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Gemini alarm gone stupid..help needed


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Hi folks, just returned from a few days away and have problem with Gemini Alarm system.


Seems to have started playing up since I had to clear debris out from the roll out step, picked up during our tour up north. Step jammed in various positions, half in, etc, and I pulled it apart and cleaned a lot of grit and debris.


Last night in the small hours, we were awakened by the neighbours alarm goung off.. only trouble there was no neighbour !!!


Tried several tine to press the fob button to cancel it, thinking that maybe it had not originally been set properly, but could not silence it, or if it did, then a few moments later it triggered again.


Tried several time on arrival home and found that we couldnt cancel the alarm at all, although engine will still start up, so conclude that although the door lock operate, engine disabling doesnt work.


This morning, tried again, the alarm triggered but then could not be silenced. Door locks responded correctly, but continuous deafening alarm, could not be cleared.


In desperation, I dismantled the mounting under the bonnet, and physically disconnected the leads to the noise generator.


Alarm is a gemini 7590T2-1


In the process of dimantling, I dropped a small spanner, which seems to have disappeard down behind the radiator, and is afraid to reappear. ? Still searching.


Anyone any ideas re the alarm problem, or even wher the spanner might be hiding.


Vehicle is x250 base, so how does the front trip come off to find the spanner. ??


Help needed!!


Just a thought, could the alarm problem be related to the well known dodgy earth lead problem.




As an attempt to locate the trigger source, I physically remove the batteries from the door and locker doors sensors to ensure they ere not causing alarms, . Subsequently found that all little button batteries were exhausted.so need replacing.. could this be related. ???




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Tony, it sounds like your alarm is triggered by wireless signals from each of the door/locker contacts. In other words, it is not hard-wired to the door/locker contact.


If that is the case, perhaps the alarm going off when the door contact batteries are depleted is a fail-safe warning sign !!!



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Hi Robbo, thanks for the comment.


I am a bit puzzled though how a contact with no power can send a wireless signal,, , perhaps I suppose, it relies on a continuous signal , running the battery down, and as you sa when battery expires, signal dies and triggers it.


New batteries will be fitted tomorrow.


Thanks for response.



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Hi update re missing spanner.. it is inside the fan housing at the bottom of the housing, and fan blades dont touch it in that position..


I have spent all afternoon under the van trying to get it out, but I dont have enough joints in the wrist and arm to be able to get at it.. I can just touch it with tip of a finger, but not enough to get it out.. a strong magnet might just help, but of course, dont have one.





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try a bent bit of wire, like a coat hanger, and try and hook it out maybe you can move it outwards to get your fingers on it, as for the alarm it could just be caputt my last one did that, try a warrenty claim, mine was well out of warrenty but they gave me discount on a new one



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Hi again, spanner retrieved using telescopic magnet device as described, I had forgotten that I had one somewhere, and found it at bottom of drawer in the workshop.


Mobile mechanic called in to assist, and have investigated the peculiar happenings on alarm system.


Believed to be at least partly caused by water in the electronics in the sounder unit, and evidence of corrosion on the associated board..

Module dried out,, and cleaned up, such that alarm is now silenced, replacement sounder module needed.. tested without sounder, and seems to behave again, just flashing the lights when appropriate.






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hi again. Managed today to get some small button batteries for the wireless sensors.. and the wallet was frightened by the price. needed a total of 6 batteries , 2 in each sensor, and was charged 4 pounds 99 for each one. haggled them down to 399 each but still outrageously expensive, compared with local junky shop..sadly out of stock..


awaiting replacement sounder unit now.. promised it would be dispatched yesterday, and should arrive tomorrow.


with luck, should all be resolved by tomorrow night.


thanks for all comments and suggestions.



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tonyg3nwl - 2017-06-14 8:31 PM


hi again. Managed today to get some small button batteries for the wireless sensors.. and the wallet was frightened by the price. needed a total of 6 batteries , 2 in each sensor, and was charged 4 pounds 99 for each one. haggled them down to 399 each but still outrageously expensive, compared with local junky shop..sadly out of stock.






Did you try the like of Screwfix or Toolstation?


Is the size you needed here by any chance?




May be useful for future or others with similar alarms.



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Thanks for screwfix suggestion.


Battery size required is not listed, and is very small button cell. CR1616, 2 cells per sensor, and 3 sensors, so local car bits shop was only source that I could find in Ringwood.

New sounder unit just arrived and installed.


System tested and now seems to work as expected.. not sure yet whether door switches are responding, with the new batteries. Further checks required.






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