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Shepton mallet show aborted


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Hi, yesterday we decided at the last minute to go to shepton mallet show, intending to camp overnight, see the show today, come home tonight.


Having arrived yesterday , we followed the signs for Camping.


Not having previously booked, we expexted to just be able to pay for 1 overnight, and 2person day entry today..


The stewards on arrival, told us that we had to pay the full 56 pounds for the 4 nights, and there was no single night ,and day ticket option.


Having exploded and not being available to stay for the whole time, we aborted and went to find an overnight cl.


This morning , as it was heaving it down we decided to abort completely and return home,


We were very upset at not being able to camp for I night, and cannot understand the logic of the you must pay for everything , no I night option.


Who on earth decided that campers must pay for 4 nights and the entertainment, even though we only wanted one day . ? What a stupid decision.


Shepton show..stick it up your jumper.





Sorry double posting


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In Warner's defence, and you don't hear me say that very often, there will be certainly hundreds, possibly thousands of camping units on site and they have no way of seeing if anyone has paid for one night to freeload the next two or if they paid for all three, without using colour coded camping stickers unless they created separate areas for one nighters and the marshalls were able to send campers to the right field?


That should not of course not be beyond the wit of the show organisers, if they had the will to do so, but I suspect they would rather take more money than put themselves out?


That is no reflection on the many marshalls who do, in our experience, a darned fine job in all weathers.

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Quite right Tracker.


The organisers have fallen back to the simplest most effective way of managing a difficult event. I've spent most of my career involved with managing live events and can say that the cost of staffing an event with differing lengths of stay would be a killer financially (even if you could get enough competent stewards).


Plus the definite possibility of "robust" arguments about who has paid what and then physically getting units/people off the site when their paid stay has ended would be a nightmare.


So Warners method avoids such confrontations but is very much structured in their favour not the users' favour. The only answer is a day visitor ticket and stay overnight somewhere else.

So I suggest that if we want these shows to continue we just have to play by Warners rules, its they who are taking the commercial risk after all.



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Ahh! so the Shepton Mallet show hadn't been "aborted" then...? ..the OP just spat the dummy..and then went because it was raining! *-)


We haven't been to that "show" for years, but when we have, we just rolled up as day visitors and when we were done, just drove back to Glastonbury and pitched on a 'site a 10 min walk from the town centre (for food & drinks )


Surely that would've been better than just driving all the way home..?

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Hi again, thanks for all the comments, excuses etc.


Ok I we made a last minute decision to go, having been misled that we could camp there overnight, and then have a day ticket.


Nowhere have I seen that overnight automatically means 4 nights, that is what annoys me.


In the event, we found a caravan club cl farm for 9 pounds including electric hookup, in about 5 miles away,


As the weather was so atrocious this morning and no likely hood of it getting better, we decided we did not want to get drowned wandering around, and as we had to come home in the evening anyway, we just got up late, and packed up, arriving back home by late lunchtime.


The traders at the show have therefore lost what custom they might have had, and warners didnt get even the cost of day tickets from us.. their loss.




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I learnt years ago that these shows are a complete waste of money, and haven't been to any since, many of the accessories from the stalls can be bought cheaper at my local caravan dealers , and as regards to viewing the motorhomes, they are to packed with folk to get any worthwhile idea of thier potential.
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We always enjoyed the shows, the social side, chatting to other like minded folk, looking at the various stalls and vans, getting new ideas, and we always bought things we never knew we needed as well as things we did need!


The weather was always the deciding factor for us, which is why we never pre booked.


Shows can be great fun in the sun but can be quite miserable in the rain and the mud, especially with a dog!!


We were never ones for the entertainment and always kinda resented paying for it but on balance for fifty or sixty quid for 3 or 4 nights it still made a nice long weekend getaway.

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tonyg3nwl - 2017-09-08 2:54 PM


Hi, yesterday we decided at the last minute to go to shepton mallet show, intending to camp overnight, see the show today, come home tonight.


Having arrived yesterday , we followed the signs for Camping.


Not having previously booked, we expexted to just be able to pay for 1 overnight, and 2person day entry today..


The stewards on arrival, told us that we had to pay the full 56 pounds for the 4 nights, and there was no single night ,and day ticket option.


Having exploded and not being available to stay for the whole time, we aborted and went to find an overnight cl.


This morning , as it was heaving it down we decided to abort completely and return home,


We were very upset at not being able to camp for I night, and cannot understand the logic of the you must pay for everything , no I night option.


Who on earth decided that campers must pay for 4 nights and the entertainment, even though we only wanted one day . ? What a stupid decision.


Shepton show..stick it up your jumper.





Sorry double posting



Don't know about motorhome shows but the steam fairs I have been too have always had the camping fully booked so they have no need to sell one night tickets.

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John52 - 2017-09-09 11:08 AM


Don't know about motorhome shows but the steam fairs I have been too have always had the camping fully booked so they have no need to sell one night tickets.


I've been going to the Great Dorset Steam Fair for years. They have five large camping fields, which are always pretty full, and they allow camping for as many or as few nights as you want. Everyone is issued with a sticker giving the day of departure, though I have no idea how effectively they police it. They also allow you to remain on site for the night after the show closes at no cost, presumably to reduce the rush for the exit at closing time.

