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Microwave Ovens

Keith G

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Hi All

I have been skimming through looking for advice on fitting a microwave oven into a cupboard.


The vehicle is an Autotrail Tracker EKS and we have in mind a Daewoo QT1 has anyone fitted one of these and any advice on do's/don'ts would be appreciated.


Many thanks

Keith G 8-)

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Hello Keith Yes I fit a Daewoo QT in our Roller Team Pegaso 740 last February and no problems at all.

Low Whats so good when on 6amp electric, din't cost much, and does all you need in a motorhome.

I would recommend whirring it through a S F S so protecting you van mains



/Users/robertcox/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Data/Library/Mail Downloads/DD7C0E1D-FCF3-4084-93A2-D008C98E5596/IMG_1170.JPG


Hope this photo is of help


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We installed a microwave in to a high level cupboard, my OH found it awkward to use and didn't much, so eventually we took it out and liberated an extra cupboard.


Take care to make whatever you do reversable in case you change your mind too!


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A slightly different answer to that probably required by the OP, looks at the power consumption a Microwave can draw and from this aspect, we would suggest the Daewoo looks ideal?


The primary issue with a microwave in a Motorhome, aside from aesthetics location, etc. is the potential very high Initial current they can draw which can be close to double their actual rating.

For example a 700watt microwave may initially draw 1,300 watts when it first starts, but this quickly settles down to 700w.


Obviously a 6amp EHU that is already supplying 2amps to the charger, some to the Fridge, etc. may trip if the Microwave suddenly draws 1,300watts, even if only for a second.


When some sites/installtions can suffer quite big voltage drops when such a heavy initial load is applied, it also makes sense to 'phase in' the electrical load where possible.



Therefore, IMO, the best microwaves for a Motorhome are those which you can start off on the lowest power setting and then gradually wind up to full power, if required.

Usually the budget ones with a Rotary dial offer better control in this respect than the digital versions.


The Daewoo seems to have the ability to ramp up the power while cooking is in progress so fits the bill.

Many digital Micros require the power rating to be set with the time and can't be changed later.



Not fitted the Daewoo, but from the point of view of impact on the electrics, I would suggest it is a good start.


A slightly bigger unit (17L/700W) with a Rotary 'power' dial is the Currys ESSENTIALS C17MW14 at £39.



May we suggest you get the Electrician to fit the 13a socket power point in the Cupboard next to the one allocated for the Micowave so you can isolate the mains if you need to? Also an idea to fit a Spike/Surge suppressor plug in circuit as these often protect the Motorhome 230v from the microwave, sort of 'reverse' spike protection? See photo.

Doesn't always apply but they are so cheap they are worth including.


Fit a 5 amp fuse in the plug, or whatever is relevant to the Microwave you eventually choose.







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Auto-trails delivered to Australia are fitted standard with a microwave. From memory it is a Daewoo so it is possible that the vehicle is all set up to plug straight in. In mine the unit is above the stove and comes with a neat looking s/steel surround. Cheers,
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