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Cleaning Awning (Rust?)


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To day we decided to bring our van home and wash and clean it. The awning has a brown stain on it. Has been there for a while. Looks like rust (though can not see where it came from!.) Have tried various cleaners. but to no avail .The awing it self is in good condition, but the stain is annoying. Any one any ideas how to get it off.?

I have found some Sail Cleaner in Garage, have not yet tried that, but do not really hold out any hope, (as you don't get rust on sails!)

OH said we should buy a new one. I said NO it works perfectly and does what it is meant to do. When he looked at the price of new ones , I think he agreed with me!


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Are you sure it's rust? Or could it possibly have been a leaf that got rolled up in it when wet?


If so I'm not sure what the best solution would be but I have heard sunlight is good at bleaching natural stains.



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Keithl - 2017-06-03 8:38 PM




Are you sure it's rust? Or could it possibly have been a leaf that got rolled up in it when wet?


If so I'm not sure what the best solution would be but I have heard sunlight is good at bleaching natural stains.





Could have been, but we usually make sure it is clear when putting away. Never thought of that!

It happened when it was closed for some time. As it is in a couple of places, looks like could have been where water would lay from rain, when folded up

I can live with it, as blind is Ok and does its job, but Oh is a bit of a perfectionist !!


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Sounds like a chemical stain from general weather exposure which is usually impossible to remove. Even though its rolled up it does become stained.


I had the same problem on a house awning. The problem there was it was on a sprung loaded assembly, when trying to clean it the stitching material gave way and the sprung fixings pushed me off a platform falling to the ground head first.


Van awnings are not sprung loaded but be aware that the stitching can rot and separate from the roller end.



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Thanks Will

we won't be trying to climb on it!!! Sounds rather nasty your fall. At least you lived to tell the tale !

The awing is not worn, as it doesn't get used much, and usually as a sun shade in Spain

We won't be keeping the van much longer, so I am not going to buy a new one !


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We stayed at a campsite in Spain under a tree which was dropping yellow sticky leaves.


Some dropped on the awning and before leaving endeavoured to remove them all. However, some must have escaped my attention. We now have yellow stains on the awning, mostly on the underside, which are impossible to remove. Perhaps the upper fabric coating is more resilient to staining ???

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Like Robbo we had leaves/drips from a Spanish tree, it stained a deep orange colour and was impossible to remove, I tried a few pretty strong chemicals which did nothing. After a while I came to regard the stains as part of the pattern, I suggest you will have to do the same :-)



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Hi, we use a magic sponge erazer you can get these in wilco and shops like that for a few pounds. Just wet it and squeeze it almost dry only use clean water and no soap or chemicals. This will bring your awrning up like new, magic as they say. We have had this problem with stains and it gets rid of them every time. Cheers and I hope this helps. Tringy.
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Robbo - 2017-06-04 12:20 PM


We stayed at a campsite in Spain under a tree which was dropping yellow sticky leaves.


Some dropped on the awning and before leaving endeavoured to remove them all. However, some must have escaped my attention. We now have yellow stains on the awning, mostly on the underside, which are impossible to remove. Perhaps the upper fabric coating is more resilient to staining ???


Yes ours are underneath. More orange shade .The upper coating fabric appears to be resiliant to stains.

Shall not bother to try to clean then. Will live with it, as others are doing.

At least we are not alone then.


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hallii - 2017-06-04 3:33 PM


Like Robbo we had leaves/drips from a Spanish tree, it stained a deep orange colour and was impossible to remove, I tried a few pretty strong chemicals which did nothing. After a while I came to regard the stains as part of the pattern, I suggest you will have to do the same :-)



That's what i will do. I guess with sunglasses on will not look so bad!! It's OH who likes everything just right, he even puts things tidy on the shelves going around Tesco !! And I thought it was only us women who like to keep things tidy!!


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This thread reminds me that a couple of years ago - when we unrolled our awning for the first time in the season - there was a perfectly preserved ( but totally flat ) frog stuck to it.


Must have been there for about six months - but I'll never understand how he got there.



( If / when the time comes to remove your frog - hot soapy water will do the trick ).



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