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Throttle ActuatorControl Range / Performance bank 1.


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I have an 2010 Autocruise Augusta on Peugot Boxer with Iveco 160 bhp 3.0 diesel. I get the above fault code. It started after a 3 month idle( i.e not used). The exhaust smoked for about 30 seconds engine would not rev up and only sounded rough. Now everything apparently OK except for fault code. If i clear it, it returns.

Anyone got any ideas please.

I took it it my service man when it happened he said it might have been something stuck and now cleared but fault code keeps returning?

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Lots of smoke, not enough air flow, could that be a restricted intake?


Because it occurred after being idle for some time, could it be Mice in the engine intake?

Throttle Actuator Control is in the intake tract so possibly impacted if the engine sucked in a Mouse or bits of 'bedding'?


Obviously only a guess but suggest that you get the Air intake dismantled and checked as it's an easy and cheap first check.


Look for signs of chewed up Air Filter.



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You need to get the basic checks around the air filter done first, but if this looks good the most likely cause of this fault is the throttle body. There are various fault codes that can emanate from the unit and they include the one that you have seen and more commonly; "Throttle control SV - short circuit to earth". The latter implies there is a fault with the solenoid valve (SV) under the windscreen scuttle but while this may have been over stressed and failing, the root cause is almost always the throttle body (TB) itself. The TB will be receiving instructions from the ECU and reporting that it has done what it was told to do but it has not. This results in the ECU receiving values from sensors that are not good and because it is certain that the TB was not telling lies it tells the SV to operate the EGR valve repeatedly to sort the problem out and get the values back in range. This stresses the SV and wears it out; getting very hot in the process so the SV will more often than not need replacing at the same time as the TB.


The TB on the Euro4 3.0 is easier to replace than on the 2.3 and normally comes off without difficulty. They can be bought from motor factors now for half the price they used to be as can the SV. You may need to source new gaskets from Fiat though.


Early TB's before 2010 on both 2.3 and 3.0 engines were prone to mechanical failure. Since then, they are mechanically robust but have had electrical issues; affecting many more 3.0 than 2.3 vehicles.

For the record....Euro5 engines have a completely different set up and the SV is integrated into the EGR valve. These have been without issues so far but there have been a couple of 2.3 vehicles where the TB has has issues. This has been a pain because there have been no fault codes other than just going into limp mode and the EML coming on with no explanation until the DPF reports clogging issues so the DPF has been the focus and not the TB. I hope to have gotten to the bottom of this problem shortly and will write it up.





What you can do to prove the theory before fitting the new TB is to disconnect yours and leave it in place, then connect the new one electrically and rest it on top of the pipes. Start the engine and the fault code will disappear. Magic.


If the original poster does not object, i would like this question and answer to be published in the magazine so that it reaches the widest audience. Please indicate if this is OK. Thanks.

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Sorry for delay. I have now checked the air filter no signs of mouse. Air filter dirty but no sign mouse . Now booked for service to change filters and investigate fault code. Euroserv and robinhood, thanks for the replies but you don't actually answer the fault code I have got.
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boyobaker - 2017-06-01 10:16 AM


The mechanics state that after consulting Peugot. The Throtlle control valve should be replaced along with gaskets and wiring loo. cost including labour parts etc £958 (parts £700).


Exactly what Nick suggested!


Glad you'll soon be sorted.



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