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Bulge/blister on side panel join on Elddis Suntor 100, cracked shower tray


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Hi we have just bought our first motorhome from a dealer - 2007 Elddis Suntor 100 with 20K on the clock.

It was sold with full service plus habitat service. We love it and were so excited.

On the day of purchase I noticed a bulge in the join between the top and bottom panel half way along on the drivers side. I asked them to investigate. When we picked up the van a good dollop of filler had been badly put in that area which is also unsightly and dirt sticks to it. When I ran my finger along the length underneath the join from back to the bulge I could also feel some lumps/bumps. No explanation and since have said it is normal and nothing to worry about as they have resealed along there.

After collecting the van we were on holiday (by plane )so it wasn't until 23 days later that I looked closely at the standard of the valet. It was dreadful so I took pictures and sent them to the dealer. At point of sale I asked for the shower room to be resealed around the toilet and shower tray as the sealant was black. They did this. But whilst cleaning it I noticed that there was sealant on the shower tray. On closer examination I saw what looked like a hair line crack but couldn't be sure. I photographed it. I also noticed some black mould on the walls. A worry as I am asthmatic.

A couple of weeks later we went on first over night trip. We filled up the water to discover a leak in the brown waste. We took it to a specialist garage and also showed them the shower tray that was now showing daylight through the crack as we had stepped on it a couple of times. They said do not use it!

The dealer has agreed to change the shower tray but has admitted that it was cracked when he sold it to us but it was water tight. I said that it is not fit for purpose and the repair was a mess and inadequate. I also not happy with the fact that having asked them to repair a couple of little tears in the shower room paper high up they but 2 ft white melamine panel on to the wall. This caused the paper above it to unglue and come away from the wall. Thankfully we had a picture of the cubicle on the day of purchase and it showed black mould in that area and possible staining. I emphasised that I was not happy with this repair and am concerned about damp and possible connection with the outside bulge. Now they have offered to replace a couple shower room walls, and check for damp, give a damp report and take photographs. They will change the shower tray. I have lost confidence and am worried about mould and damp so have asked for a refund as I am not happy with re repairs so far in line with Consumers Rights Act up to 6 months after purchase clause (ie melamine wall and bulge). They refused. I was shocked that they would sell the van with a cracked shower tray - who knows how long it has been cracked for. Also that full service was not carried out. They have subsequently replaced oil and air filter and housing and the back brakes pads as they were squeaking. Will I ever be completely confident with this van especially because of my health? They are keen to do what needs to be done but I cannot get peace about the outside bulge incase it is connected. We are on hold just now and I need to decide what I would like to happen. Any advise would be welcome pls. I have photographs.

Thank you - I love the forum I have learned so much.

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Sorry to hear of your problems -


Without wishing to concern you further, please take a careful look at the underside - along the side and rear skirts.


The way these models were assembled is farcical - there is [usually] an exposed timber running aft from either side of the wheel arch. Just run your hand along and check for any soft wood, also check in each corner underneath.

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Thank you for this advice. I will look and tell the dealer that I would like to get an independent inspector to look at the van. It is with the dealer. The best way I can describe it is that it looks like someone has put something into the join that runs horizontally across the middle where the two panels meet and prised it out a bit. Hence what looks like a bulge. A dollop of filler has been put in there. The dealer says that they have filled along that join and it is water tight. But is this after the horse has bolted?

I am concerned that this is connected to the crack in the shower tray and the black mould.

I am concerned because my current health situation as well as the future of the van.


In appreciation




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Hi and sorry to hear of your woes.


If you paid under £30,000 and either bought on finance or paid any of the money with a credit card then the credit lender is jointly responsible and you should contact them immediately.


Failing that I would suggest contacting Trading Standards and Citizens Advice Bureau asap for advice.




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Thank you. I am waiting for a call back from the CAB. I have been in touch with my credit card company and now have to write to them describing the issue. The dealer says there is nothing wrong with the bulge on the side seam of the van as he has seen it many times. I reiterated to no avail that I was worried that it is connected to the crack in the shower tray i.e. caused by water.

He is prepared to replace the shower tray and two of the panels and check for damp and put it right. I have asked for photographs to be taken. He said that I should have noticed the shower tray at point of purchase. I pointed out that it was not fit for purpose as what appeared to look like a hairline crack covered in sealant ( I noticed this after purchase) showed daylight after being stepped on about twice. He said that water going through the crack would not harm the van and that water from the rain would cause more damage to the wood underneath the van! I told him that from all that I have read water from a cracked shower tray can cause damp and damage. He disagreed.

Re the black mould on the walls he said it was superficial as 'it happens'. Only now am I realising that the sealant around the shower being black was not a good sign and perhaps a sign that it wasn't a well maintained van. I must check the dates of the habitation checks. I paid top price for this 2007 MH.

The dealer wants to know if I want the repairs done or not. I will visit tomorrow to discuss further. I am trying to find out if section 75 of the Consumer Rights Act is negated if I let the repairs happen through the dealer. If I am not happy with the repairs can I then claim through the credit card company?I will ring RAC legal again and let you know for interest.

Is it possible to post a photo?

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Kins - 2017-06-28 6:23 PM

Is it possible to post a photo?


Mornin' kins...


Yes, after compiling your post, check the "Attach a file after posting" box, and then click "Submit".

This then brings up the option to browse your files for am image etc..

