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'Platoons' of lorries

malc d

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It seems that in the future we may have to accelerate past three lorries at a time instead of one on motorways.


The scheme is being sold as " an improvement to peoples lives " and will " reduce congestion (?) "


It may improve fuel consumption in the trucks ( but we will use more getting past them ).


( I get the impression that they will do it simply because they know how ).


Can anyone see any real benefits of such a system on the crowded motorways of the U.K. ?




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It's anyone's guess malc. I know these trucks will have more sensors than Jodrell Bank but will they be able to anticipate a problem? That's simple, they will, but will they be able to anticipate more than one problem in a split second. What happens when in snow and ice (especially black ice) can it get it's self out of a drift by rocking back and forth? I think the senareos are quite a lot when it comes down to what a driver is capable of seeing and hearing and being aware of what's around him. I'd like to know that if there are three trucks running together, the first one is the leader no2&3 follow, now a car or bus or truck comes between them it must drop back or overtake to get back into sequence, if it doesn't then more vehicles start to get between them, imagine rush hour, how will they deal with this?



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I don't think the media have explained this idea very well yet and they might even be scare-mongeringin pursuit of a sensational story.


As I understand what's driving the idea is the 10% fuel saving by lorries two and three in the platoon, because they get inside the slipstream of number one.  It may therefore only deliver benefit on motorways, where (perhaps) steady speeds can be maintained.


Among the risks are how well the lorries could maintain their relative positions in traffic, for example with cars diving in between them to take an exit.  A neighbour of mine always liked to tuck in behind lorries when he was on a motorway; perhaps he would want to tuck into the middle of these platoons.  The platoons are also going to encounter cars which are being driven at 5055 mph on the motorway, which they perhaps want to overtake  in which case they could have the effect of being a single vehicle about 200 feet long blocking an overtaking lane for ages and ages doing a painfully slow overtake.  On two lane motorways they would create a big traffic obstacle doing this.


And as I understand it all three lorries will have a driver on board and those drivers in lorries two and three will still do the steering and could resumably take over speed control too when necessary.  Since the lorries are aiming to maintain relatively close formation (inside the two second gap?) I suppose it will be important that the drivers don't relax too much, or use their phones all the time.


There are a lot of uncertainties, so time will tell.  Let's hope the trial doesn't cost too many lives!


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malc d - 2017-08-26 10:35 AM


It seems that in the future we may have to accelerate past three lorries at a time instead of one on motorways.


The scheme is being sold as " an improvement to peoples lives " and will " reduce congestion (?) "


It may improve fuel consumption in the trucks ( but we will use more getting past them ).


( I get the impression that they will do it simply because they know how ).


Can anyone see any real benefits of such a system on the crowded motorways of the U.K. ?





Well I suppose the computers won't feel the urge to drive agressively, watch TV, chat on the phone, read paperwork, eat lunch and generally lose concentaration like some of the humans do.

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This might be viable in foreign countries where they have properly invested road taxes in the road network.

and the Trucks could do thousand mile journeys without stopping for a break.

As always, Englands highly congested roads are another matter. *-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2017-08-26 10:35 AM


It seems that in the future we may have to accelerate past three lorries at a time instead of one on motorways.




They'll have to get past me first :D ..........



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