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Just inquired about a 2003 trigano tribute. Asking about the general condition the chap said he had it welded for the MOT as the LPG tank area was rotten, would these campervans normally need any sort of welding at that age. As we will be looking at 2003_2006 models
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You are looking at 11+ y.o. vehicles, as John says all vans are liable to rust it's only any cosseting that might help a bit.

I note you say gas tank area, this is usually an after market mod, I've heard of several vans on which the straps holding the tank on have rusted although you would hope these would have been replaced not welded, another issue might be that when the straps where bolted on, bare metal was exposed which wasn't properly treated.

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dipsticks - 2017-08-02 11:44 PM


Having looked underneath our van there were signs of rust starting, we took it to a garage in North Devon who spray old engine oil below and get well into all the nooks and crannies. We think it is a great idea and costs less than £40.


Great idea for the van perhaps. Crap idea for the environment and two-wheeled road users following in your tracks on a rainy day.

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Steve928 - 2017-08-03 7:41 AM


dipsticks - 2017-08-02 11:44 PM


Having looked underneath our van there were signs of rust starting, we took it to a garage in North Devon who spray old engine oil below and get well into all the nooks and crannies. We think it is a great idea and costs less than £40.


Great idea for the van perhaps. Crap idea for the environment and two-wheeled road users following in your tracks on a rainy day.


I brushed mine - a cup full does it because its only a film of oil which stays in place. Of course there may be the odd spot that drips. But if you are that concerned about the environment you wouldn't be driving a diesel/petrol vehicle in the first place.

I use new gear oil though - you don't need much, new oil doesn't stink like old engine oil, and its easier to mop up spills.

I've been under thousands of vehicles, often found rust beneath paint or underseal, but never beneath oil. :-D

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Steve928 - 2017-08-03 7:41 AM


dipsticks - 2017-08-02 11:44 PM


Having looked underneath our van there were signs of rust starting, we took it to a garage in North Devon who spray old engine oil below and get well into all the nooks and crannies. We think it is a great idea and costs less than £40.


Great idea for the van perhaps. Crap idea for the environment and two-wheeled road users following in your tracks on a rainy day.


I have never had any sucess washing off oil with cold water especially without detergent. It seems quite a friendly way of using old engine to me, to be honest. What normally happens to it ?

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Steve928 - 2017-08-03 7:41 AM

Great idea for the van perhaps. Crap idea for the environment and two-wheeled road users following in your tracks on a rainy day.


Aha, it's pay back time for all the carving up antics from cyclists and excess noise from motor bikes!


Personally I would not buy a 3 year old van let alone a 13 year old van without getting it up on a ramp and with a torch having a jolly good look, and a poke and prod about underneath it with a long screwdriver.

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Tracker - 2017-08-03 7:22 PM


Steve928 - 2017-08-03 7:41 AM

Great idea for the van perhaps. Crap idea for the environment and two-wheeled road users following in your tracks on a rainy day.


Aha, it's pay back time for all the carving up antics from cyclists and excess noise from motor bikes!


Personally I would not buy a 3 year old van let alone a 13 year old van without getting it up on a ramp and with a torch having a jolly good look, and a poke and prod about underneath it with a long screwdriver.


Ah, sorry Rich, I still don't see it as any way at all damaging to cyclists or motorcyclists or anyone else for that matter, just a good way to make your vehicle last longer and be free of rot.

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