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Autotrail Mohican

The Doc 57

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Hi, this is my first time on this forum.....in fact its my first time with a motorhome too, but I am thoroughly looking forward to the experience.


I have just purchased an Autotrail Mohican circa 2004 on a Mercedes Sprinter 316 chassis, she is beautiful and in as new condition, the only problem is that the person I purchased her from didn't really know how "all the bits and pieces work" so I have been slowly working out what switch does what and where......I emailed Autotrail and asked if that had a definitive book of words for the Mohican, alas all they did was email me a link to the 2004 handbook, which I already have. the switch near the door for instance which has the electric step control on it has 2 further switches I think I have discovered that the larger of these works the light in the lower locker (where the leisure batteries live) but what does the other do???


Also there is no tool kit with the van or wheel brace or jack is this normal are they supplied without these things? or has it been lost over the years? the van has alloy wheels and I'm guessing the spare is steel which means it will need shorter wheel studs again no sign of these.....


Any advice would be very much appreciated as Autotrail do not seem overly keen to help older vans but much more focused on selling new ones.



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Hi Michael and welcome to the forum,


Jonathan is nearly right, I have a 2004 Cheyenne on a 313 Sprinter! Absolutely love it and have no plans to change even after 9 years!!!


I'm not sure about the second of your switches as we only have one by the step switch and this is for the spotlight over the door on the inside, just below the control panel. Is yours possibly the same?


If you Google the make and model of items like the fridge and Truma heater you should be able to find copies of all the manuals on line. If you're struggling let me know and I'll see what I've got saved.


You can get instructions for the Sargent control panel and PSU from their website here...




You should be able to find the model numbers on them fairly easily.


As for a spare, ours is behind the rear panel (below the number plate) accessed by 2 large turn catches. If you reach under the bumper you should be able to feel it. Looking at pics it seems your Mohican may be similar.


Your jack and tools should be under the floor where the passengers feet rest, lift the carpet and look for a turn screw catch.


Any more questions just ask...




PS And where are you in the country?


PPS The awning light in ours is switched by the button on the control panel marked 'AUX'.


PPPS And please add some details to your profile as per the request at the top of Motorhome Matter section :)

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Thanks for the reply, no the awning light is in the main operating control above the door, I have now had a reply from autotrail and they say it is for the fresh water and grey water tank heaters if fitted, (just to stop the water freezing.


Thanks again


Micky T

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Many Thanks Keithl


I did ask today how do I update all my information now that I have been accepted onto the forum. My wife Christine and I live on Jersey in the Channel Islands...no we are not millionaire tax exiles but both lucky enough to be born here.


Yes the awning light is switched in the same place on the Mohican.


Thank you for the Jack spot tip I will certainly look there. Our spare wheel is another interesting one, it is behind a wheel shaped fibreglass cover a la continental, above the rear bumper....very very neat, however, someone has fitted a cycle rack and i cannot see a quick release for the rack and you cannot remove the spare wheel cover with it in place!!!


Learning all the time


Thanks for the welcome and the advice


Micky & Christine

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That's right, now I remember where the awning light switch is! Sorry for the wild goose chase.


I had a 2000 Mohican for 6 years until 2006. Great MH but I'm afraid my memory is rusty about switches and things.

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