggie May I would be a bit worried about a national poll on National Television that gave that result, not a little poll in little ole Wales. Dont get me wrong Im as gobsmacked as she probably is.


Mind you she isnt doing herself any favours. I can see why she doesnt want a TV debate. Apparently she wants to get rid of tourists to the UK now. Is this what Boris meant when he talked about making a Titanic success of Brexit?




So Fake news is the best you RemOAners can come up with to prevent the Sainted Theresa winning a landslide? *-) .......





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Barryd999 - 2017-04-25 5:41 PM


Mind you she isnt doing herself any favours. I can see why she doesnt want a TV debate. Apparently she wants to get rid of tourists to the UK now. Is this what Boris meant when he talked about making a Titanic success of Brexit?




"We want to lead the world in preventing tourism." 8-)8-) *-)


Staggeringly crass. Had i not actually heard her utter that i'd have had a job believing it........but here she is.



Had she said "i'm now enforcing the 3 month rule to stop all UK citizens from remaining outside UK, then fine"......but she's closing down a billion pound industry which will put thousands of people out of work. No brits are going to buy post cards of London and all the other touristy tat we flog.


Looks like Skeggy will be getting a lick of paint, more fruit machines, Bingo halls, Waltzers and Whizzers. Welcome to The Lincolnshire Riviera. *-)


For far too long now have we suffered under the tyranny of tourism, generating billions for economy, yes - but at what cost? To have our God-given right to stroll freely up Oxford Street slowed down by confused Japanese people holding Tube maps. To have our peaceful trip to Kew Gardens thwarted by loud American accents.


Brexit means Brexit, and it also means dismantling the London Eye, boarding up M&M world, erecting selfie-stick amnesty bins in Hyde Park and blowing up the channel tunnel. The 'visitors from outside the EU' passport queue will be redirected back to the tarmac so tourists can immediate board another plane home. The Madame Tussauds' collection must be melted down to form a foreigner-confusing barrier around the whole of Zone 1.




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