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Remis folding blinds stuck!


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Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon with Remis folding blinds?

We parked up, closed the Remis blinds across the windscreen and went for a walk.

After a couple of hours we returned to the ‘van and went to open the blinds. They were stuck, jammed, welded whatever word you like to use. They would not open!

After many minutes of trying to pull them apart and head scratching we resorted to using a flat knife to prise them apart.

We then closed and opened them several times - and they operated easily as normal. We have arrived home after a further two weeks of using them, again with no recurrence of the problem.

Our theory is that it was a very hot day and somehow the temperature affected the blinds. However we used them in hotter sun in Spain last year.

So back to my question. Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon?


Cattwg :-D

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Hi I'm amazed you posted this problem only two weeks ago I had the exact same thing happen at home. We were ready to depart and went to open the front blind and it was solid like you say it felt as though it was welded eventually with a plastic spatula forced in at the top and pulled down needing considerable force they sprung open undamaged much to my relief. I really couldn't understand the phenomenon as they have always just popped open with the lightest of touches. It's a brand new van and the blind was closed for about two weeks south facing so sunny but not overly warm. Have checked them a couple of times since and we're OK, however this week here up in Lincoln we've had very sunny weather so just popped out to check them and low and behold they're solid again!! will sort it tomorrow. This never occurred with our previous van. I keep them closed at home to protect the front seat upholstery (as I'm south facing) from tomorrow I'll put our outer blinds on instead. So is it the heat from the sun or the magnets getting a hold after time? Might email remis for advice


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I’ve never had this occur with the Remis blinds fitted to my 2005 Hobby, nor with the Remis blinds fitted to my present Rapido, but I can imagine that if the long magnetic closure strips manage to line up perfectly (which they may well not do most of the time) parting the two sections might well prove difficult.


My understanding (and I failed O-Level Physics dismally) is that magnets tend to lose performance when heated, so forget the hot weather idea.


Try scrupulously cleaning the surface of the closure strips just in case there’s some sort of ‘coating’ on them that might become sticky when hot.


(I suspect this is something that can just happen occasionally...)

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Is it possible that the heat allowed the plastic part of the blind to soften and thus allow the magnets to come into closer proximity to whatever they are being stuck to?. Magnetic performance varies with the square of the separation, so halving the distance would increase the 'stick' by a factor of 4
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To check whether it's heat, or time they are closed, I'm fitting my outer blinds tomorrow in case we are lucky enough to get more sunshine then will close the remis blind and leave closed for a varying amount of days may take a couple of weeks for a result but I'm quite mystified as to the cause. I'll then try the vasline suggestion. But must find out what the cause is. It does seem to be mainly the magnets at the center near the handles but the force required to open them is extremely high


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We have also had this problem on our Burstner IT 590 since new one year ago. It happens completely unpredictably. The blinds are jammed shut and can only be separated with a kitchen knife. I believe the force needed is too much for it to be caused by the magnets. It feels like a mechanical lock, but there is nothing to lock! The dealer has no history of such problems. If anybody receives info. from Remis it would be great to hear as I cannot find any contact details for Remis.
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If the problem persists you could try reducing the 'holding power' of the magnets by trapping a sheet of paper or cardboard between the blinds when closing them or as a slightly more permanent solution stick a strip of insulating or duct tape to one or both magnets to prevent them making full contact with each other.


Not an ideal answer but possibly a short term solution.



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Alan Goodworth - 2017-05-08 9:55 AM


...I cannot find any contact details for Remis.


REMIS contact details are here:




The magnetic closure strips are the sort readily available on-line (or, for cheapskates, embedded in old fridge-door seals).


I can believe (if I really try!) that if the magenetic strip on one vertical edge of the blind is in full contact with its ’twin’ on the other edge, it might prove difficult to separate the two blind-sections by attempting to pull them apart horizontally. Me, I just squeeze together the two ‘handles’ on the edges of my Remis blinds - which produces and angular force on the magnetic strips - and that easily breaks the ‘grip’ between the strips. Not sure this would work if the blinds were on the big windscreen of an A-class motorhome, but I think only ‘Eggy’ has one of those.

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Had a reply from Remis today :


Dear Mr. Lyle,

I can offer you a simple and easy solution for this problem. If you would send me your address, I will send you a strip of fabric tape and an easy instruction how to fix this tape.

With this fabric tape your problem should be solved.


Mit freundlichem Gruß/Kind regards


i.A. Julia Harrenga


Vertrieb REMImobil

E-Mail: j.harrenga@remis.de


I'll post again after I've fitted the strip. I'll also ask them why the problem happens.


Cattwg :-D

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Cattwg - 2017-05-09 8:47 PM


...I will send you a strip of fabric tape and an easy instruction how to fix this tape.

With this fabric tape your problem should be solve



That solution sounds very much like what I suggested a few days ago...


Keithl - 2017-05-08 10:27 AM


...or as a slightly more permanent solution stick a strip of ... duct tape to one or both magnets to prevent them making full contact with each other.



Hmmmmm. German engineering for you :D

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The lady at Remis has also offered to send me some tape but offered no explanation as to why the issue occurs. It seems odd that it happens only sporadically and the magnetic force is so great when normally it is so light. For anyone who has not experienced it, you cannot imagine how hard the blinds are locked together. A real mystery to me.
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Received my cloth sticky backed tape from Remis today, good service only emailed them a couple of days ago. They know of the problem and current production is not affected. The accompanying nicely produced instruction leaflet with pictures (in English and German) indicates that this issue and fix has been reported and addressed some time ago. After experimenting with mine they only "stuck" after the sun had been shining so it must in some way be related to heat, it didn't occur when my outer blinds were in place.


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Cannot believe it, after several years with Remis blinds and no trouble, had ours stick this morning in SW France, temp is 26*c, will try putting some tape on, when it cools down, have put Vaseline on at present but in this temp cannot see it lasting.. Glad I read this post.


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Is it possible the high temperature is causing the coating on the blinds leading edge to "melt" & sticking them together, rather than the magnetic forces.

I can't equate high temperatures = increased magnetic force ?????????????????

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After trailing my blinds in full sun with and without my outer blinds in place they only "stuck" when exposed to full sun. This indicates to me heat/expansion is causing the problem. If the magnetic strip expands it would press itself together thus creating extra grip. I have not had this problem with my last van and had never heard of it being reported, and I've spent months in Spain. I could imagine that the production of the two aluminium channels is at fault possibly the grooves housing the magnetic strips being too shallow allowing the magnets to come too close once expanded with heat. Easy to fix in production once identified, and supplying a piece of cloth tape as a post production fix would be a lot cheaper than replacing strips or blinds. Similarly it could be the magnetic strip itself too thick but less likely when considering production methods more likely a worn extrusion die producing the channels.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Cattwg - 2017-05-15 5:53 PM

I’ve asked, just out of interest if they have an explanation, should they provide one I’ll post it here.

Cattwg :-D


Never did get a reply to my query. So wll settle on our theory that somehow the blinds were affected by the heat.

Cattwg :-D

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