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I was at the Shepton Mallet show on Saturday as a day visitor and its not a bad little show. loads of campers and of course loads of rain. It hammered down with hail and thunder at times. There was steam coming off my pasty but it was still good fun. It's the stool holders that lose out and I'm sure some got washed away. I did buy one or two things at both shows I could have bought else where. I was at the Bus/van Fest (3 counties show ground) on the Friday. Worth going even if you don't have a VW and much better entertainment and a younger outlook with no grumpy old people with dog leads extended right across the avenues :-D .I've had campers/motorhomes in one form or another over 20 years or so and still go to the shows but never stay on site as I don't feel the need to but it's good to take a walk round the vans that are staying on site as most are friendly and you can get and give ideas and I may have found a new van to buy in the camping area just by chatting to the owner. It wasn't up for sale but maybe before the end of the year. So worth the visit for me.
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John52 - 2017-09-09 11:08 AM


tonyg3nwl - 2017-09-08 2:54 PM


Hi, yesterday we decided at the last minute to go to shepton mallet show, intending to camp overnight, see the show today, come home tonight.


Having arrived yesterday , we followed the signs for Camping.


Not having previously booked, we expexted to just be able to pay for 1 overnight, and 2person day entry today..


The stewards on arrival, told us that we had to pay the full 56 pounds for the 4 nights, and there was no single night ,and day ticket option.


Having exploded and not being available to stay for the whole time, we aborted and went to find an overnight cl.


This morning , as it was heaving it down we decided to abort completely and return home,


We were very upset at not being able to camp for I night, and cannot understand the logic of the you must pay for everything , no I night option.


Who on earth decided that campers must pay for 4 nights and the entertainment, even though we only wanted one day . ? What a stupid decision.


Shepton show..stick it up your jumper.





Sorry double posting



Don't know about motorhome shows but the steam fairs I have been too have always had the camping fully booked so they have no need to sell one night tickets.

It was a bit like a "steam fair" yesterday at Shepton with all that rain :-D but plenty of cover and vans to veiw
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keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 11:03 AM


but it's good to take a walk round the vans that are staying on site as most are friendly and you can get and give ideas and I may have found a new van to buy in the camping area just by chatting to the owner. It wasn't up for sale but maybe before the end of the year. So worth the visit for me.


That is one area that Warner's seem to have got very lax in recent years. There is no longer any security to stop day visitors getting into the camping areas. Nothing to stop undesirables wandering around and breaking into unoccupied vans. The campers and day visitors have different coloured wristbands so its easy enough for security to police this.

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paulmold - 2017-09-10 1:08 PM


keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 11:03 AM


but it's good to take a walk round the vans that are staying on site as most are friendly and you can get and give ideas and I may have found a new van to buy in the camping area just by chatting to the owner. It wasn't up for sale but maybe before the end of the year. So worth the visit for me.


That is one area that Warner's seem to have got very lax in recent years. There is no longer any security to stop day visitors getting into the camping areas. Nothing to stop undesirables wandering around and breaking into unoccupied vans. The campers and day visitors have different coloured wristbands so its easy enough for security to police this.

I never realized day visitors are not allowed to enter camping areas..... or that I was undesirable :-(
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keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 4:40 PM


paulmold - 2017-09-10 1:08 PM


keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 11:03 AM


but it's good to take a walk round the vans that are staying on site as most are friendly and you can get and give ideas and I may have found a new van to buy in the camping area just by chatting to the owner. It wasn't up for sale but maybe before the end of the year. So worth the visit for me.


That is one area that Warner's seem to have got very lax in recent years. There is no longer any security to stop day visitors getting into the camping areas. Nothing to stop undesirables wandering around and breaking into unoccupied vans. The campers and day visitors have different coloured wristbands so its easy enough for security to police this.

I never realized day visitors are not allowed to enter camping areas..... or that I was undesirable :-(


That's the point - I don't know you or what your intentions may be when entering the camping areas.

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paulmold - 2017-09-10 5:23 PM


keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 4:40 PM


paulmold - 2017-09-10 1:08 PM


keninpalamos - 2017-09-10 11:03 AM


but it's good to take a walk round the vans that are staying on site as most are friendly and you can get and give ideas and I may have found a new van to buy in the camping area just by chatting to the owner. It wasn't up for sale but maybe before the end of the year. So worth the visit for me.


That is one area that Warner's seem to have got very lax in recent years. There is no longer any security to stop day visitors getting into the camping areas. Nothing to stop undesirables wandering around and breaking into unoccupied vans. The campers and day visitors have different coloured wristbands so its easy enough for security to police this.

I never realized day visitors are not allowed to enter camping areas..... or that I was undesirable :-(


That's the point - I don't know you or what your intentions may be when entering the camping areas.

Yes you do and you only have to ask, Hi Paul Biffobear Autosleeper owners Forum AS Montana, Anyway point taken. Just as a matter of interest, have any 'vans been broken into at the shows in recent years?
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It's a sad state of affairs when a group of supposedly like minded people come together to steal and thieve from each other. I didn't realise that went on at Warners shows. Oh! Well, you live and learn. I will bear that in mind at the next show I attend. I would camp but I just go for the one day. I suppose day visitors who use their 'vans to attend the shows are just as exposed and vulnerable to this sort of thing ( noting the "no camping" rule in the day visitor parking area, so no tables, chairs, generators etc left outside our 'vans) and anybody can access the day parking area who is at the show, or just driving past. It's a sad state of affairs that a minority can ruin others inoccent pleasure and have the finger of suspicion pointed towards them
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