(It must be resized to be below 100kb though).


So presumably this "bulge", where all the "filler"(sealant?) is, is on/around the side moulding/rubbing rail?..

If so, then that aligns with the floor level, so did you say that the "bulge"(re-work/bodge?) also corresponds with where the shower room is?

Having said that, it also covers the *panel lap joint for the lower panel.(* and as described in the second link I posted, a panel joint that is lapped the wrong way up!).


If the timbers/floor edge have swelled(rotted) enough to actually bulge the panel, then as globebuster has said, I would think that it'd be noticeable from underneath?




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Kins - 2017-06-28 6:23 PM


The dealer wants to know if I want the repairs done or not. I will visit tomorrow to discuss further. I am trying to find out if section 75 of the Consumer Rights Act is negated if I let the repairs happen through the dealer.



I personally would not authorise any further work on the MH as this MAY be construed as you having accepted the MH and could jeopardise any later attempt to reject it.

If the dealer performs work WITHOUT your written consent then this may work in your favour as you could argue it was to further cover up the faults.


My personal opinion, but as before I strongly advise you to seek professional advice which you seem to be doing.


All the best and I hope it works out well for you.


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Thank you for your interest and taking the time to comment.

The bulge is in the join that runs across the whole of the van, from the back to the cab. It runs horizontally. It joins the the top panel that is from the roof down to the middle of the van and bottom panel that has the wheel arch, gas cupboard etc. Bulge is higher than the top of the door of the gas cupboard door and to the left of it so not close to the bathroom. I would say it was at the mid point in the van.


Also when I ran my finger along the length underneath the join from back to the bulge I could also feel some lumps/bumps.Dealer saying this is normal and nothing wrong with it. I will say that I want proof of that and will ask for an independent inspection.




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Thank you Keith

I got excellent advice from the RAC legal team who have advised to ask for an independent inspection to check for damp and if it is found then I can exercise my right to reject. The dealer has offered to do a damp report but I think an indi report would put my mind at rest. The dealer has said that a cracked shower tray would not cause damage and that water from the road would cause just as much. You couldn't write the script!

They have offered to replace the tray, replace the shower walls (they put white melamine half way up the wall without my permission and my pre sale photo shows black mould on that area) It is now pulling the paper away from the wall. This might constitute a first attempt to repair and leave me free to ask for a replacement under the Consumer rights 6 month rule but it might be tricky to get him to see it that way at this point.

I will take your point not to authorise work at this point in time.

Thanks K


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Kins - 2017-06-29 12:20 PM


Bulge is higher than the top of the door of the gas cupboard door and to the left of it so not close to the bathroom. I would say it was at the mid point in the van.


Oh..that's a lot higher up than I was envisaging.....


As has already been said, an independent inspection (whilst all remedial works is put on hold) and proper legal advice is the way to go...


Good luck.

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Taking the advice you all gave me and having spoken to RAC legal and Citizens Advice I went to see dealer again. We agreed to get a third party in to inspect the van for damp and I insisted that this be done when the shower tray and shower room panel were out. Also that all my concerns would be investigated. I said I would reject it if damp was found.

So far so good until I carried out globetrotters advice -

His advice - ''The way these models were assembled is farcical - there is [usually] an exposed timber running aft from either side of the wheel arch. Just run your hand along and check for any soft wood, also check in each corner underneath.''

Sure enough the corner of the wood closest to the door was rotten. This is not even on the side of the shower room. I also noticed blistering on the body work on the shower room side. The service manager said

' You are never going to be happy with this van' I assured him I wouldn't and went back to the sales man. It was a very quick conversation as he was in a hurry perhaps?? He said that I should buy a new van....

He said he would contact me today and sort something out. I am hoping he has a refund in mind.

I will reject the van outright - no way this van is fit for purpose as sold. I will keep you posted.

Thanks K





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Hi Kins...


Fingers crossed for you, re; the refund!


Even if it did (it won't!) get the all clear from an independent 3rd party..and the shower tray was replaced etc etc, that still doesn't alter the poor way that these models were put together.


If I had been aware of how badly they were designed and assembled, there's no way I would've bought the one we had....


(although it's worth being aware, just in case they offer you "a deal" on a later model, that some of the later ones ( using the "SoLid" build method) are also experiencing serious damp issues...Search on this forum for examples).


Good luck.


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Sorry to say, but I would venture to suggest that what you found will be just the beginning......


IF you do get an independent report, please ensure you insist the underside is thoroughly checked - it's surprising how many habitation checks do not actually take this into account.


Not sure where you, or the van are based, but I might be able to recommend someone to act on your behalf.


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Thank you so much everyone. Good news the dealer has given us a full refund. It has taken a while but as more and more came to light it became clear that this was not viable. The final straw was finding the rotting wood on the near side skirt. Thank you globebuster for alerting me to this in the first place. You were right.

Thank you also fro the offer of a recommendation. Thankfully it is resolved now.

I have learned so much in this process as a newby and I will take time soon share some of these things with you.


Getting support and advice on the forum was invaluable - thank you and I am now proud to be officially part of your great motorhome community having bought a brand new compact motorhome today!


I will not give up the dream.

More on its way.






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Hi Kins,


Congratulations on getting the refund and a second congratulations on the new MH. I bet you can't wait to pick it up and try it out!


If you have any questions in the future remember we are always here and will offer whatever help we can.



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