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New Vehicle Tax Rates After 1 April 2017

Vernon B

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Not necessarily!!!


If a new MH is correctly registered as a PLG or PHGV and does not have a CO2 figure then the surcharge does not apply.


If it is registered using a CO2 figure then it will apply.


To the best of my knowledge the only MH's likely to be affected are those sold by manufacturers as original equipment, ie VW California's. As soon as the base vehicle undergoes a 'conversion' ie second stage conversion, the CO2 figure should no longer apply.


Full details are here... https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax-rate-tables/vehicles-registered-on-or-after-1-april-2017



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Billggski - 2017-08-02 12:38 PM


An extra £310 on a £40,000 vehicle? Small change!


But not when you buy it!


It applies when you re-tax from the second year for 5 years! So an additional £1,550 over the first five years.


All the poor souls buying 2 to 5 year old S/H high value vehicles will get hit.


But, as explained above, it is unlikely to affect M/H's if correctly registered.



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From 1 April 2017, if a new type approved motor caravan DOES NOT have a CO2 value on its ‘final’ Certificate of Conformity (CofC) it should be UK-registered in the PLG tax category provided that the vehicle’s Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) DOES NOT EXCEED 3500kg. The vehicle’s list-price will not be taken into account.


If a new motor caravan’s GVW EXCEEDS 3500kg, it should be UK-registered in the P/HGV tax category irrespective of whether or not its final CofC carries a CO2 value and/or its list-price exceeds £40k.


if a new motor caravan DOES have a CO2 value on its ‘final’ CofC and the vehicle’s GVW DOES NOT EXCEED 3500kg, the new regulations should apply to it. The vehicle should be UK-registered in the appropriate graduated tax category and the cost will be based on the CO2 value. The vehicle’s list-price will also be taken into account.


Some light reading...







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For the motorhome buyer the important thing will be to know whether the vehicle has been correctly registered, as it’s hardly sensible to be paying more than necessary even though the amount may represent only a small percentage of the motorhome’s overall cost.


As I highlighted in an earlier thread, the author of an Owner Report article published in MMM magazine reported paying “...an eye-watering £840 first registration vehicle excise duty payment, followed by £475 for subsequent years...” for his 2013 Concorde Credo motorhome.


The DVLA had placed the vehicle in one of the graduated-emissions taxation classes as its Certificate of Conformity (presumably the final CofC, but who knows?) carried a CO2 figure. However, as the vehicle’s Gross Weight (4500kg) exceeded 3500kg the CO2 figure ought to have been ignored and the motorhome should have been placed in the Private/HGV tax class with an annual fee of £165.


Being ignorant of the DVLA’s rules, the owner had paid £675 more than necessary initially and had been paying £310 more than necessary each year afterwards. Unless the original error were corrected, subsequent owners would continue to pay over the odds.

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